How Much Longer Will ESPN Spout This Duke Has #1 2015 Class Nonsense??

Jesus christ.. If I hear another "all that matters is who's #1 at the end" I'm gonna lose it.

Do you think we don't get that? Do you honestly think there are fans that actually value the #1 class over a title? No. It's not like you have to pick one or the other. It's freaking August. It's the offseason. Get over it.

Such a dumb statement.. Like something that would come out of John Madden's mouth.

Finally, the better the class, the better chance you have at winning the title. So yes.. It is important. We now have the edge over every single other team in terms of new players. Who wouldn't root for that?!

But this doesn't have anything to do with where the class is actually ranked right? What you are saying is important is where a bunch of talking heads ranked the class. There is nothing less important. Nothing more trivial. One bunch has them at 1 another bunch at 2. Which bunch is right? Who cares. Hard to assign credibility to talking heads more worried about hits than accuracy.

What is important is how well our guys develop their skills and learn to fit into the system. That is hugely important. How they finish the season is even more important. It's so important that perfectly reasonable fans go berserk and start trashing a great coach and perhaps one of the best teams in history. I can prove this with a single word.


And no, I'm not John Madden.
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I think you missed some of the early posts. Simply put, Kentucky has the #1 class. The only places that don't have not updated their rankings.

If it was that back and forth I may agree. But it's not JUST the number ranking.. Its the fct that Kentucky EARNED that ranking by adding a great multi-year 4* player who's going to help us to win lots of games. You root for the #1 class because it means you brought in the most talent for that year.. It means hypothetically, if these classes made up your entire team, you'd be the favorite. That's important.. It's important for the coming season.. It's important for future seasons.. It's even importand for future recruiting.

Oh and again... August.
I think you missed some of the early posts. Simply put, Kentucky has the #1 class. The only places that don't have not updated their rankings.

If it was that back and forth I may agree. But it's not JUST the number ranking.. Its the fct that Kentucky EARNED that ranking by adding a great multi-year 4* player who's going to help us to win lots of games. You root for the #1 class because it means you brought in the most talent for that year.. It means hypothetically, if these classes made up your entire team, you'd be the favorite. That's important.. It's important for the coming season.. It's important for future seasons.. It's even importand for future recruiting.

Oh and again... August.

And it's important for ESPN ratings because they are keenly aware that the Cats have a few fans that will get wigged out over nothing in . . . . August.

Gotta admit, conspiracy theories are so easy to rationalize no matter how irrational.
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Idk what ESPNs deal is, the biggest sports media hasn't updated their rankings. Oh well. It's no secret they favor Duke and UNC.. It's well documented. But that's not really my point now.

Titles are never a gaurantee. It's 6 games in single-elimination.. The best and most talented team won't always win.

But more talent means more wins. More wins means a higher seed. A higher seed means a better probability of a F4 or a title. It's as simple as that. Sure there may not be much of a difference in the top 3 classes. Duke and Kentucky are both loaded with freshman. But every little bit counts.
Some UK fans are just upset because your coach is being treated like a demigod for doing something he was publically adverse to for decades (navigating the OAD system), something that Cal actually did first and has actually done better overall.

So I'd say as trivial as it may appear to you and others, it's actually a microcosm for a much larger issue - the fact that a hypocritical media has a double standard concerning your coach's approach to the OAD system.

Funny how OAD looks genius when your coach suddenly successfully pulls it off, eh?

I haven't seen K treated like a demigod anywhere. I HAVE seen members of the media write stories (which is how they make a living) about the team that just won the national title, which had a famous coach who hasn't had many (if any) freshmen dominated teams using a team that was more freshman-dominant than almost any in history (three freshmen starters in every game, a fourth who came up big on the biggest stage of all, 60 of 68 points scored by freshmen in the final). It was one of the few teams to have ever accomplished so much with so many freshmen. So yes, the stories were vey complimentary; Duke won the national title, and it was a masterful coaching job by K this year in every respect.

But I haven't seen anything about K being some OAD genius where Cal isn't. Cal has been THE OAD story for years and years. Now, has the approach towards OAD changed a bit? Well, yeah, but you have Cal to thank for that; he was the first to actively, vocally, and repeatedly feature multiple expected OADs on a single team. This has been discussed for years; it has been one of the dominant national stories for years, and while especially at first some felt that education was (and maybe still is) getting a bit left behind, Cal has gotten *years and years* of praise for winning a national title and making tons of final fours and how he gets young guys to buy in and so on and so forth.

