Tired of Cal being a bitch boy to NBA handlers and a coward not playing Sharpe at all. Top draft pick sat on the ***** Bench all of conference play. Just one of many terrible excuses he is
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Outcoached, outplayed by a team full of 3 star players nobody has ever heard of and a coach nobody's ever heard. I was afraid of us not being able to hit shi*, we also missed 5 free throws in overtime, this team and coach flat out choked.
I prayed, preached, ranted all year for Cal to see the light and learn how to space the floor and let these guys play with some freedom on the offensive side of the ball and instead I have to watch a team I didn’t know existed until today send us home doing the exact thing I was talking about.
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Man the guy has robbed UK blind get the 4 sale signs into his yard tonight! He needs to be out by morning. There are a lot of teams hiring let UK be another!
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Maybe this will lead to us getting a competent coach. We're never doing anything again as long as Cal is here.
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30 and 16 from Oscar. Almost nothing from Grady and TyTy. Not much help fro, anyone. Missed free throws were ridiculous.
I know this is a lost cause but everything you post will be used as comedy for rival fan bases and social media. Take it on the chin and just acknowledge this sucks and it’s not really worth your time. I assure you Cal doesn’t give a shit.
Fire him and steal Payne back before he unpacks his bags. Anything is better than this.
I said we wouldn’t make it out of the first weekend and I was called a hater. I guess I’m just a realistic guy that knows a little bit about basketball!
His built in excuse already was this team wasn't Tournament tested. BULLSHIT MY ASS!! Like his one and done teams were dripping in experience??? Please Cal, spare this horse shit. No one buys your drivel anymore
Been a 100% Cal supporter, but we need a change asap. It can't get any worst than the past 2 seasons. We might even save some $$.
I guess it made a pretty big difference between being #1 and #2 seed and I guess our golden road was not so golden.

This is going to make for a long tournament.

I thought Kentucky had a great shot to make final 4 and win a ship this year.

I really can't believe it.
His offense if you want to call it that has to be the easiest one in college basketball to defend. Someone please tell me why we didn't at least give zone a chance. Just image if St. Peter's coach had been stupid enough to stick with his man defense even though Wheeler was eating it alive? We would have easily won the game. It has been bad enough that we have had to watch countless reruns of Duke last second victory against us. Now we have to endure the embarrassment of getting beat by a 15 seed.
Cal road OT all he could. Instead of having the ability to get others playing better, he couldn't. Really feel he could have a pro team and would struggle in the tournament. Does not demand they play harder than the other team and doesn't know how to coach good defense.
I just hope all the Cal lovers can come out and defend their position tonight. Is he a good man, I say yes. Is he a good recruiter, I say yes. Is he a ball coach, I say hell no!!! Enough is enough. Last year just wasn’t a gap in time, if the Cal lovers can’t see it now, they can’t be convinced.
Literally can’t defend cal anymore the excuse was he never got beat on the first weekend. He lost because of the Same crap that always causes him to lose in March. Got up 6 and that stall ball crap.
I prayed, preached, ranted all year for Cal to see the light and learn how to space the floor and let these guys play with some freedom on the offensive side of the ball and instead I have to watch a team I didn’t know existed until today send us home doing the exact thing I was talking about.
It was never and will never happen. Cal is stubborn and stuck back in time. And it's time for us to admit it, if Anthony Davis wouldn't have come here we would have never won number 8
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