Michigan State 🙏

Someone on your side of aisle brought up trans people, I don't see you scolding them when that has absolutely zero amount of relevance to what's going on.
Brought them up to point out that leftism has no place for fact and reality. As in, unable to define what a woman is, and unable to explain how banning guns will stop criminals.
If only there were a way to know when someone would commit a crime before they do it. Then we could make sure those people wouldn't be able to get AR-15s but unfortunately for everyone, that doesn't exist. The Federal Assault Weapons Ban existed only a few decades ago, it's not inconceivable to think that AR-15s should be banned.
MatteoV25 said:
Wanting to have stricter gun laws does not mean anyone is trying to take your guns away. There's a difference

You are still proving my point bro that I initially made about law abiding gun owners.
Within the last 5 minutes, you said it wasn't happening, now it's not inconceivable.
LOL I am still trying to figure out if you live on Mars.
Brought them up to point out that leftism has no place for fact and reality. As in, unable to define what a woman is, and unable to explain how banning guns will stop criminals.
A woman is an adult female human being according to any dictionary. Explain to me how that has anything to do with guns.
MatteoV25 said:
Wanting to have stricter gun laws does not mean anyone is trying to take your guns away. There's a difference

You are still proving my point bro that I initially made about law abiding gun owners.
Within the last 5 minutes, you said it wasn't happening, now it's not inconceivable.
LOL I am still trying to figure out if you live on Mars.
I'm talking about how there's not a large effort to try to ban ALL guns. People are all up in arms about other people saying that they shouldn't be allowed to have militaristic weapons.
You are an emotional hypocrite who is easily triggered.
That's quite hilarious coming from you. It seems you aren't over your obsession with me, didn't you react to 14 of my posts in a single day with only one of them being directed toward you?
I'm talking about how there's not a large effort to try to ban ALL guns. People are all up in arms about other people saying that they shouldn't be allowed to have militaristic weapons.
And you are simply proving to everyone in this thread that you are either young, inexperienced, or easily duped in life. You don't think if the government gets AR's it won't eventually go after pistols? Especially since pistols cause more deaths than anything else?

Let's end this back and forth here and continue in 20 years when you have actually lived somewhat of a life and seen how things actually happen outside of the basement.
And you are simply proving to everyone in this thread that you are either young, inexperienced, or easily duped in life. You don't think if the government gets AR's it won't eventually go after pistols? Especially since pistols cause more deaths than anything else?

Let's end this back and forth here and continue in 20 years when you have actually lived somewhat of a life and seen how things actually happen outside of the basement.
Did the government take your pistols when the Federal Assault Weapons Ban was in place in the 90s? There is proof that what you are saying will happen, won't. Stop living in some fantasy that the government is out to get you.
That's quite hilarious coming from you. It seems you aren't over your obsession with me, didn't you react to 14 of my posts in a single day with only one of them being directed toward you?
You are complaining because people respond to the over 20 posts you have in this thread alone. LOL!

Please stop responding to my posts. 😂
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Yeah that still doesn’t have anything to do with guns. You aren’t really proving your point too well I must say.

The point was made multiple times you dunce, but you keep ranting about minorities and homosexuals as if you think they’re all mentally ill.

People who commit mass violence are mentally disabled. Democrats celebrate mental disabilities rather than having healthy conversations like adults and actually addressing the mental health pandemic in this country. Rather than addressing the actual causes, democrats would rather ban guns and celebrate mental disability along with the breakdown of the nuclear family.
You are complaining because people respond to the over 20 posts you have in this thread alone. LOL!

Please stop responding to my posts. 😂
Who’s complaining? Everyone is perfectly fine to have their opinions but if someone is talking to me, I’m going to respond. Just so happens that I’m talking to 4-5 people at once. And if I do recall, you responded to me first yet again so I should probably be the one asking you to stop responding to me. It’s like you follow me like a stray dog. Anytime I post, you’re right there behind to say something ignorant. It is strange having a stalker.
The point was made multiple times you dunce, but you keep ranting about minorities and homosexuals as if you think they’re all mentally ill.

