Jerry Tipton Doing Tipton Thing’s.......Again

How does a publication keep the same guy since 1982? You're telling me there's no new blood to bring in?

Here's the thing about journalism that I hate. So smug journalists will pride themselves about holding people accountable and being champions of "truth" and whatever old verbage they use...

But why do we force people to talk to someone who will not be fair in coverage and uses their articles to slander, lie and bully? In your life, if you knew someone was just going to write nothing but negative stuff about you, why would you ever grant them access to you?

You cannot claim to be an impartial source when everything you write is negative and you've been doing this for decades.
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Today was media day at UK and of course someone asked Cal about his opinion on the FBI investigation involving UL . Cal answered politely saying he just wanted to talk about “his” team and asked does anybody have any questions about my team. Tipton asked about the FBI looking at Nike’s involvement and Kentucky being a Nike school. Cal again said I just want to talk about my team to which Tipton interrupted saying “This is media day, not coaches day and I am entitled to ask this question” in an extremely rude manner. Whether or not he had a right to ask that question he didn’t have to be such a grandstanding ahole about it. If UK were involved in any way this jackwagon would Pitino down his leg. No wonder nobody likes the guy.
I tell you what I would do If I were Cal. Any question he asked to me or my team would be no comment. This guy is a total jack wagon who is as relevant as rotary phones. Why UK even allows him in the building is beyond me. I saw the clip and the guy is a total loser in life and in his profession. I wouldn't have answered him at all. What a loser.
As much as Tipton irritates us fans, he is doing the job the media is supposed to do.

Exhibit A is in Louisville, the local media cozied up to Louisville athletics and quit holding them accountable.

Calipari knows Tipton will report anything that doesn’t smell right in the basketball program.
Nope. What he did was rude and childish.
Y’all need to give Jerry a break. He gets grumpy since UK never invites him to hooker auditions and crack tasting parties. With UL about to get out of the basketball business, his love life is looking pretty grim.
As much as Tipton irritates us fans, he is doing the job the media is supposed to do.

Exhibit A is in Louisville, the local media cozied up to Louisville athletics and quit holding them accountable.

Calipari knows Tipton will report anything that doesn’t smell right in the basketball program.
I completely disagree with you on Tipton on this: he is NOT doing the job of media.

Over the past 3 decades he has been UK's biased antagonist...which is NOT the job of the legitimate investigative media.
It's hypocritical for this fan base to blast Jerry for always digging for the unknown while complaining that the Louisville media should have been doing the same thing.

I'm going to be the odd guy out here and admit that part of me likes the work Jerry does. It bothers me way more when they kiss coaches asses than it does to ask honest questions. He is part of the reason I don't worry about UK doing things wrong, he makes sure that they know someone is watching. There is a reason he is well respected by his peers too, he is a hard worker. If you really pay attention to all things Kentucky you'll notice he not only shows up for UK's interviews but he'll stick around after a game and attend the opposing teams PC's to get their take too. Not many UK beat reports put that much effort into it./QUOTE]
So you respect a guy that blatantly lied about Patrick Patterson and his vehicle? He LIED about it in print. I have no respect for him or the LHL. He is a miserable reporter and a proven liar.
Unfortunately Cal’s response played into exactly what Tipton wanted. A little defensive and less than direct. We all knew Jerry was going to pounce all over this and he sure didn’t waste any time.

Cal didn’t do himself any favors by responding so defensively and vaguely. I expected him to flat out deny that he or his staff did anything wrong. He didn’t. Instead, he didn’t reassure Big Blue Nation that his team and coaches were not the subject nor would they be the subject of an FBI or NCAA inquiry. Regretably, Tipton got the best of Coach Cal today.
Cal didn’t do himself any favors by responding so defensively and vaguely. I expected him to flat out deny that he or his staff did anything wrong. He didn’t. Instead, he didn’t reassure Big Blue Nation that his team and coaches were not the subject nor would they be the subject of an FBI or NCAA inquiry. Regretably, Tipton got the best of Coach Cal today.

Agreed. Cal really did not handle it well.

