Mark Zuckerberg / Facebook

So now we're

Oh lord don’t be one of those people. One guy(who is - to put it lightly - very into politics) posts something nobody is even talking about and all of a sudden everyone is angry and crazy and needs to go outside. You’re not even saying anything anyway. You’re just saying people are angry and need to go outside who are posting in this thread, which ironically you are posting in. Acting angry and crazy because that one guy posted that one thing. You should go outside and enjoy the nice weather.
The leftist government is imprisoning people for simply liking unapproved memes in the UK.

France just sentenced the CEO of Telegram to 20 years in prison for not agreeing to censor and give the government access to people's data.

Is this REALLY what you want for the world? For America? What happened to so-called "liberals"?

I wake up every day grateful that we have Elon Musk standing against this tyranny.
Where did you read that he was sentenced? He hasn't even been tried yet. Did you check with any other sources to see if it was true? Did you spread it because you wanted it to be true?

England has very not American ways of treating news. Certain stories can be blacked out and the press cannot even mention them. The Brits can hear about them via radio, but the locals cannot print it or broadcast it. They have strict laws against using communications media to annoy or antagonize. This isn't new. This isn't something the current government just cooked up. Government blackouts used to be called D Notices. Now, since 2006 they're called DSMA-notices. Again, because of the right wing rioting, there has been hysteria about the way Brits handle the press. One of them is to portray that as something the Labor government just cooked up. It isn't so.
So now we're demanding Zuckerberg be arrested for something to do with child predators?

God bless, get off social media occasionally and enjoy the last weeks of summer. Life is passing everyone by as they're online all day screaming about this and that. I don't have it in me, nor do I see how anyone does, to be pissed about everything everyday.

The point is that they are trying to use that excuse in their arrest of the Telegram CEO while ignoring facts that show it being a major problem on Zuck's platform, of whom they dgaf.

Try to keep up and stay on point with your outrage, Hall Monitor.
Where did you read that he was sentenced? He hasn't even been tried yet. Did you check with any other sources to see if it was true? Did you spread it because you wanted it to be true?

England has very not American ways of treating news. Certain stories can be blacked out and the press cannot even mention them. The Brits can hear about them via radio, but the locals cannot print it or broadcast it. They have strict laws against using communications media to annoy or antagonize. This isn't new. This isn't something the current government just cooked up. Government blackouts used to be called D Notices. Now, since 2006 they're called DSMA-notices. Again, because of the right wing rioting, there has been hysteria about the way Brits handle the press. One of them is to portray that as something the Labor government just cooked up. It isn't so.
You finally got one small point correct. He hasn't yet been sentenced. He faces that possible sentence.

I stand behind what I said about the arrests/imprisonments happening in the UK. And unlike you, I don't try to make excuses for it or blame one party over another. Their entire government is shit at this point.
You finally got one small point correct. He hasn't yet been sentenced. He faces that possible sentence.

I stand behind what I said about the arrests/imprisonments happening in the UK. And unlike you, I don't try to make excuses for it or blame one party over another. Their entire government is shit at this point.
The arrests were for rioting. Are you upset because it was right wing rioting? The rioting -- targeting Muslims -- began because THE WRONG PERSON GOT BLAMED for a death. And the misinformation spread. Egging on rioting has never been protected speech.
In general, if somebody posts a true lie, there will be a hundred people there to refute it or provide the evidence of it being false, and the truth will generally come to the surface. But we MUST be able to do that ourselves, come to these truths and conclusions on our own. When a Government institution intervenes and attempts to silence speech and determines what "truth" needs to be pushed, you have tyranny and Soviet level propaganda.
If we're still talking about Zuckerberg and COVID here, the Biden admin ASKED him to delete false info. Please, save lives. Don't promote fear and death.

I think you all have lost your flicking minds.
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The arrests were for rioting. Are you upset because it was right wing rioting? The rioting -- targeting Muslims -- began because THE WRONG PERSON GOT BLAMED for a death. And the misinformation spread. Egging on rioting has never been protected speech.
They are arresting people for social media posts.

I thought you supported rioting. Your leaders openly celebrated it, pushed for it, and paid to bail out those who were arrested for it during the "Summer of Love". KH included.
This thread is pure gold.

Cats paws finest.

Move this shit to the political thread.

100% chance Idacat lives in Northern Idaho.
If we're still talking about Zuckerberg and COVID here, the Biden admin ASKED him to delete false info. Please, save lives. Don't promoted fear and death.