People who commit mass violence are mentally disabled. Democrats celebrate mental disabilities rather than having healthy conversations like adults and actually addressing the mental health pandemic in this country. Rather than addressing the actual causes, democrats would rather ban guns and celebrate mental disability along with the breakdown of the nuclear family.
We were talking about guns, he brought up trans people. Excuse me if it’s a strain to see how they’re connected. Just because you believe that trans people are mentally ill, that doesn’t make it so. If you’re so concerned with actually addressing the issues, you should express to your representatives in Congress how they need to create bills to impact mental health in a positive way instead of deflecting every time there’s a shooting. All I hear from your side is that it’s not a gun issue, it’s a mental health issue and then they don’t do anything to address mental health. Also, spare me the rant on the nuclear family.
We were talking about guns, he brought up trans people. Excuse me if it’s a strain to see how they’re connected. Just because you believe that trans people are mentally ill, that doesn’t make it so. If you’re so concerned with actually addressing the issues, you should express to your representatives in Congress how they need to create bills to impact mental health in a positive way instead of deflecting every time there’s a shooting. All I hear from your side is that it’s not a gun issue, it’s a mental health issue and then they don’t do anything to address mental health. Also, spare me the rant on the nuclear family.

Of course. You don’t want to hear 5 word “rant” about the nuclear family, because you’d rather put your head in the sand and yell about banning guns rather than addressing the actual issues. Which is the whole point. Thank you again for proving it.

I understand it’s a strain for you to be able to make the connection between the celebration of untreated mental health issues like body dysmorphia, and untreated mental issues that lead to violence. For moderately intelligent people, it is not a strain at all. It’s quite apparent. There’s an unwillingness to address mental health in Washington (because it’s useful), so it’s being done at the local and state level in some places.
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Of course. You don’t want to hear 5 word “rant” about the nuclear family, because you’d rather put your head in the sand and yell about banning guns rather than addressing the actual issues. Which is the whole point. Thank you again for proving it.

I understand it’s a strain for you to be able to make the connection between the celebration of untreated mental health issues like body dysmorphia, and untreated mental issues that lead to violence. For moderately intelligent people, it is not a strain at all. It’s quite apparent. There’s an unwillingness to address mental health in Washington (because it’s useful), so it’s being done at the local and state level in some places.
The trans people you claim to have mental illness, are they the ones committing all of these mass shootings because if not then you have no point.
And here we have the real reason why things will get worse and worse.
I don't want to get into the family lives of posters on this board but not everyone who had the prototypical "nuclear family" had a great home life growing up. Having a mom and dad in your house throughout childhood doesn't automatically mean that a child will grow up better than someone who comes from a different upbringing. Every situation is different so when we put everything into "this way of raising a child works and this one doesn't," that can cause some serious harm to generations of kids.
I don't want to get into the family lives of posters on this board but not everyone who had the prototypical "nuclear family" had a great home life growing up. Having a mom and dad in your house throughout childhood doesn't automatically mean that a child will grow up better than someone who comes from a different upbringing. Every situation is different so when we put everything into "this way of raising a child works and this one doesn't," that can cause some serious harm to generations of kids.

Why on earth would you get into family lives of posters and not just rely upon the abundance of data and studies that have actually been done on the topic?
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I don't want to get into the family lives of posters on this board but not everyone who had the prototypical "nuclear family" had a great home life growing up. Having a mom and dad in your house throughout childhood doesn't automatically mean that a child will grow up better than someone who comes from a different upbringing. Every situation is different so when we put everything into "this way of raising a child works and this one doesn't," that can cause some serious harm to generations of kids.
Fair point. And I hope that I don’t imply that anyone is better or worse because their situation was not typical. But when the critical mass of families no longer has a stable, working dad around, I think it’s inevitable that kids are going to be raised by whatever fills that void: the street, the internet, the government.
I’m slightly entertained by the fact that one of our posters (Bill Cosby) wants to talk mental health and act as if he’s on the right side of history even though he mocked a situation involving an elderly man beaten with a hammer and said he wished the intruder would’ve went further and finished the job. But sure, let’s listen to unhinged, trollish posters about mental health and the things wrong with society. Guy probably watches crazy YouTube videos all day and keeps his urine in mason jars.

Word to the wise: know a bit about a poster’s history before wasting days trying to have a back and forth like that person is actually sensible.
Why on earth would you get into family lives of posters and not just rely upon the abundance of data and studies that have actually been done on the topic?
When I said family lives about posters, I was trying to talk about me without explicitly saying so. I can rely on my own evidence because I've seen how bad parenting looks. I come from a large family where cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. have all gone through different forms of abuse because of their fathers. The same thing with several friends/acquaintances. So for some people to say that the lives of children would always be better with a mom and dad in their household is frankly bullshit. Quality of parenting has nothing to do with your sexuality. What matters is that you grow up in an environment that shows you love, regardless of where that comes from.
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I’m slightly entertained by the fact that one of our posters (Bill Cosby) wants to talk mental health and act as if he’s on the right side of history even though he mocked a situation involving an elderly man beaten with a hammer and said he wished the intruder would’ve went further and finished the job. But sure, let’s listen to unhinged, trollish posters about mental health and the things wrong with society. Guy probably watches crazy YouTube videos all day and keeps his urine in mason jars.