The question asked what reassurance he could give UK fans. If you've done nothing wrong, then the obvious best way to do that is simply to say we've done nothing wrong.

But he did not do that at all, and seemed quite evasive about it. Also seemed defensive and uncharacteristically flustered for a guy who's usually quite cool in those situations.

Not Cal's best moment.
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Everyone knows the correct way to answer is something like "we have nothing to worry about" whether its the truth or a lie.....

What I think happened is that this wouldnt be the 100th time Cal didnt listen to the whole question before going off on a rant. Everyone in the media knows Cal does this all the time..... I bet either Cal didnt pay attention to or quickly forgot that Tipton asked him to reassure UK fans and Cal was just focusing on the words FBI investigation.
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Everyone knows what a jerk he is, however, the LHL must support his actions since they choose to keep him around. From what I've seen over the past 45 years, the LHL is no friend of UK so it should not be a huge surprise.
Generally speaking, if the hurled or any other media source takes a position on an issue, it's wise to assume the opposite is true. No, zero, zilch confidence in anything or position taken by ANY member of the hurled staff. Oh for the days of DG Fitzmaurice....
Since the Watergate stuff, the media has viewed itself as having a role in finding dirt, investigating crime, etc....IMO, if they want to be detectives, they should have gone into law enforcement. They all think they are potential pulitzer prize winners and don't care who they hurt in an effort to make a name for themselves. Again, IMO, they view themselves as having the responsibility of providing direction for the culture and engineering society.

AT types are capable of reporting the facts. If a chicken crosses the road, they simply need to report "A chicken ran across the road". It is not their purpose or even within their scope of ability to opine as to why, or even investigate. Just report the facts. It's a job, that if done well and right, could be done easily by a person with an IQ below 100.
Cal didn’t do himself any favors by responding so defensively and vaguely. I expected him to flat out deny that he or his staff did anything wrong. He didn’t. Instead, he didn’t reassure Big Blue Nation that his team and coaches were not the subject nor would they be the subject of an FBI or NCAA inquiry. Regretably, Tipton got the best of Coach Cal today.
Why do you need to be reassured? Do you think if Cal was doing dirty things with NIKE that Tipton would have caused a Perry Mason breakdown with that question and Cal would have confessed everything?

The job of the media is to report the news, not create it.

Yes, Jerry had the right to ask the question, but Cal had no obligation to answer it any differently than he did.
Tipton = @sshole. Cal is smart and I love his attitude in this exchange. Fake News = CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, ESPN..... and it goes on and on. They all hide behind the 1st amendment. Don't have to provide sources and can just make up anything.. They should be held accountable just like any of us if we started rumors that was Fake News. All of them are Slime Balls.
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Agreed. Cal really did not handle it well.

The question asked what reassurance he could give UK fans. If you've done nothing wrong, then the obvious best way to do that is simply to say we've done nothing wrong.

But he did not do that at all, and seemed quite evasive about it. Also seemed defensive and uncharacteristically flustered for a guy who's usually quite cool in those situations.

Not Cal's best moment.
It's more about the principle of what he said just before that question was asked and who asked the question. He spent the first part of the media session answering questions about the FBI investigation, if this will impact the UK-UL rivalry bc Pitino is now gone, etc. Then right after he says, "Can we please talk about my team and my players. Does anyone have a question about my team?" Dumbass Tipton raises his hand and asks about the FBI investigation. Of course Cal is going to react like that. He said the right things. He said the NCAA has not contacted them, the school has not contacted him and they are playing basketball and getting ready for the season. Cal could've just answered, "Next question." But then you know Tipton's article the next morning is titled, "John Calipari dodges FBI question. Are they involved?"
I wonder how many here would have been upset with Tipton's question if UK had gone 13-19 last year.
The question was not out of bounds, but was poorly worded and illicited the response it deserved.

Tipton was prepared with his response and disrespectful in the way he followed up. Not because it was Cal, but because it was rude and premeditated.

It was not a question that was going to find out anything. Investigations, reporting or criminal, never find the dirt by asking the person you suspect of being involved. That is just stupid tactics.