I think you all have lost your flicking minds.
You’ve got it wrong again. They pressured him to delete TRUE info… in, what we now know about the effects of vaccines, masks, social distancing, mandates , school closures, business closures , etc. Every single one of these is nowhere near as effective as the government wanted us to believe . Some has positive aspects, yet , but all had obvious negative aspects as well, and the pressure applied was to censor any discussion of that.

And that’s just COVID. The laptop media suppression at the behest of the government put Biden in the White House. Depending on what poll you believe, anywhere from 7-20 percent of Biden voters would net have voted for him had they known the laptops contents were real and not the Russian disinformation that was shoved down our throats .
They are arresting people for social media posts.

I thought you supported rioting. Your leaders openly celebrated it, pushed for it, and paid to bail out those who were arrested for it during the "Summer of Love". KH included.
There were +1000 arrests for rioting. If there were arrests for inflammatory posts about the riots, that's what I was talking about up above. The Brits don't have American-style publishing rights.

IdaCat: "I thought you supported rioting".

You're trolling or are hearing voices. If you're hearing voices, get help soon.
Oh lord don’t be one of those people. One guy(who is - to put it lightly - very into politics) posts something nobody is even talking about and all of a sudden everyone is angry and crazy and needs to go outside. You’re not even saying anything anyway. You’re just saying people are angry and need to go outside who are posting in this thread, which ironically you are posting in. Acting angry and crazy because that one guy posted that one thing. You should go outside and enjoy the nice weather.
I was addressing him in particular, which is why I mentioned the link he posted. I've read him be angry during the Trump years as well as the Biden years. Nearly a decade of waking up and choosing to be mad over politics on the internet. I can't imagine that's mentally healthy. I dunno, maybe it is though, I'm not a doctor. And 'everyone' as in general, not every single person posting in this thread on this very day. It's a positive this is out in the open. I just wish people (in general) weren't so obsessed with social media. It is what it is though. Many probably think I'm wasting my time occasionally logging on and discussing wrestling.

It's also pretty damn hot out right now. Maybe we can enjoy the weather next week.
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Remember DARPA's Lifelog project that was basically Facebook?

Lifelog was a research project developed by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the U.S. Department of Defense's research arm. The goal of the project was to create a comprehensive digital record of a person’s life by capturing and storing vast amounts of data about their activities, behaviors, and interactions. The idea was to develop a system that could track and catalog everything from personal interactions and conversations to the media a person consumed, places they visited, and even physiological data such as heart rate or mood.

Lifelog Project was canceled February 4, 2004
Facebook's debut? February 4, 2004.

Now now. Im sure a very chauvinistic hot or not website specifically for one college campus totally organically grew into one of the most powerful and influential companies in world history that just happened to do exactly what the government asked on numerous occasions.
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The antecedent of the Hunter Biden laptop was the Republican leak about the Weiner laptop that decided the 2016 election.

The provenance of the Hunter Biden laptop was rightfully considered dicey. Who in government has had the actual hard drive even now? Who can provide proof of the trail of possession?
He said Weiner.
So now we're demanding Zuckerberg be arrested for something to do with child predators?

God bless, get off social media occasionally and enjoy the last weeks of summer. Life is passing everyone by as they're online all day screaming about this and that. I don't have it in me, nor do I see how anyone does, to be pissed about everything everyday.
The hall monitor is here. Everybody be careful. When he finally gets to power, you'll all be in jail.
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If we're still talking about Zuckerberg and COVID here, the Biden admin ASKED him to delete false info. Please, save lives. Don't promoted fear and death.

I think you all have lost your flicking minds.
Who is the Biden Administration to tell anyone what’s truth and what’s false. As I said. If it’s false, the truth will come out in its own organically. The government should NEVER be the arbiter of truth.

And I was referring to any and all speech. Not just Covid.

Glad you trust the government to be your babysitter.
This thread is pure gold.

Cats paws finest.

Move this shit to the political thread.

100% chance Idacat lives in Northern Idaho.
Why does any topic with political overtones have to be moved to an isolated thread? This is an open forum. They’d be better of creating a political forum where each topic can be its own thread. But instead we have one 16000 page thread.
You didn't read the post I was responding to. It implied that the response to COVID was allegedly unique and depended upon the party in power.

A few things.

You pulled that 90% figure out of your ass.

You mention "reasonable science" as if you knew what reasonable science would be, even on the fly with a novel disease. (You should be out saving the world rather than wasting time on a sports forum.)

