Heroin epidemic

OK, maybe a dumb question but how is Neurotin in that category? I know it's not narcotic, so I guess I'm missing something. Genuinely want to know, thanks in advance. WW.
Wildcatwelder, first I am so sorry for your loss. My brother in law did a year in Hopes Place abou 5 years ago but it's still a fight

We were getting DUI's where people were throwing Neurotin scripts at our LEO's left and right. I started asking some of the drug users who were trying to get clean what the deal was. Supposedly taking Neurotin in combination with Zanax or Lortab extends the sensation or the high. I prosecute misdemeanors and dependency, neglect and abuse cases (DNA) and Neurotin is found bagged up by drug dealers and parents just like the other drugs. It's exploding where I am. One thing that went through our community quickly was bath salts. The addicts were scared of it
Wildcatwelder, first I am so sorry for your loss. My brother in law did a year in Hopes Place abou 5 years ago but it's still a fight

We were getting DUI's where people were throwing Neurotin scripts at our LEO's left and right. I started asking some of the drug users who were trying to get clean what the deal was. Supposedly taking Neurotin in combination with Zanax or Lortab extends the sensation or the high. I prosecute misdemeanors and dependency, neglect and abuse cases (DNA) and Neurotin is found bagged up by drug dealers and parents just like the other drugs. It's exploding where I am. One thing that went through our community quickly was bath salts. The addicts were scared of it
Thank you sir. And thank you for the explanation.
Another day another overdose. Some girl that went to my highschool 10 years younger than me, o'd in louisville. Her obituary read; she loved reading classic books, writing poetry and family. I would never of guessed looking at her or reading that she did heroin. To top it off today, one of my friends from highschool had a birthday today but she died 2 years ago from a heroin overdose. It's sad and now commonplace to see someone your age or younger dying from it
Wildcatwelder, first I am so sorry for your loss. My brother in law did a year in Hopes Place abou 5 years ago but it's still a fight

We were getting DUI's where people were throwing Neurotin scripts at our LEO's left and right. I started asking some of the drug users who were trying to get clean what the deal was. Supposedly taking Neurotin in combination with Zanax or Lortab extends the sensation or the high. I prosecute misdemeanors and dependency, neglect and abuse cases (DNA) and Neurotin is found bagged up by drug dealers and parents just like the other drugs. It's exploding where I am. One thing that went through our community quickly was bath salts. The addicts were scared of it
That's scary. Not the drugs, but that you're a prosecutor. You must know someone or be related to someone in power.
I love how Canada thinks they have figured it out. Their proposal? Have a nice warm place with fresh needles where addicts can use in peace and quiet. Enabling seems to be okamongst our neighbors to the north
I understand the guys who got addicted to pain pills because of injury and then switched to heroin because they were cut off. But the people who started using heroin only, c'mon. That was the one drug they always told you never to do because of how bad it could end up being for you. So my question for you guys who either have kids, brothers, cousins, friends, etc who are hooked on it is this: how did they get started on these things?

I'm going to jump in right here. I didn't read this thread because I never did herion, don't know anyone that told me they did, never heard it discussed among people I was with. Don't take that to mean that I haven't been around idiots. I've had good friends shoot what they thought was cocaine in front of me and then make fun of me because I wouldn't shoot it.

As a child of the 60's, when heroin was actually an epidemic, I knew at that time I would never do it. Not bragging because I did some morphine one time. oral, and it made my stomach hurt so bad I called a hospital and asked them if it would quit. They said yes so I dealt with it.

As far as putting people in jail forever for selling it, bullshit. They don't sell it to a single person that doesn't want to buy it. If I sell you a car that will go 155 mph, not my fault if you do that and hit a tree.

I used to sling coke around 1985 in Champagne Il. I got flake from a dude for 800 an ounce. Couldn't pass it up. Lot's of people I worked with did it. Hell, everyone everywhere was doing it. I ground it up to add some fluff, but the stuff that I sold was just as pure as the stuff I bought. The stuff I kept for personal use I cut with inositol.

It didn't take long for a college town to know where the best dope was coming from. I'd go out around 11 at night to a couple of specific bars. When I came in it was like clockwork, 20 dudes would head to the bathroom, chase out anyone there, block the door and benjamins would fly. Unload an ounce in two minutes and be gone. That was a 2K profit with no cut.

I can say with utmost certainty that not one person died from the coke I sold. I don't care what they did with it, no one died unless they crashed their car or something.

Guy that I worked with, lived with, partner in crime, got touched up and stole from people. They came at me pissed. Things went beyond what I was willing to deal with and I made a decision that things had gone too far. This was a month after I lost my job that gave me 1140 a week take home. I couldn't afford to go to work some times. If you can make 2 in 30 minutes, why go to work?

Never sold anything again to this day.

Should I have been in jail all this time?

Sad that your kid died, not the drug dealers fault. My car will go 155, not their fault if I kill your mother doing that. Could just as easily have been an Audi.