Kentucky beat a 1, a 2 and two 4s…

Nope. I go back to Wildcatchat. And sorry but no they won’t. I don’t know anyone in Lexington who claims they want him to stay. Literally everyone at games, work, friends, family, all of them want him out (for sure my experience) . I know one person on campus that likes him and he’s in an administrative role.

They’re not going back unless he wins huge and many of them say even then no.

It’s only on this board that I can find a few here and there that want him to hang around. And that’s not even many.

OP is always okay if we lose and does nothing but want the guy losing to hang around. That’s not the way U.K. fans roll.

I’d be willing to bet the few that have backed Calipari this long don’t even live in Kentucky probably down in Florida to be honest (probably didn’t go to UK in any fashion either). Old, rich, and don’t really care. Can’t blame them honestly. Hell when you’re rich or well off / old you don’t care about anything except your dogs so.
Anyone who says they wouldn't want Cal back, even if he was to win a championship this year, are absolutely idiots and are not true UK fans. They are just blinded by their hatred of Cal.

To want a coach gone coming off his second championship with the program is pure lunacy.

Listen, I am of the opinion that Cal needs at least a FF. Otherwise I have no problem watching him leave/get let go. But if UK wins it all, that would be 2 championships in 15 yrs, with 5 FFs. Essentially a championship every 7.5 yrs. For comparison, Coach K won 5 titles in 40 yrs at Duke, which is a championship every 8 yrs. But yeah, let's run him off if UK wins it all this yr. Unbelievable.