And no, OAD doesn't look any more or less genius. It isn't even something a coach "does." It is just having a team of the top talent in the country. Many would argue it is easier to do something with the top talent in the nation than without. Just having OAD players isn't any sort of accomplishment or strategy. Winning titles with them is what matters.

I just don't get why K and OADs and stories about this last title team generate SUCH anger and angst. K did a great job with that team, a historic job at managing a team that was almost entirely driven by very young players in their first year, and has earned a lot of positive press about it. That doesn't suddenly take away from what Cal has done, and in fact Cal has gotten years and years of positive press about his accomplishments with OAD players.
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Idk what ESPNs deal is, the biggest sports media hasn't updated their rankings. Oh well. It's no secret they favor Duke and UNC.. It's well documented. But that's not really my point now.

Titles are never a gaurantee. It's 6 games in single-elimination.. The best and most talented team won't always win.

But more talent means more wins. More wins means a higher seed. A higher seed means a better probability of a F4 or a title. It's as simple as that. Sure there may not be much of a difference in the top 3 classes. Duke and Kentucky are both loaded with freshman. But every little bit counts.

I think you miss the point. We have what we have. ESPN could pronounce KY the best class in the history of the universe or the worse ever assembled. Still, we have what we have., making their ranking completely and totally irrelevant. Even if the silly conspiracy theory were correct, we have what we have.

Now it comes down to playing basketball. When it comes to that, I basically could care less about what ESPN thinks. That scoreboard above the court holds the only ranking that matters. Influencing that scoreboard starts in August.
We want everyone to acknowledge that our class is the best, that's why it matters to me at least. If ESPN truly believes their class is better I'm fine with that, but they have yet to acknowledge Murray in their rankings and now that we've added Humphries there is really no debate. Like, at all.
I haven't seen K treated like a demigod anywhere. I HAVE seen members of the media write stories (which is how they make a living) about the team that just won the national title, which had a famous coach who hasn't had many (if any) freshmen dominated teams using a team that was more freshman-dominant than almost any in history (three freshmen starters in every game, a fourth who came up big on the biggest stage of all, 60 of 68 points scored by freshmen in the final). It was one of the few teams to have ever accomplished so much with so many freshmen. So yes, the stories were vey complimentary; Duke won the national title, and it was a masterful coaching job by K this year in every respect.

But I haven't seen anything about K being some OAD genius where Cal isn't. Cal has been THE OAD story for years and years. Now, has the approach towards OAD changed a bit? Well, yeah, but you have Cal to thank for that; he was the first to actively, vocally, and repeatedly feature multiple expected OADs on a single team. This has been discussed for years; it has been one of the dominant national stories for years, and while especially at first some felt that education was (and maybe still is) getting a bit left behind, Cal has gotten *years and years* of praise for winning a national title and making tons of final fours and how he gets young guys to buy in and so on and so forth.

And no, OAD doesn't look any more or less genius. It isn't even something a coach "does." It is just having a team of the top talent in the country. Many would argue it is easier to do something with the top talent in the nation than without. Just having OAD players isn't any sort of accomplishment or strategy. Winning titles with them is what matters.

I just don't get why K and OADs and stories about this last title team generate SUCH anger and angst. K did a great job with that team, a historic job at managing a team that was almost entirely driven by very young players in their first year, and has earned a lot of positive press about it. That doesn't suddenly take away from what Cal has done, and in fact Cal has gotten years and years of positive press about his accomplishments with OAD players.

For years columns were written about John Calipari demonizing him as what is wrong with college basketball because he recruited one and done player blah blah blah blah. Then last year along comes Coach K, whom adopts Cal's strategy and utilizes the unfair marketing Duke enjoys and also USA basketball and makes this strategy "his own" and is lauded and praised for it like he is the innovator of it which he is not and we as fans see a whole new media outlook on the whole OAD issue. Point blank, your ratface coach couldnt win his way so he adopted Cals way and was successful with it for one year, not because he is a great coach, but because Duke doesnt play on a level playing field with the rest of the NCAA they enjoy a level of privalege and bias like no other Division 1 basketball team ever has. Think, Im wrong? Well why does your cheating coach adopt a "cant beat em join em" philosophy if hes so freaking great. Get your head out of your ass you uppity SOB and get off this board with this bullshit.
We want everyone to acknowledge that our class is the best, that's why it matters to me at least. If ESPN truly believes their class is better I'm fine with that, but they have yet to acknowledge Murray in their rankings and now that we've added Humphries there is really no debate. Like, at all.

