Jerry Tipton Doing Tipton Thing’s.......Again

Today was media day at UK and of course someone asked Cal about his opinion on the FBI investigation involving UL . Cal answered politely saying he just wanted to talk about “his” team and asked does anybody have any questions about my team. Tipton asked about the FBI looking at Nike’s involvement and Kentucky being a Nike school. Cal again said I just want to talk about my team to which Tipton interrupted saying “This is media day, not coaches day and I am entitled to ask this question” in an extremely rude manner. Whether or not he had a right to ask that question he didn’t have to be such a grandstanding ahole about it. If UK were involved in any way this jackwagon would Pitino down his leg. No wonder nobody likes the guy.

I have heard bad things about Tipton and his work for years. Today was my first, first hand exposure to him. What a prick. If I was the A.D. at U. K., the only way Tipton would get in to a U.K. athletic event would be if he bought a ticket and no way to have access to the coaches or players. Black ball this clown. One would think he and he alone was running the news conference today. Good for Cal putting him in his place.
Resistance is futile.
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I wonder where
Everyone knows what a jerk he is, however, the LHL must support his actions since they choose to keep him around. From what I've seen over the past 45 years, the LHL is no friend of UK so it should not be a huge surprise.
The Louisville stations made a big deal out of his answer to Tipton, typical. My view was, he was agitated because it was the 5th question about it, so yes, who wouldn't been upset
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Had 790 on when I got in the car at 3:30. Captain Suntan had a chubby about it. Said the question shook Cal up. Implied he was guilty because of it. I changed the channel after about a minute. No way. that show lasts
Whenever Tipton said it was media day and he had a right to ask the question I wish Cal
would have said if a real media person asks me a question I will be glad to answer or he could have just ignored it.
Tipton is doing his best to create doubt and suspicion among the national media. IMO, it's similar to the situations where one, guilty or not, is accused of domestic violence, sexual assault, inappropriate actions with a minor, etc. All it takes is an accusation and life as you know it will never be the same. Just look at our own message board; we already have some on edge and nothing has even been brought out. If Cal had been involved in this he would already have been destroyed by the media, given the constant scrutiny he's under. Pat Forde and Pete Thamel would already have articles posted claiming he is guilty.
Cal's response was less than ideal, but you can tell it's because he was irritated with Tipton and not because of the question. He was trying to be as vague as possible to not give him the satisfaction while trying not to lose his cool.

Tipton got what he wanted and all the attention that will come with it.

I don't see what was less than ideal. He has to put up with that asshat at every press conference. I would have snapped his neck by now.
Jerry being disrespectful at media day isn't a surprise to any of us. Coach didn't deserve that because he politely told all of them he didn't want to discuss that issue before Jerry made that ridiculous comment.
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I know pretty much everyone pretty much hates Tipton, but in reality if that old hound can't dig up anything neither is anyone else. He is extremely selfish and gets way to much pleasure out of pissing off the fans but he really does do us a great service. He is still a prick and a self righteous jerk.
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Don't want them to be. Look up the road at the media covering UL. That's what you wind up with.
Neither do I. I've always been under he impression that the LHL was a second rate paper and only existed because of UK, yet they choose to defame the university at every chance.
#1 of a long list on why I quit reading that rag they call a newspaper. The HL is garbage and so is Tipton. If it didn’t mean some of the good people that work there would lose their jobs, I would welcome the day they quit peddling that trash.
I'll just say it...if you claim to be a UK fans and still subscribe to the LHL after this weak and pathetic display of 'gotcha journalism" by Tipton, you should probably go ahead and turn in your card.

I understand the idea that journalists are supposed to be unbiased. It's great in theory but, show me one that truly is. Tipton isn't only anti-Cal. He seems to be anti-UK. He always seems to have an axe to grind or an agenda to push.
He's a "journalist" like I'm a nuclear scientist.
Today was media day at UK and of course someone asked Cal about his opinion on the FBI investigation involving UL . Cal answered politely saying he just wanted to talk about “his” team and asked does anybody have any questions about my team. Tipton asked about the FBI looking at Nike’s involvement and Kentucky being a Nike school. Cal again said I just want to talk about my team to which Tipton interrupted saying “This is media day, not coaches day and I am entitled to ask this question” in an extremely rude manner. Whether or not he had a right to ask that question he didn’t have to be such a grandstanding ahole about it. If UK were involved in any way this jackwagon would Pitino down his leg. No wonder nobody likes the guy.
Tipton still being allowed to hang around Lexington? Why don'y Cal act like he is a ghost and not even acknowledge him?
Saw this pop up on my twitter feed after Dana O'Neil liked it... don't ask me why I follow these people.

