
The running joke locally, per my wife's Hengroup text thread, is that he's located in a holler full of bootleggers who are just waiting for the reward money to increase before they shoot him and call the cops to get the body.

Here's what appears to be a much better account of what happened. What the hell was up with the mayor on KSR?

Looking more like he might be dead?

It goes on to state that the individual provided text messages from Couch, who claimed he was "going to kill a lot of people, along with himself," and was determined by officials that the text was sent on Saturday at 5:03 p.m.

Shooting started around 5:30 pm. They had pinged his cellphone to that exit by 6:53 and located his car (presumably with the cellphone in it) by 7:55 pm.

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What do you mean exactly? You don’t need data to know the reality of what’s happening. People are dangerous in general. Some countries are more dangerous than the US.

Ask the people from Colombia how gun control works. :rolleyes:
I mean we've been hearing the same fear mongering about illegal immigration for literally decades and yet the crime rates keep dropping. It was a huge part of the 2016 campaign ("they're not sending their best") and yet the data since then showed illegal immigrants did not cause an increase in violent crimes.

Yes, there are dangerous people everywhere, and yes tons of countries are more dangerous than the US. But there is zero evidence that people entering this country illegally are more dangerous than the native Americans already here. You can show me all the Fox News headlines you want, but "the plural or anecdote is not data" is a saying for a reason.

The "reality of what's happening" is not reflected by reading cherry picked headlines from news publications. As of July 2024 violent crime in the US is down significantly and homicides are as low as they've been since 2015.

And Colombia's problems weren't caused by gun control. The instability of Latin America is in large part due US foreign policy over the last 100 years.
Data can be very useful when it is complete and used properly. But data on violent crime in America is incomplete because of the reality that so much violent crime goes unsolved. That means that the data is unreliable and relies heavily on conviction rates, an even smaller piece of the pie. Unsolved killings are at a record high according to NPR. Who is committing these murders and why is it so difficult to solve them?

If we're talking about outdated data, your first link is from 2020. So it seems like police have always had trouble solving violent crime, whether we are talking before or after the illegal immigration narrative started.

And sure, unsolved violent crime might be up, but the actual violent crime and homicides are down. Homicides are as low as they've been since 2015. Some people talk like America is a violent hell scape right now thanks to illegal immigrants. That simply is not true no matter how much you want to dismiss the data.

If decades of data show that illegal immigrants commit crimes at lower rates, and current data show violent crime is at almost a decade low, then I dont know how anyone can conclude that illegal immigrants are causing huge issue with violent crime in America right now. You can always cherry pick headlines showing people of any group committing violent crime, illegal immigrants included, but that doesn't mean it proves any big picture trend.
If we're talking about outdated data, your first link is from 2020. So it seems like police have always had trouble solving violent crime, whether we are talking before or after the illegal immigration narrative started.

And sure, unsolved violent crime might be up, but the actual violent crime and homicides are down. Homicides are as low as they've been since 2015. Some people talk like America is a violent hell scape right now thanks to illegal immigrants. That simply is not true no matter how much you want to dismiss the data.

If decades of data show that illegal immigrants commit crimes at lower rates, and current data show violent crime is at almost a decade low, then I dont know how anyone can conclude that illegal immigrants are causing huge issue with violent crime in America right now. You can always cherry pick headlines showing people of any group committing violent crime, illegal immigrants included, but that doesn't mean it proves any big picture trend.
Haitians are eating house cats in Springfield, OH and this motherf'r is defending bringing those 3rd world morons here. Unbelievable.
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I represent several. Per PTI, they are likely to all be related so I can ask if anyone knows a cat-eating Haitian up that way if you want.

Just need to know where the Jacksonville, FL chapter meets? I can handle it from there.
I dont recall the nationality but some immigrants just got in trouble for beheading ducks at a local park and eating them.

Gotta love the diversity that they are bringing into our communities.
I dont recall the nationality but some immigrants just got in trouble for beheading ducks at a local park and eating them.

Gotta love the diversity that they are bringing into our communities.

OH! So I can use the cats to lure them to the golf course and when they see the Canadian Geese, they'll behead them?!

They do this all for free?!