I can respect that. No practical benefit other than the favorable acknowledgement. I'm guessing ESPN may not care themselves. Football season is upon us and time for them to put aside such matters.

What matters to me is that we mash their miserable arses and that rat faced coach into the court at the next opportunity. Then they can cry their way home while fondly remembering their top recruiting class. That's what matters to me.

I don't like Duke. Don't give a damn about their recruiting classes. The only thing I like better than them loosing is us winning..
Cal is pushing hard for a title this season, to make up for last year. His speciality is developing a team that is at their best entering the tournament. Last season we played our best ball in the Bahamas and Non Conference. I loved the platoons early last year, but it was a bit of a mistake looking back. I understand it had to be done because of recruiting and Im not saying a 38-1 Final 4 season is a failure by any stretch of the imagination.

It was an awkward situation where we had Freshman who were better than really good players we had returning from a Runner Up team. Booker and Ulis were clearly better than the Twins, no argument in my mind. Towns was better than Dakari. Lyles was better than Lee. Add in Poythress getting injured, that hurt us too. I really thought Ulis would be allowed to run the show once we got into the Final 4. He did it with Karl taking minutes from Johnson and Lee. I think Cal wanted to do it, but then your betraying Andrew Harrison, everyone would've seen that and he may not have been drafted if he played 15 minutes per game in the Final 4. That's why almost immediately after, you saw the tweet about this being Ulis' team and we are building around him. He and Murray will be out there in crunch time this season, they will at least get a good look and not crumble and let the shot clock expire. Its alot easier to stomach if the good look doesn't go in, over not getting any kind of look at all.

I believe in this team. With the late additions of Murray and Humphries and Wynyard by all accounts on track for the second semester, Cal has separated us from the pack and we are still just as deep as last year, but it will work alot better because there is alot less demand for minutes. Mulder, Matthews, Humphries and Wynyard are more established as backups. I see Lee as our 6th man, but if Matthews is the defensive dynamo I think he is, I like him starting and having Briscoe as a super sixth man, who is the microwave off the bench playing starter minutes. Similar to Doron Lamb's role his freshman year.Then you have an offensive spark in Willis, and an experienced defensive spark in Hawkins. I just foresee alot of competition in practice from our guys 6-11 for playing time. Wynyard may get left behind and just go ahead and redshirt, it would be tough to carve out a niche on this team midseason. If he is able to do that, then he must be damn good, but I'm sure Cal will give him his shot to prove he can contribute this season. There's really no pressure on Wynyard though. This team is certainly more traditional from a development standpoint, I really can't wait for it all to come together. I won't hesitate to say this is a Final 4 team, but all logic goes out the window when you make it that far, so I won't guarantee anything. I will say once again, if we are in the Final 4 and Murray and Ulis have the ball in their hands, I'm breathing easy. They will not get caught up in the moment.

By the way you all know my thoughts and feelings on ESPN rankings. They want that perception out there for the casual fan. If you follow recruiting, you know the truth, plain and simple.

Cal pushes as hard as he can every year for a title. How some people doubt that is beyond me. (Not saying you were inferring that.)

The platoons were def NOT a mistake. Platooning, when we were actually doing it early in the year, is what made us an historically great team. The mistake was going away from the platoon as we got deeper into the season. Doing that negated the advantages we had over the other really good teams like Wisconsin and made us much more beatable.

Its easy to say Booker and Ulis were a better backcourt when they had absolutely no pressure on them as they did not get thrown into the fire immediately and did not have to carry a team as freshman. The twins had all the pressure and those dudes carried a team to the title game as freshman the year before. They were thrown in and struggled most of their freshman year and you better believe that if that had happened to Ulis and Booker they would have struggled even more and people would not be saying this crap.