UK should deny LHL a press pass. It could not hurt. Their circulation is minimal. They give you nothing you can't get in the internet. Newspapers are a dying media form. LHL needs UK a lot more than UK needs the LHL.
If UK cutoff the LHL it would be devastating for them. They have zero appreciation for what UK gives them --> THEIR JOBS.
"This isn't Coaches day, this is Media Day" sounds a lot like "This isn't the University of Jodie Meeks, this is the University of Kentucky"

It's hypocritical for this fan base to blast Jerry for always digging for the unknown while complaining that the Louisville media should have been doing the same thing.

I'm going to be the odd guy out here and admit that part of me likes the work Jerry does. It bothers me way more when they kiss coaches asses than it does to ask honest questions. He is part of the reason I don't worry about UK doing things wrong, he makes sure that they know someone is watching. There is a reason he is well respected by his peers too, he is a hard worker. If you really pay attention to all things Kentucky you'll notice he not only shows up for UK's interviews but he'll stick around after a game and attend the opposing teams PC's to get their take too. Not many UK beat reports put that much effort into it.
It's hypocritical for this fan base to blast Jerry for always digging for the unknown while complaining that the Louisville media should have been doing the same thing.

I'm going to be the odd guy out here and admit that part of me likes the work Jerry does. It bothers me way more when they kiss coaches asses than it does to ask honest questions. He is part of the reason I don't worry about UK doing things wrong, he makes sure that they know someone is watching. There is a reason he is well respected by his peers too, he is a hard worker. If you really pay attention to all things Kentucky you'll notice he not only shows up for UK's interviews but he'll stick around after a game and attend the opposing teams PC's to get their take too. Not many UK beat reports put that much effort into it.
Agreed. JT is someone that people love to hate (I can't stand the guy) but his "dislike" (my opinion) of Calipari does keep UK on their toes...and that's a good thing IMO!
It's hypocritical for this fan base to blast Jerry for always digging for the unknown while complaining that the Louisville media should have been doing the same thing.

I'm going to be the odd guy out here and admit that part of me likes the work Jerry does. It bothers me way more when they kiss coaches asses than it does to ask honest questions. He is part of the reason I don't worry about UK doing things wrong, he makes sure that they know someone is watching. There is a reason he is well respected by his peers too, he is a hard worker. If you really pay attention to all things Kentucky you'll notice he not only shows up for UK's interviews but he'll stick around after a game and attend the opposing teams PC's to get their take too. Not many UK beat reports put that much effort into it.

This. You may not like him because of how he approaches things or the questions he asks, but he does what he was hired to do. Amen he isn't like UL media.

Our job is to be fans and support the athletics department. His job is to cover it and keep it honest. Can't fault either groups for that at all.
Is there any reason that Jerry couldn't have wandered a few miles west and turned over some rocks at the dumpster fire known as UL, or is he only interested in nailing the Cats? Seems like a prime opportunity missed for someone so concerned about protecting the integrity of amateur sports.
Is there any reason that Jerry couldn't have wandered a few miles west and turned over some rocks at the dumpster fire known as UL, or is he only interested in nailing the Cats? Seems like a prime opportunity missed for someone so concerned about protecting the integrity of amateur sports.

This is my main gripe with Tipton. His disdain for the UK program and the fans overrides his journalistic integrity. He will make assumptions and hyperbolically dig for ANYTHING negative about our program, coaches and players but RARELY says ANYTHING about other programs.

Just like the Liberal Mainstream Media's so called "journalists", he has an agenda for EVERYTHING he writes! So, in effect he is actually an editorialist or a BIASED analyst!!

I stopped buying the LHL when he went after Kelenaa Azubuike and I used to be a 7 day week subscriber.
Jerry Tipton is a scum sucking troll. I won't defend him in any way. Not even a little bit.

He doesn't do his job well, and it's honestly a shame we've had to put up with him for so many years in Lexington.

He looks for angles where there is no angle. He runs with stories when there is no story.

He doesn't hold our feet to the fire. He looks for ways he can burn us, even if he has to start the fire himself.

The man is a dishonest actor.