Jeff 'UK hater' Goodman joins Jack Pilgram & Shawn Smith in less than an hour! -On youtube-

My thoughts are ….depends on what actually happened. If Goodman wrote something critical of Cals coaching or something that Cal just didn’t like and Cal tried to get him fired(and I can see that)…..we’ll that’s one thing . But if Goodman was snooping around trying to find some dirt or doing something that was harming Cal or the program(and I can see that)……we’ll that’s a different thing .
My thoughts are ….depends on what actually happened. If Goodman wrote something critical of Cals coaching or something that Cal just didn’t like and Cal tried to get him fired(and I can see that)…..we’ll that’s one thing . But if Goodman was snooping around trying to find some dirt or doing something that was harming Cal or the program(and I can see that)……we’ll that’s a different thing .
i have no idea what went on
but if he did something like Thamel did then i can absolutely see why any coach would not allow them around the program and even go as far as trying to get them fired
Sure. But you do that at your own expense. I don't blame Goodman for hating Cal I guess. But he's doing a poor job because of it.
I haven't spent a braincell to think about this guy in a while, but first I'm hearing about this. Did Cal get him fired? What's the tea?
Oh, so you have two choices now? You either totally block the guy, or you have to suck him off? You live in a f'd up neighborhood.

Can you just put your love for Cal to the side for just a second and realize that part of the reason Cal makes so much money is media obligations and when you suck as bad as he has, he should expect to take some heat?

Here's option #3, instead of being a spoiled brat, how about Cal admits he could have done better and answer the hard questions instead of going into hiding and blocking people because they called a spade a spade.
Absolutely. Ole Pat Forte was in on that too . Along with little Ricky.
A funny story when little Ricky was sent off to Florida to get away from his old man all the coaches were shaking hands before the game and not a one of them would even look at him. He looked like a sad little puppy dog lol
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My thoughts are ….depends on what actually happened. If Goodman wrote something critical of Cals coaching or something that Cal just didn’t like and Cal tried to get him fired(and I can see that)…..we’ll that’s one thing . But if Goodman was snooping around trying to find some dirt or doing something that was harming Cal or the program(and I can see that)……we’ll that’s a different thing .

And what does "try to get fired" mean, exactly? Did he go to his boss in a round about way, or did he just call him out in a public setting.. because those are two very different things.

Goodman just seems unfit for this type of job. As a reporter, you're going to piss some people off eventually.. and some of those people might legitimately hate you, they might demean you to others, and they might, even go for your head (if your shitty at it, to the level Goodman is).. that's kind of the business.
And what does "try to get fired" mean, exactly? Did he go to his boss in a round about way, or did he just call him out in a public setting.. because those are two very different things.

Goodman just seems unfit for this type of job. As a reporter, you're going to piss some people off eventually.. and some of those people might legitimately hate you, they might demean you to others, and they might, even go for your head (if your shitt at it, to the level Goodman is).. that's kind of the business.
It's funny that Self is nice to him so Goodman never mentions the cheating or players being violent against women.
My thoughts are ….depends on what actually happened. If Goodman wrote something critical of Cals coaching or something that Cal just didn’t like and Cal tried to get him fired(and I can see that)…..we’ll that’s one thing . But if Goodman was snooping around trying to find some dirt or doing something that was harming Cal or the program(and I can see that)……we’ll that’s a different thing .
Who knows, I could see Cal getting mad but would he really take the time to try and get him fired? And why should he have that power anyway? I don’t trust Goodman at all so I don’t really believe it.
And what does "try to get fired" mean, exactly? Did he go to his boss in a round about way, or did he just call him out in a public setting.. because those are two very different things.

Goodman just seems unfit for this type of job. As a reporter, you're going to piss some people off eventually.. and some of those people might legitimately hate you, they might demean you to others, and they might, even go for your head (if your shitty at it, to the level Goodman is).. that's kind of the business.
Yeah . I kinda think it’s just 2 egomaniacs going at each other. Just like the Cal vs Matt Jones thing.
i have no idea what went on
but if he did something like Thamel did then i can absolutely see why any coach would not allow them around the program and even go as far as trying to get them fired
Yeah journalists these days are really scumy. Few are there to report news or chase facts.
What did DJ Wagner do to Goodman? What else does the kid have to do to prove he is legit? What a moron. Sounds like the same tired points they made about Cal’s first ultra talented young teams. I’m kinda glad to have that problem again. Also the only comparison that marble mouth has is from Kansas on every subject. There’s no good point guards as freshman, except Harris lol. That’s laughable.
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It definitely looked to me like Goodman had some really lame explanations for things he has said. He definitely has a hate boner for Cal that goes all the way back to Cal's Memphis days.