Its amazing to me after all the twins did for their 2 teams, they are still not given hardly any credit. They were 2 of the most clutch players I have ever seen and saved our ass numerous times the last 2 years. The twins came to play against Wisconsin. You know who didn't? Ulis and Booker. They were abused. Trey Lyle's had 2 freaking rebounds in a game where rebounding lost us the game, not the shot clock violations. You know why he left Andrew to run the point? Cause the kid won us multiple games in big time tournament atmospheres and was the best option. It had not a damn thing to do with Cal worrying about Andrew getting drafted.

If Cal had put Ulis in over Andrew and we lost fans would be absolutely blasting him and wondering why in the hell he benched the guy who got us there 2 years in a row.
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Because it is a way for ESPN to promote Duke unfairly which very well
could influence the next crop of elite


ESPN is on Duke bandwagon full time at the present, because they can say anything good on North Carolina at the present.
It was neck and neck for the best class of 2015 between Duke and UK BEFORE we added Murray (a top 5 recruit). Now we add Humphries (a top 30ish player in the loaded 2016 class). He is a borderline 5* for 2015. And we may still add top 35 Wynyard to THIS class.

That makes it a runaway. And YES it matters. ESPN is on this kick that Coach K has somehow eclipsed Cal as the premier recruiter in the nation. They had Duke's class #1 last year and I still think UK's was better. 2016 has yet to be decided but Cal may get his best group ever.

I don't know one person that watches espn this time of year. Evidently, I do not know many posters on this board!
I haven't seen K treated like a demigod anywhere. I HAVE seen members of the media write stories (which is how they make a living) about the team that just won the national title, which had a famous coach who hasn't had many (if any) freshmen dominated teams using a team that was more freshman-dominant than almost any in history (three freshmen starters in every game, a fourth who came up big on the biggest stage of all, 60 of 68 points scored by freshmen in the final). It was one of the few teams to have ever accomplished so much with so many freshmen. So yes, the stories were vey complimentary; Duke won the national title, and it was a masterful coaching job by K this year in every respect.

But I haven't seen anything about K being some OAD genius where Cal isn't. Cal has been THE OAD story for years and years. Now, has the approach towards OAD changed a bit? Well, yeah, but you have Cal to thank for that; he was the first to actively, vocally, and repeatedly feature multiple expected OADs on a single team. This has been discussed for years; it has been one of the dominant national stories for years, and while especially at first some felt that education was (and maybe still is) getting a bit left behind, Cal has gotten *years and years* of praise for winning a national title and making tons of final fours and how he gets young guys to buy in and so on and so forth.

And no, OAD doesn't look any more or less genius. It isn't even something a coach "does." It is just having a team of the top talent in the country. Many would argue it is easier to do something with the top talent in the nation than without. Just having OAD players isn't any sort of accomplishment or strategy. Winning titles with them is what matters.

I just don't get why K and OADs and stories about this last title team generate SUCH anger and angst. K did a great job with that team, a historic job at managing a team that was almost entirely driven by very young players in their first year, and has earned a lot of positive press about it. That doesn't suddenly take away from what Cal has done, and in fact Cal has gotten years and years of positive press about his accomplishments with OAD players.

Cal has received some praise, but he's also received a stigmatized reputation as a coach who just "rolls the balls" out there and a guy who manipulates his way through the system. He doesn't get nearly the due credit for taking a new team every season and putting them together in a successful way. If you can't see that, it's possible you haven't been listening to many media members besides Jay Bilas.

The narrative has been accentuated for years - Cal is ruining the integrity of the game with his OAD mercenaries. Now that K has reluctantly been forced to pursue these kids, the narrative has slightly changed to one where K has "adapted with the times." So while K isn't known as the OAD genius yet (I concede that point), he is still hailed as a genius who can do it in any era, with any system now. You admitted this yourself in your own description of him - using the very words "masterful job" to describe his coaching job last year (which to his credit, actually was a masterful job). Yet, and this is the main point of my contention, Cal takes new teams every season, and puts them in a viable position to win titles and we find that the media narrative is quite different, as it slants to the negative or even silence. Certainly you're aware of this.

But what really upsets me in all this isn't your program's ability to win last season, but more to do with the trajectory of how your program came to the 2015 title. On that, I focus on the point almost eight years ago when your coach publically came out and ransacked the notion of the OAD system. He has been openly critical of the system in years where it did not benefit his program, including as recently as 2014 when he threw Jabari Parker under the bus following the Mercer travesty, stating that losses like that can happen when your best players are freshmen.

