If Stoops returns, next year will be way worse

If attendance drops considerably and the fans that go to the games wear brown paper bags over their heads. Maybe then Stoops and the administration will find an exit deal that both can live with. After all PR and image are REALLY IMPORTANT to UK.
47 million dollar buyout, unless he leaves on his then unfortunately there won’t be a change at hc. Feels so much like with cal last year, refusing to change philosophy then jabbing at the fans………”pony up” will be his undoing.
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If attendance drops considerably and the fans that go to the games wear brown paper bags over their heads. Maybe then Stoops and the administration will find an exit deal that both can live with. After all PR and image are REALLY IMPORTANT to UK.

I am curious about these negotiated buyout. If the coach or whoever says no to negotiation I want what my contract calls for. Why would he take 25 when owed 45? He didn't force anyone to give him that amount.
Too early to be talking about this. But just for shits and goggles…..

The fanbase screamed to the heavens to fire cal and Mitch wasn’t gonna pay 30m to do it. Guess what it would cost to fire stoops, 44 million biggins. So yall gotta stop wasting your time with this talk about firing
And guess what, we didn’t pay Cal a penny to leave. He violated his contract and he knew it and didn’t think Mitch would call his bluff. Stoops seems to me to be the type that will leave on his own next year and will ask Mitch for a reduced buyout as he knows Mitch was in his court the whole time he was here. Hopefully I am right and we can start fresh.