Kansas and Bill Self, just like Duke are producing bust after bust in the NBA.

Okafor has certainly been a bust in the NBA. Means nada to me. He was a key contributor to a National Title. Anything else is icing on the cake.

Lol, your titles are set up. Ncaa does as much as they can to gift wrap you titles. Key contributor? The ncaa and the refs were the key contributors to your title.
Lol, your titles are set up. Ncaa does as much as they can to gift wrap you titles. Key contributor? The ncaa and the refs were the key contributors to your title.

I don’t know how any Duke fan takes pride in their success. Coach K is a proven liar, it’s right there on tape. The ncaa has rigged shit up for Duke for years, excluded them from adhering to the rules, and supplied them with lopsided whistles and soft roads all in the name of trying to project an image of college basketball they deem worthy. Espn has aided this system and supplied them an entire network to push it.

Anyone who’s not a supporter of that system can clearly see it. It’s not just UK fans, it’s everyone.

And that’s why eventually, Duke will die. It’s not their program, it’s outside circumstances.

Duke would be a good program regardless. They always were, they just wouldn’t be at the top tier.

And I 100% believe it. I don’t even say this about UNC and they cheated academically for years. Duke is another animal.
Lol, your titles are set up. Ncaa does as much as they can to gift wrap you titles. Key contributor? The ncaa and the refs were the key contributors to your title.

In 2010 and 2015, Duke was set to play the great UK, who interestingly enough had knocked Duke out the tournament in 98 under similar circumstances by the great Tubby Smith. When you’re set up to play the great UK in the NCAA tournament before the title game, you’re never set up for an easy title run. I mean look at what it took in 92 to overcome. Even in 2001, Duke was set to play UK after beating UCLA. Nope, the NCAA has generally tried to make it quite hard for Duke by placing them in the path of UK during those title runs.
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In 2010 and 2015, Duke was set to play the great UK, who interestingly enough had knocked Duke out the tournament in 98 under similar circumstances by the great Tubby Smith. When you’re set up to play the great UK in the NCAA tournament before the title game, you’re never set up for an easy title run. I mean look at what it took in 92 to overcome. Even in 2001, Duke was set to play UK after beating UCLA. Nope, the NCAA has generally tried to make it quite hard for Duke by placing them in the path of UK during those title runs.

Duke was put on the opposite side of the entire bracket from UK, Wisconsin, and Arizona in 2015. Those four teams were clearly the best four teams and the NCAA selection committee put three of the four together and left Duke on the other side with Villanova as the other number one. The third best team on that side was a UVA team that had just lost their best player to injury. I believe Gonzaga was Duke's 2 seed.

That year, Duke was definitely given the easiest path to the title game.
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