I've yet to see any media member critically take on the reality of that sentiment since Duke won the national title. Most of them chose to ignore the point altogether or continue to build upon the "K adapted with the times" narrative.
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some of you must have short memories because less than 6 months ago, K himself said Cal gets treated unfairly that people say he's evil for one and done's yet those same people have said nothing but positive things about duke and k

But what did we expect those same people were fine with it for years before cal came to UK because he did it some at Memphis and Ohio state did it a lot too. Point is, people just don't want UK winning and it's as simple as that
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Okay SoS, I'll handle your reasonable post a paragraph at a time, because otherwise I get lost:)

Cal has received some praise, but he's also received a stigmatized reputation as a coach who just "rolls the balls" out there and a guy who manipulates his way through the system. He doesn't get nearly the due credit for taking a new team every season and putting them together in a successful way. If you can't see that, it's possible you haven't been listening to many media members besides Jay Bilas.

He did receive some flak, for sure, early on. A lot of people felt that he was undermining the idea of college sports being about college first, and the first year unpleasantness and his very public declarations about getting to the NBA being a/the primary concern didn't help. Now, it could be that he was actually undermining the education part of college sports, or it could be that he was simply adapting to a system that was already around; he was just the first to do so on such a huge and visible level, and his success made him a massive story and a target to some. Whichever you feel, that's really on the individual. But I REALLY disagree that he doesn't get nearly the due credit; over the last three or four years I've seen article after article about how great UK has been, at how he gets such highly ranked kids to swallow their egos and play together, at how well he does getting 18 year olds to play real D... I just don't see any lack of acknowledgement about this. Agree to disagree, I suppose.

The narrative has been accentuated for years - Cal is ruining the integrity of the game with his OAD mercenaries. Now that K has reluctantly been forced to pursue these kids, the narrative has slightly changed to one where K has "adapted with the times." So while K isn't known as the OAD genius yet (I concede that point), he is still hailed as a genius who can do it in any era, with any system now. You admitted this yourself in your own description of him - using the very words "masterful job" to describe his coaching job last year (which to his credit, actually was a masterful job). Yet, and this is the main point of my contention, Cal takes new teams every season, and puts them in a viable position to win titles and we find that the media narrative is quite different, as it slants to the negative or even silence. Certainly you're aware of this.

Again, I just don't see it. I've seen SO many articles about how great a coach Cal is. I wonder if maybe you guys just focus more on the negative the way people close to a situation often do; you can have five people say something nice about you, but when one says something mean that is what sticks out. I honestly think that is what is happening here, especially on the heels of the non-stop (and earned) Cal/UK love-fest from last year.

And K isn't "reluctantly forced to pursue these kids." He has been recruiting the same level of kids for years and years and years. In this last class, two kids went pro who weren't necessarily expected to. That's it. Certain media outlets love making it more than that, but it isn't; as a smart college basketball fan, and not a casual fan, you HAVE to be able to see that. The average fan doesn't know what RSCI is, but we do, and we can clearly go back and see that K recruiting Bazz and Barnes and Burgess and Randolph and a HOST of other potential OADs. I suppose in some way he HAS adapted to the times, in his first chance TO adapt, by coaching a team that is half freshmen.

But what really upsets me in all this isn't your program's ability to win last season, but more to do with the trajectory of how your program came to the 2015 title. On that, I focus on the point almost eight years ago when your coach publically came out and ransacked the notion of the OAD system. He has been openly critical of the system in years where it did not benefit his program, including as recently as 2014 when he threw Jabari Parker under the bus following the Mercer travesty, stating that losses like that can happen when your best players are freshmen.

Sure, K has said he doesn't like the system, but Cal has ALSO said he doesn't like the OAD system, and has said on numerous occasions he wishes there was a two and done system. Just because someone doesn't like a certain aspect of college ball doesn't mean they aren't going to use it; after all, K has been recruiting multiple potential OADs for years and years, just as a number of coaches of top level programs have done. Nothing has changed except one or two more kids saying they are going to the draft. And saying that an unexpected loss to a good team can happen when you rely on a freshman isn't throwing a kid under the bus; it is just truth. You guys have experienced that as well.

