Jeff 'UK hater' Goodman joins Jack Pilgram & Shawn Smith in less than an hour! -On youtube-

Where is he from? Honestly I've not ever read any of his articles, but I see a lot of stuff on here regarding how he doesn't like UK.
Goodman, lol.

I'm not one to think people always has an agenda. But that guy definitely has an agenda against us.
Where is he from? Honestly I've not ever read any of his articles, but I see a lot of stuff on here regarding how he doesn't like UK.
He has made the statement that “Calipari tried to have me fired” . Don’t really know when or why but I believe it was before Calipari got to at Kentucky.
Such a crushing mediocrity, bereft of any discernible talent or special expertise.

He's got Kansas No. 1 but then admits that Hunter Dickinson can't protect the rim, and that Kansas can't shoot the 3, especially at the point and will have games of 2-22 behind the line. But Kentucky is in the "15-30" range despite -- in his words -- having Reeves and Mitchell as "stable veterans," Aaron Bradshaw as a potential #1 pick, and Wagner as a downhill player who can get to the rim at will.

In other words, he's just a fanboy with his likes and hates.

And that smug, arrogant demeanor -- "trust, me I know what I'm talking about when I criticize Kentucky's guards." Based on what? What long history of getting anything right can this mule-faced, possum-eyed, mush-mouthed loser point to?
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He has made the statement that “Calipari tried to have me fired” . Don’t really know when or why but I believe it was before Calipari got to at Kentucky.
If it was before Calipari got to UK, I don't see how it has much to do with UK. If it was recently that he said that, then. I'd think he was a fan of UK. There are A LOT of folks who are rabid UK fans and who can't stand Calipari, and it's not just on the Internet lol.
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If it was before Calipari got to UK, I don't see how it has much to do with UK. If it was recently that he said that, then. I'd think he was a fan of UK. There are A LOT of folks who are rabid UK fans and who can't stand Calipari, and it's not just on the Internet lol.
I think it’s just a hatred of Cal . I don’t really think he had anything against Kentucky before we hired Calipari.
I think it’s just a hatred of Cal . I don’t really think he had anything against Kentucky before we hired Calipari.
very petty of Goodman to hate on a school because he has history that happened about 16 years ago with the current coach
the troll you are talking to hates Cal and UK because UK hired Cal away from his beloved Memphis and they have been basically bottom feeders ever since
I think it’s just a hatred of Cal . I don’t really think he had anything against Kentucky before we hired Calipari.
Cal the "person" has done a lot of good. That has to be separated from Cal the coach. Which version of Cal does Goodman not like?
This guy is pure trash and a POS !! Kentucky could win the national championship and he would have them number three in his final rankings behind that cheating ass scum program of the Jailhawks and of course Dook !
If you can't get over someone firing you nearly two decades ago, then that's on you. And you shouldn't be this supposed unbiased media presence then either.

You think Goodman is the first guy who ever had a spat with someone he tried to interview/write on?
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Goodman: "Cal told me I was banned from Memphis" and "Cal tried to get me fired from several places".

Does anybody doubt these two quotes? I don't. Cal gets his nose bent out of shape and cuts anyone out that doesn't kiss his ass.
Simply not true.

But haters gonna hate. Wouldn’t be haters if they didn’t.
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I listened to the broadcast and found many of his points to be reasonable. There is a lot of uncertainly with having freshman point guards, Ivisic's review is stated by several scouts so he isn't saying something different, and Dillingham and Wagner together may be a bad combination, he liked the veterans with Reeves and Mitchell, he said he liked Bradshaw but will he play, etc.

All the comments make me wonder if anyone listened to the entire broadcast?
Goodman: "Cal told me I was banned from Memphis" and "Cal tried to get me fired from several places".

Does anybody doubt these two quotes? I don't. Cal gets his nose bent out of shape and cuts anyone out that doesn't kiss his ass.
so did RP
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Goodman: "Cal told me I was banned from Memphis" and "Cal tried to get me fired from several places".

Does anybody doubt these two quotes? I don't. Cal gets his nose bent out of shape and cuts anyone out that doesn't kiss his ass.

So you would rather Cal slurp his dick so he doesn't get his feelings hurt? Didn't realize we should be sucking off every reporter just so they say nice things.

Rick Pitino kicked people off campus and out of practices all the time, and you know damn well he also tried and probably succeeded at getting people fired.

Same with K, Izzo, Huggins, etc. I would almost guarantee.

I'm not onboard with sucking up to people just because they might say nice things one day, f*ck that.
Why do people support and promote haters of UK.
I've not seen anything proving he hates UK. If he was fired unjustly, then it would be in his best interests (personal well-being and career) to avoid writing anything about UK and instead go the legal route if he felt necessary. Otherwise I welcome reviews of any school by any unbiased writer.
Considering goodman has been fired from every job he has had it's well deserved.
That’s not the point I was making. Cal does that to anybody that dares to critisize him. When you're as bad as he has been, you have to be okay with taking some critisism, Cal thinks he's beyond that.
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Cal the "person" has done a lot of good. That has to be separated from Cal the coach. Which version of Cal does Goodman not like?
I believe it had something to do with what they each did for a living. So it would be Cal the coach . imo . I doubt that Goodman even knows “Cal the person “.
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So you would rather Cal slurp his dick so he doesn't get his feelings hurt? Didn't realize we should be sucking off every reporter just so they say nice things.

Rick Pitino kicked people off campus and out of practices all the time, and you know damn well he also tried and probably succeeded at getting people fired.

Same with K, Izzo, Huggins, etc. I would almost guarantee.

I'm not onboard with sucking up to people just because they might say nice things one day, f*ck that.
Oh, so you have two choices now? You either totally block the guy, or you have to suck him off? You live in a f'd up neighborhood.

Can you just put your love for Cal to the side for just a second and realize that part of the reason Cal makes so much money is media obligations and when you suck as bad as he has, he should expect to take some heat?

Here's option #3, instead of being a spoiled brat, how about Cal admits he could have done better and answer the hard questions instead of going into hiding and blocking people because they called a spade a spade.