The thing about Wagner was odd. His explanation for saying Wagner should have gone to Louisville was dumb. Yeah, Wagner would have played 35 mpg, but Louisville still wouldn't get to the NCAAT. It felt like he was just trying to be an ass.
It definitely looked to me like Goodman had some really lame explanations for things he has said. He definitely has a hate boner for Cal that goes all the way back to Cal's Memphis days.

The thing about Wagner was odd. His explanation for saying Wagner should have gone to Louisville was dumb. Yeah, Wagner would have played 35 mpg, but Louisville still wouldn't get to the NCAAT. It felt like he was just trying to be an ass.
Not in defense of him, but we've seen many of these kids who really just have dollar signs in their eyes, they don't care about tournaments.
Goodman made some points but they were all from a place of the most negative opinion which is why his bias is hard to take him seriously

1. He gives Uk a mediocre off season grade as the good parts were “luck” and he doesn’t think high of other parts

- The luck parts were Tre Mitchell as Huggins DUI was lucky and Reeves got declined on second transfer and settled on coming back to UK. Probably valid points but regardless….we still got two much needed veterans and they have skills this roster was lacking

2. He is not high on Ivisic…hasn’t seen him play but his scout says it’s split on if he’s a legit nba dude. Doesn’t play hard and is raw. Ok maybe that is true…but raw or not he’s 7’1 and he ain’t slowed of foot. At very minimum he’s going to address some rim protection to which Goodman blows off like Ivisic grows on trees

3. The biggie is he’s not high on DJ or Dillingham (I've not been high on Dilly...but Wagner is a different story). Fine to have that opinion But he started in on shooting too many threes as DJ isn’t s marksman. But in 12 years of Cal when has he ever let a guard bomb six threes a game that was not at least mediocre? Maybe Bj Boston in a miserable team. His stance on Dj is just plain worst case scenario that isn’t how Cal has ever coached it

4. Then a dumb rant on freshman don’t usually shoot well in college…unless an elite shooter like Grady Dick or Steph Curry. So Monk, Murray, Lamb, Cason was above average, Brandon Miller shot well as 2nd pick, Cade Cunningham , Moses Moody, etc. the opinions that freshman are likely to see a shooting dip in first year seems like a reach to disparage Shepherd and Wagner and Edwards

All in all…Goodman take was worst case scenarios which could be true but given what we saw in Toronto….hard to see that bleak of an outlook
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Not in defense of him, but we've seen many of these kids who really just have dollar signs in their eyes, they don't care about tournaments.
Yup, been saying that for many years now. There are some that cared and wanted to win, but most of them are way more focused on the next level to really be invested in what happens on the court in a UK jersey. I can't blame them, the amount of money they are eyeballing is obscene.
It's funny that Self is nice to him so Goodman never mentions the cheating or players being violent against women.
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Yeah, Goodman is an arrogant and "bitter toward Calipari reporter" with an over-inflated sense of his own ego who loves to hear himself talk. He's made his talking points and he won't be moved.

He does make some legitimate points, if I'm trying to see it from a neutral standpoint.

#1 We are young. I agree with him. You really never know for sure what you've got in a bunch of freshmen. We've seen it all- guys who lived up to every bit of the hype, guys who were hyped but weren't even ready at all, and even guys who weren't getting the accolades but proved to be ready when the time came. So, I would agree back in June/July we didn't know. It's just a fact. That's why I was so encouraged by what I saw in Canada. Those guys all did everything we need from them.

#2 We lack a pure point. He's right about this, also, in my opinion. These guys are all scoring guards who mostly create for themselves first. However, looking at the team assist numbers in Canada would tell me that the team will be able to overcome that. In most cases, guys' pg skills are all about willingness to pass. I saw guys who were willing passers and did a great job of playmaking for others. So, I'm not worried about this lack of a pure point.