I've yet to see any media member critically take on the reality of that sentiment since Duke won the national title. Most of them chose to ignore the point altogether or continue to build upon the "K adapted with the times" narrative.

Well, I think thankfully the majority of the media has come to accept that this is the way the game is going now, and are moving on to different stories. That is largely thanks to Cal paving the way, as far as how the media perceives multiple OAD players at a single school. This is not a BAD thing, except you guys had to put up with some negativity in the beginning because UK was the first to really do that. Sucks, but that time is past.
I think you miss the point. We have what we have. ESPN could pronounce KY the best class in the history of the universe or the worse ever assembled. Still, we have what we have., making their ranking completely and totally irrelevant. Even if the silly conspiracy theory were correct, we have what we have.

Now it comes down to playing basketball. When it comes to that, I basically could care less about what ESPN thinks. That scoreboard above the court holds the only ranking that matters. Influencing that scoreboard starts in August.

While ESPN doesn't always get it right, they still come pretty damn close. Rooting for ESPN to label us as the #1 class runs tandem with getting recruits. I don't want some empty recognition.. no one does. I want the #1 class simply because it means we have the most talent coming in. I'm not as hell bent on making sure ESPN updates it's ranking... It would be nice, but I'm not as worried about it. I know that if they did update the rankings we'd be #1.

I don't so much want the number ranking, I just want the best class.
While ESPN doesn't always get it right, they still come pretty damn close. Rooting for ESPN to label us as the #1 class runs tandem with getting recruits. I don't want some empty recognition.. no one does. I want the #1 class simply because it means we have the most talent coming in. I'm not as hell bent on making sure ESPN updates it's ranking... It would be nice, but I'm not as worried about it. I know that if they did update the rankings we'd be #1.

I don't so much want the number ranking, I just want the best class.

ESPN will lead you astray. Never let them tell you what to think because they'll tell you to think like them.

As for me, I want the best team and the entering class is just a part of that. I want that team evaluated by the harshest critic in basketball.

The score board.
I agree. That's the ultimate goal.. But having the best class is 1/4th of the team.. and in Kentucky's case, it's more like having 1/2th of the team. More than any other school, we NEED to have a top tier recruiting class. And nabbing the #1 after getting kicked in the dick a dozen times since April, feels pretty damn good!

Better classes lead to more wins.
More wins leads to a better seed.
Better seed leads to greater chances of a Final 4/Title.
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I agree. That's the ultimate goal.. But having the best class is 1/4th of the team.. and in Kentucky's case, it's more like having 1/2th of the team. More than any other school, we NEED to have a top tier recruiting class. And nabbing the #1 after getting kicked in the dick a dozen times since April, feels pretty damn good!

Better classes lead to more wins.
More wins leads to a better seed.
Better seed leads to greater chances of a Final 4/Title.


I still don't see how ESPN's rating has anything to do with any this in even the most remote fashion. It is completely, absolutely, totally and in every possible way irrelevant. No matter what they rate our class, we got what we got. End of story.

Now, to your point, which has nothing to do with the subject of the thread, yes, we need good athletes. They also need to improve their strength, quickness, passing rebounding, shooting, execution . . . need I go on? ESPN has nothing to do with that either.

So I go back to my initial post on this thread as it regards ESPN's rating of our incoming class.


It will have ZERO bearing on our results this year. ESPN's rating is irrelevant.
I don't know how many times or ways I can say "I don't care that ESPN gives us #1 or not". Nothing in the post you quoted of mine even mentioned ESPN.

I, like others evaluate this our recruiting class as being #1. That's what I want. Some people want the recognition. I wouldn't mind it. It'd be nice. But I know we have the top class. That's what matters.
You're getting way to bent out of shape simply because fellow fans want the credit of landing the best class. Is this that big of a deal to you?

As you say,

Title of the thread:

How Much Longer Will ESPN Spout This Duke Has #1 2015 Class Nonsense??

Sorry, just assumed that's what you were discussing.

Also, there are many aspects to a team, many are much more important than the incoming class. I think to place so much emphasis on that single aspect of the team diminishes the overall accomplishment and effort required to execute a successful season.

Most importantly, I'm trying to get my post count to 500.
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How long? As long as they possibly can.

