Here is a hall of fame coach from ul...
"The NCAA banned the Louisville men's basketball team from postseason play for a year Tuesday and put the school on three years' probation because of rule violations."
"We had nearly 100% agreement with the NCAA enforcement staff on all facts of the case," said John Shumaker, university president. "The NCAA's response has been tough but the sanctions are fair and I respect their conclusions."
Louisville was put on probation for two years in 1996 after an investigation unearthed questions about former basketball player
Samaki Walker's use of two cars in 1995. (sound familiar? cars for cards has gone on for years.)
Because the new violation involving the basketball program occurred within five years of the starting date of the previous penalties, the committee applied its
repeat-violator (if they only knew) provisions to the case.
"Certainly, I'm deeply disappointed and saddened by the decision," Coach Denny Crum said in a statement. "Regardless of the outcome of the decision, I am ultimately responsible for our basketball program and I feel bad that it has had such a negative effect on our program and this university."
Just as Dean Smith was a disciple of Frank McGuire and his cheating ways, and Roy Williams learned to scam the system from Dean, Denny Crum learned early how to cheat for fun and profit from a master, John Wooden "the Bastard of Westwood".