You mention "political division" as if one party were pure as the driven snow and would never think of sowing political division. It's only communist liberal traitors who do that, right? One political party knows all things. Unless they disagree with the boss. Even if the boss says contradictions.

Finally. you state your conclusion as if it were backed by something.
Many, many people said at the outset that it was a bad virus on par with with bad flu epidemics that have occurred in the past. That turned out to be true.

We don’t even really know how many it actually killed. (In reality, far less than claimed, as a result of overcounts designed to bolster vote by mail and collect emergency money). Just as you don’t really know how many votes Joe Biden got in 2020. (Question that and get yourself cancelled or worse).

Zuckerburg told the whole world today: the truth has been censored, throttled, suppressed by a certain political party. The 1A is dead.

It would be nice if you could we could keep saying “Take it to the political board.” Those days are long gone.

At this point, only the fools and the traitors can deny what is happening. If she wins, you’ve seen the end of freedom.
Who is the Biden Administration to tell anyone what’s truth and what’s false. As I said. If it’s false, the truth will come out in its own organically. The government should NEVER be the arbiter of truth.

And I was referring to any and all speech. Not just Covid.

Glad you trust the government to be your babysitter.
The government in a democracy is accountable. Don't like them? Vote 'em out. If you think they lie, vote 'em out. We've entrusted them with the power because they've opened themselves up for inspection. I don't know you from a bum in the street. So, I choose to listen to the people who can be voted out.

You've indicated you admire America's Hitler so you're not exactly trustworthy either.
The government in a democracy is accountable. Don't like them? Vote 'em out. If you think they lie, vote 'em out. We've entrusted them with the power because they've opened themselves up for inspection. I don't know you from a bum in the street. So, I choose to listen to the people who can be voted out.

You've indicated you admire America's Hitler so you're not exactly trustworthy either.
Save it. The government cannot censor speech. It’s chapter one, page one. But we just heard today they did it anyway, and not just a little: they suppressed information about a public health crisis, thus altering an election and destroying the trust of the people and the economy to boot.

You think you could find one guy in this thread who believes anything the government says? Dangerous times.
Save it. The government cannot censor speech. It’s chapter one, page one. But we just heard today they did it anyway, and not just a little: they suppressed information about a public health crisis, thus altering an election and destroying the trust of the people and the economy to boot.

You think you could find one guy in this thread who believes anything the government says? Dangerous times.

In the Twitter files we saw the level of access they had to social media companies. Their own direct portal where the feds got to flag anything they didn't like and "request" it removed.

That portal was written to have disappearing messages so there would be no way to prove the government made the demand.

Let's say you knew nothing about the law. The fact the portal for the request was built so the government's illegal demands would disappear, making it difficult/impossible to prove, is plenty enough to tell you they knew it was wrong.

The question then becomes: what on earth is the remedy? How do you redress what is clearly the largest scale intentional constitutional violation in American history?
The government in a democracy is accountable. Don't like them? Vote 'em out. If you think they lie, vote 'em out. We've entrusted them with the power because they've opened themselves up for inspection. I don't know you from a bum in the street. So, I choose to listen to the people who can be voted out.

You've indicated you admire America's Hitler so you're not exactly trustworthy either.
First we aren't a "Democracy" we are a Constitutional Republic, I see the word play and propaganda has reached you. You trust the people who's pockets are being lined. You trust Big Pharma who is in cahoots with the Government and raking in tens of billions of dollars off of the Covid "plandemic" and "vaccines". You trusted Fauci and Bill Gates who had financial interests in all of this down to being responsible for funding the Gain of Function research that lead to the whole mess.

I trusted those who stood to lose everything they ever worked for to expose those tyrants. Not random posters on some message board. Actual Doctors and Epidemiologists and Scientists who actually stood up and said "Wait a minute here, something fishy is going on". Those people with just as many credentials as anyone you put your trust in. But those people were silenced, censored, de-platformed or had their characters falsely attacked, for their takes that didn't align with the Government prescribed narratives.

The Government is not supposed to be our babysitter. They are there to represent us. They work for us, not the other way around. "Democracy" is 50.1% majority rule with no checks and balances. the word "Democracy" does not appear anywhere in our founding documents, the Constitution, nor the Declaration of Independence and that was by design. our Founding Fathers rejected that notion because majority rule always leads to tyranny as we are seeing. You can continue to walk blindly down the path of having your freedoms and liberties stripped away from you piece by piece until they are completely gone, but I choose not to.
The government in a democracy is accountable. Don't like them? Vote 'em out. If you think they lie, vote 'em out. We've entrusted them with the power because they've opened themselves up for inspection. I don't know you from a bum in the street. So, I choose to listen to the people who can be voted out.