Word to the wise: know a bit about a poster’s history before wasting days trying to have a back and forth like that person is actually sensible.

Quote me if I said that or edit your post because it’s a lie.
Fair point. And I hope that I don’t imply that anyone is better or worse because their situation was not typical. But when the critical mass of families no longer has a stable, working dad around, I think it’s inevitable that kids are going to be raised by whatever fills that void: the street, the internet, the government.
And that's where the saying," it takes a village" comes from. Whether it be straight parents, gay parents, or any other situation, I think as long as kids have adults that can provide them good role models who show them love, then they are in better positions to succeed than if they have absolutely no one.
When the poster won’t stop, but has egg on his face, he calls you a stalker for pointing out his foolishness. 🤪
When I said family lives about posters, I was trying to talk about me without explicitly saying so. I can rely on my own evidence because I've seen how bad parenting looks. I come from a large family where cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. have all gone through different forms of abuse because of their fathers. The same thing with several friends/acquaintances. So for some people to say that the lives of children would always be better with a mom and dad in their household is frankly bullshit. Quality of parenting has nothing to do with your sexuality. What matters is that you grow up in an environment that shows you love, regardless of where that comes from.

Again, you don’t have to get into the family lives of any posters. We are talking public policy, and plenty of studies have been done. Anecdotes don’t matter.
. If a Republican proposed a national mental healthy care funding bill that put in place systems to address the why it would get 100% Democratic support. But they won't, because the party line is gun worship and saying "now is not the time for politics" every time this happens. We've been through this an infinite number of times and it'll happen an infinite number more. Can we at least try something.

Lol. Why does it have to be the Republicans? The Dems just had all three branches, buts it's the R's fault?
Again, you don’t have to get into the family lives of any posters. We are talking public policy, and plenty of studies have been done. Anecdotes don’t matter.
Yeah and if you know where to look there are several studies that say the exact opposite of what you're trying to say.
Please quit posting about me simply because I dared ask you a question you pretended you could not answer. Go back to ranting about trans people.
I love that you keep whining about me responding to you when you are always the one to engage me in conversation first. That is quite childish. If you don't want me to talk to you so bad, press the ignore button or don't respond to me in conversations that you aren't involved in.
Yeah and if you know where to look there are several studies that say the exact opposite of what you're trying to say.

I don’t know where to look for those. Could you please link the studies that say the breakdown of the nuclear family and an increase in single parent households decreases crime (as that would be the opposite of what I’m saying)?
I don’t know where to look for those. Could you please link the studies that say the breakdown of the nuclear family and an increase in single parent households decreases crime (as that would be the opposite of what I’m saying)?

These are three links that discuss the upbringings of kids in households based on the sexuality of their parents.

These are three links that discuss the upbringings of kids in households based on the sexuality of their parents.

Ok gotcha. Committed gay couples can raise children who may fair the same as those raised by committed straight couple which completely disproves decades of research showing a breakdown of the nuclear family and an increase in single parent households leads to an increase in crime.

Funny I wasn’t even thinking of gay couples when discussing the breakdown of the family.
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I love that you keep whining about me responding to you when you are always the one to engage me in conversation first. That is quite childish. If you don't want me to talk to you so bad, press the ignore button or don't respond to me in conversations that you aren't involved in.
Matt, I don’t have a problem engaging anyone here. You have posted about 30 opinions and when I dared ask you a question, you start calling names and getting triggered. Get over yourself.
Ok gotcha. Committed gay couples can raise children who may fair the same as those raised by committed straight couple which completely disproves decades of research showing a breakdown of the nuclear family and an increase in single parent households leads to an increase in crime.

Funny I wasn’t even thinking of gay couples when discussing the breakdown of the family.
I was talking to someone else about how the sexuality of parents doesn't impact the livelihoods of children, then you jump in about how studies don't support that, so that's what that's in reference to.
I was talking to someone else about how the sexuality of parents doesn't impact the livelihoods of children, then you jump in about how studies don't support that, so that's what that's in reference to.

Are you talking about a different thread? No one has brought up the sexuality of parents besides you in this thread. You responded to me saying you didn’t want to hear a “rant” about the nuclear family, which most people would understand means dual parent households in this context.
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