It seems as if ESPN hasn't updated their recruiting rankings to reflect Jamal Murray reclassifying, but they didn't waste any time redoing the ranking when Derryck Thornton reclassified. Just saying...
What I was discussing was why a few posters railed fellow fans for caring about getting the top class. My original posts discussed whose class was better, our's or Duke's... nothing to do with ESPN to start (not that what they are doing, or specifically, what they aren't doing, is any shock to me***).

Essentially I wanted to get a discussion, now with Humpries on UK, who had the better class. I laid out some numbers, and I guess even Duke fans couldn't argue against it. Didn't really care what ESPN thought, but once again, I sort of get why some fans are annoyed there has been no action, but also again... no big deal. Maybe some posters ONLY cared about ESPN giving UK their fair due.. but plenty of posters are just happy to have the #1 class, regardless of what a media outlet says. I fall in the latter. And I see zero wrong in pining for that and celebrating when we get it.

***I really just think ESPN hasn't gotten around to it. Not much usually changes after their usual final rankings, but this year, a few big changes DID come through. That said, does anyone here think that if Kentucky had the #1 class, and late in the season Duke pulled ahead, that ESPN wouldn't have done a five alarm change to their rankings?
Weren't you the one who was positive Cal was heading to the NBA this year? Bulls, I think.

Yes, I was this the thread topic for that?

Let me start one about all the times you have been wrong, I'll set the all-time response record.
Go for it. Could have sworn you offered to ban yourself if Cal stayed.

I offered up a bet but no one accepted, so here I am. Lucky for you, still here to help educate the BBN...oh Lord give me strength and patience.
I offered up a bet but no one accepted, so here I am. Lucky for you, still here to help educate the BBN...oh Lord give me strength and patience.

Pretty sure you had some takers.

Do you know why the Native American rain dance always works?

Because they never stop dancing til it starts raining.

Keep dancing, brother. One day you will be right.
Pretty sure you had some takers.

Do you know why the Native American rain dance always works?

Because they never stop dancing til it starts raining.

Keep dancing, brother. One day you will be right.

Sounds good, and until then I have you around to remind me of all the times I'm are just like my wife!
Sounds good, and until then I have you around to remind me of all the times I'm are just like my wife!

I tend to remember belligerent jerks who insist that our coach is leaving and act like he has some kind of inside knowledge.

Oh yeah - and is so sure our coach is leaving that he offers to delete his account if it doesn't happen. Not that you ever intended to go through with it.

It's not like you were wrong about who would win the Super Bowl. You came on a UK message board, flaming with your insistence that Cal was leaving.

You don't deserve a pass. You don't get the high ground. If you plan to stick around, a dose of humility would be nice. Unexpected, but nice.
Pretty sure you had some takers.

Do you know why the Native American rain dance always works?

Because they never stop dancing til it starts raining.

Keep dancing, brother. One day you will be right.

Is there anything more gnawingly annoying than message board contrarians who play the negative angle with a definitive tone?

The Cal-to-the-league contrarians were probably the all-time worst because they implied that Cal was being disingenuous with the fan base.
Also, several of these headline grabbers work or formerly worked at the Worldwide Leader waiting for the other shoe to drop. The power of the hate may not have contributed to the delay, but it exists.
For years columns were written about John Calipari demonizing him as what is wrong with college basketball because he recruited one and done player blah blah blah blah. Then last year along comes Coach K, whom adopts Cal's strategy and utilizes the unfair marketing Duke enjoys and also USA basketball and makes this strategy "his own" and is lauded and praised for it like he is the innovator of it which he is not and we as fans see a whole new media outlook on the whole OAD issue. Point blank, your ratface coach couldnt win his way so he adopted Cals way and was successful with it for one year, not because he is a great coach, but because Duke doesnt play on a level playing field with the rest of the NCAA they enjoy a level of privalege and bias like no other Division 1 basketball team ever has. Think, Im wrong? Well why does your cheating coach adopt a "cant beat em join em" philosophy if hes so freaking great. Get your head out of your ass you uppity SOB and get off this board with this bullshit.

Good grief. That was embarrassing!
Good grief. That was embarrassing!
What exactly is embarrassing Anthony B? Good grief, Golly gee let's talk about it SON. How about we talk about Perry Ellis getting dunked on all night and EMBARASSED by UK post players? Gee Whiz man Alex Poythress really made his hairline recede another inch or so. You are out of your league here BOY, go back to momma's teet where you belong.
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