There is no way any coach in the country, innocent or not, can say they will not be the subject of an FBI investigation. Had the question been "Would you be found guilty or innocent if the FBI decided to investigate the program?" Then the man damn well better say innocent. Asking if you will be investigated, and expecting a no answer is akin to asking me if I will ever be sued. How do I know? Innocent people are sued all the time, and innocent people are investigated and cleared all the time.
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I wonder how many here would have been upset with Tipton's question if UK had gone 13-19 last year.
Probably same reaction
The man IS ridiculous... he’s been trying to get something on the Cats for years, even when Tubby was coach. He amped it up when Cal was hired.
I didn’t watch the clip so have no opinion on Cal’s responses. But I do know what an ass Tipton is
Don't want them to be. Look up the road at the media covering UL. That's what you wind up with.

That would hold truth if he was in the middle. If he not only dug for negatives but positives also. He'
The opposite of UL. I want someone who will dog just as hard for the positive stories as the negative.

This. You may not like him because of how he approaches things or the questions he asks, but he does what he was hired to do. Amen he isn't like UL media.

Our job is to be fans and support the athletics department. His job is to cover it and keep it honest. Can't fault either groups for that at all.

He's just as bad as UL media except as the opposite end of the spectrum. He's not fair and balanced. He's The CNN of Kentucky basketball. His job isn't to be 100% negative. It's to be fair and balanced.
I don't get mad at Tipton anymore, or the HL. The continued BS of yesterday with Tipton is the fault of one man, and one man only, Mitch Barnhart.

It is his job as the leader of UK Athletics to step in and cut the obvious BS agenda off from having direct access to UK players and staff. Pull his press pass for a year (give JT a timeout), let JT write whatever he wants from the comforts of his office or home. Mitch has had many opportunities to do this, completely justified and should have happened years ago. Total lack of leadership on MB's part, IMO.
Cal should just ignore Tipton. Don't even acknowledge that POS.

Since Mitch won't do anything about it, I agree with this!

Or no matter what question JT asks ("legitimate" or not), as soon as the last syllable leaves his mouth coaches and players should immediately say "I don't know" and then say "next question". If JT tries to keep the narrative going, or no matter what he says, just repeat "I don't know, next question".
How does a publication keep the same guy since 1982? You're telling me there's no new blood to bring in?

Here's the thing about journalism that I hate. So smug journalists will pride themselves about holding people accountable and being champions of "truth" and whatever old verbage they use...

But why do we force people to talk to someone who will not be fair in coverage and uses their articles to slander, lie and bully? In your life, if you knew someone was just going to write nothing but negative stuff about you, why would you ever grant them access to you?

You cannot claim to be an impartial source when everything you write is negative and you've been doing this for decades.
The HL has worn public backlash as a crown of thorns They have ridden Pett, Tipton, Davis, Eblen, et al to the point they have sold their building and don't even print their own paper. They take potshots at UKBB when they can and then sell commemorative issues and reprints when they succeed.
It's hypocritical for this fan base to blast Jerry for always digging for the unknown while complaining that the Louisville media should have been doing the same thing.

I'm going to be the odd guy out here and admit that part of me likes the work Jerry does. It bothers me way more when they kiss coaches asses than it does to ask honest questions. He is part of the reason I don't worry about UK doing things wrong, he makes sure that they know someone is watching. There is a reason he is well respected by his peers too, he is a hard worker. If you really pay attention to all things Kentucky you'll notice he not only shows up for UK's interviews but he'll stick around after a game and attend the opposing teams PC's to get their take too. Not many UK beat reports put that much effort into it.
I agree with your point to some extent but the Patterson fiasco and a couple of other incidents shows he is strictly looking dirt and will find it even if it's not there while being a jerk at the same time.
Probably same reaction
The man IS ridiculous... he’s been trying to get something on the Cats for years, even when Tubby was coach. He amped it up when Cal was hired.
I didn’t watch the clip so have no opinion on Cal’s responses. But I do know what an ass Tipton is
Cal had said like 5 times in the total interview (not just the clip) that he didn't have any comment on the FBI scandal.
Tipton is recognized and asks about the FBI scandal.
Cal turned his head to the side and said, "Jesus."
Laughter ensued.