I disagree with him about the luck angle. I'm not saying Calipari and UK didn't find some good fortune in the return of Reeves and the addition of Mitchell due to Huggins' firing. But what does the "grade" actually mean? To me the bottom line outcome is where you base the grade for the team. So, you think Cal got lucky and that isn't skill or hard work. Fine. Make a caveat in your analysis. But the bottom line is this: Antonio Reeves and Tre Mitchell are on the team. If you are evaluating teams for the upcoming season, you have to evaluate UK with those 2 players on the team. Just because it took a stroke of luck or a miracle of sorts to add them to this roster doesn't mean they're not on the team.

So, my thought here is Goodman is being a bit childish and using some semantics with his off-season "grade" of C-. He admits in this interview that he doesn't count the addition of Reeves, Mitchell, or Ivisic in the grade. He doesn't count Reeves and Mitchell because he views those as luck. He doesn't give any credence for Ivisic because he's "heard" some things from certain scouts, a mixed bag. Clearly, we're not talking about Ivisic playing on an NBA roster this season- I doubt he would be ready for that. That's why he withdrew and came to UK. He wants to get ready. But that doesn't mean he can't contribute in college basketball. Sounds to me like the knocks on him are mostly about remaining under control, and I don't doubt Calipari and staff can utilize him within a team concept.

I'm not worried about Goodman. He's saying exactly what I expected. I don't want this group to be too highly rated too soon. I want them to earn it. I'm still being cautious myself after the last several years. I'd bet most UK fans are wanting to see before they believe.
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Goodman: "Cal told me I was banned from Memphis" and "Cal tried to get me fired from several places".

Does anybody doubt these two quotes? I don't. Cal gets his nose bent out of shape and cuts anyone out that doesn't kiss his ass.

He won't go on the states biggest UK sports radio station because MJ said we were awful when we were awful.
I ran into Goodman while waiting for a table at the FF in ‘15.

We waited at the bar and talked over a couple beers.

He was quite polite. Said he figured we were going to win it and 40-0 would be a great accomplishment.

I didn’t expect him to argue in a public setting. But he wasn’t an ogre either.

I don’t know his history with Cal. Nor care.
Goodman made some points but they were all from a place of the most negative opinion which is why his bias is hard to take him seriously

1. He gives Uk a mediocre off season grade as the good parts were “luck” and he doesn’t think high of other parts

- The luck parts were Tre Mitchell as Huggins DUI was lucky and Reeves got declined on second transfer and settled on coming back to UK. Probably valid points but regardless….we still got two much needed veterans and they have skills this roster was lacking

2. He is not high on Ivisic…hasn’t seen him play but his scout says it’s split on if he’s a legit nba dude. Doesn’t play hard and is raw. Ok maybe that is true…but raw or not he’s 7’1 and he ain’t slowed of foot. At very minimum he’s going to address some rim protection to which Goodman blows off like Ivisic grows on trees

3. The biggie is he’s not high on DJ or Dillingham (I've not been high on Dilly...but Wagner is a different story). Fine to have that opinion But he started in on shooting too many threes as DJ isn’t s marksman. But in 12 years of Cal when has he ever let a guard bomb six threes a game that was not at least mediocre? Maybe Bj Boston in a miserable team. His stance on Dj is just plain worst case scenario that isn’t how Cal has ever coached it

4. Then a dumb rant on freshman don’t usually shoot well in college…unless an elite shooter like Grady Dick or Steph Curry. So Monk, Murray, Lamb, Cason was above average, Brandon Miller shot well as 2nd pick, Cade Cunningham , Moses Moody, etc. the opinions that freshman are likely to see a shooting dip in first year seems like a reach to disparage Shepherd and Wagner and Edwards

All in all…Goodman take was worst case scenarios which could be true but given what we saw in Toronto….hard to see that bleak of an outlook
Don’t agree with you on Dillingham. I think he has the most potential on this entire roster.
Very thin skinned. Kinda weird because national dudes like Dan Patrick, who has been negative of Cal, he'll still go on his show.
that alone should tell everyone that there is probably more to the story then just Jones being negative
i doubt we ever will know the whole story
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My biggest gripe is his refusal to address the play in Canada at all, other than to decry the weak competition. So lazy. Because we all know, other programs tend to play the Warriors in these summer games. Our passing was superb in those games, and it is hard to imagine we are going to abandon that when the competition gets harder.
Yep, that’s what I was eluding to. Him ducking MJ is a bad look.
I really would like to hear the story behind that. Jones and his crew finally started addressing the bad seasons, but never called for Cal's job or got personal with it. There has to be something off-air behind this.
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