You've indicated you admire America's Hitler so you're not exactly trustworthy either.
Govern me harder says Dread.
Govern me harder says Dread.
That whole Libertarian shtick is hysterical. I've seen it on the innertubes since back in USENET days. And this morning in the shower, I finally realized the perfect picture of the innertubes Libertarian:


Grover Dill from A Christmas Story. "Whooth next?"

Rugged internet individualist. Standing tall with Donnie Farkus. (Just look at that red stuff on his head!)
You people seem to imagine that states don't have the power and the duty to protect public health. That is an ancient function of government. What would you say about a governor who came to your house and took away your computer and other property because you had tried to find out what was going on with one of the government's policies? [Warning: Be careful in your response because this refers to a very recent incident. I say that because you guys make such casual use of ginned up outrage.]

Protecting the public health by quarantining those that are healthy?

Or do you mean by restricting doctors/pharmacists from giving Ivermectin? You know, that medicine that is used by billions worldwide and has since been shown to at least be somewhat effective?

Maybe, just maybe, it was the ramming the "vaccine" through the normal process that usually takes 5-7yrs and then FORCE it on people even to the point of losing their jobs and in some cases their lives (and yes, one of my good friends lost his life after he ended up in ICU 2 days after taking it).

Remember that one time (in Chris Farley's voice), actual, well respected doctors were censored because they went against the narrative being pushed by Dr Mengele Fauci and the SS his goon squad.

I could go on, but we've all heard it all's just that some are either willfully ignorant, brainwashed or just dumb.
Protecting the public health by quarantining those that are healthy?
Selective memory. Our first big sample was the Skagit, Washington choir. 60 people practiced, none with obvious symptoms of COVID. 45 got the disease. 2 died. That's over a 3% mortality.

A disease where 75% of the people get it and 3% might die.

People can (and will) scream that they were in the right, but their indifference to the health of others is the lasting impression they leave. In the past year or so, we've almost been hit twice by some driver who wanted to pass and pulled into our lane. Once we drove into the ditch beside the road. They had their freedom to drive the way they wanted. Even into oncoming traffic. The COVID scoffers are those drivers.
Protecting the public health by quarantining those that are healthy?

Or do you mean by restricting doctors/pharmacists from giving Ivermectin? You know, that medicine that is used by billions worldwide and has since been shown to at least be somewhat effective?

Maybe, just maybe, it was the ramming the "vaccine" through the normal process that usually takes 5-7yrs and then FORCE it on people even to the point of losing their jobs and in some cases their lives (and yes, one of my good friends lost his life after he ended up in ICU 2 days after taking it).

Remember that one time (in Chris Farley's voice), actual, well respected doctors were censored because they went against the narrative being pushed by Dr Mengele Fauci and the SS his goon squad.

I could go on, but we've all heard it all's just that some are either willfully ignorant, brainwashed or just dumb.
I'll take "dumb" for $500, Alex
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Firing health care workers... for not taking the vaxx... the very people employed, trained, and educated to help us... has to be the worst decision in the whole plandemic.

Democrats lol. They're just plain stupid.

My wife was an RN/BSN at the time (she's an NP now) and lived/worked through that whole debacle. Just have to shake your head at the whole mess.
Selective memory. Our first big sample was the Skagit, Washington choir. 60 people practiced, none with obvious symptoms of COVID. 45 got the disease. 2 died. That's over a 3% mortality.

A disease where 75% of the people get it and 3% might die.

People can (and will) scream that they were in the right, but their indifference to the health of others is the lasting impression they leave. In the past year or so, we've almost been hit twice by some driver who wanted to pass and pulled into our lane. Once we drove into the ditch beside the road. They had their freedom to drive the way they wanted. Even into oncoming traffic. The COVID scoffers are those drivers.

I looked at the numbers for Kentucky almost every single day for close to 6 months. Wish i still had some of the emails/texts i sent with the breakdown. They absolutely did NOT warrant a shutdown of the length it went on, if at all. Especially the schools. It was almost like kids were immune to it and that goes for kids up through 12th grade and beyond. It was basically the flu for anyone under 75 and/or those without 2+ co-morbidities.

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