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- Stoops is our coach for as long as he wants. Tonight proved that. Only a program pulling the ripcord on a failed hire attempt is putting him on their sidelines. And honestly, that’s a pretty good thing for UK.

Be competitive, get lucky when you can, sustain with dudes and depth, and stay 3rd best in the SECE for as long as possible with a chance to upset someone from time to time. Tailgate, look at the pretty Kentucky girls, and enjoy your Saturday.

The “Big Boy Programs” don’t want ^that^, but I’ll take it. I guess. So just stay here and eat Malone’s 3 nights a week, Coach.

- Looking forward to Trask becoming the #1 overall pick in the Draft next spring. You’re welcome, kiddo.

- Chance Poore is 20 years old (at most) so I’ll lay off. But c’mon man. Gotta make that one!
Damage report:

Oscillating fan that was on the patio; obliterated.

Vizio TV remote; could still be functional if I can retrieve it from neighbors yard. Not sure which neighbor, because I put some serious mustard on it.*

*(actually kind of regret this, because my shoulder is barking at me now.)
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Stoops said they were handcuffed on defense because of the DB’s yet he:

Went for it on 4th down up 11 instead of pinning the backup QB inside the 5.

Ran 3 straight plays playing for a FG to only go up 2 with a minute left.

^ both of those things are what you do when you’re putting your trust on the defense.
Stoops always has excuses. How about we blew it and these kids deserve better than that shit tonight
Yep. Stoops Poops

That L is 150€ on him.

Unfortunately it's par for course.

Go coach FSU co"*su****
Running Rose on 4th and 1 instead of Smoke or punting is infuriating. Our whole section knew it was a mistake before the ball was snapped.
Now Piglet is blaming targeting call as reason why we lost.

I mean... that was one of 63 other shit decisions.

What’s funny is I think Piglet still outcoached Mullin the weirdo.
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Was scared to death of the FG. Knew there wasn’t a chance in hell it would happen but was hoping we might grow a pair suddenly and toss it to Wagner in the end zone on the 3rd down.
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Well, Kentucky football is, that’s for sure.

We’d be better off if we just paid somebody 10 bucks to kick us in the nuts 5 to 7 Saturday’s a year.

For DECADES on end.
The loss is on Gran. Stubborn ass motherfcker with the wildcat. Game was over with that call and everybody knew it.

Stoops plays scared and conservative. With a team like last year it works. Time will tell.

History will not look kindly on the Stoops tenure vs UF. So many chokes.
-welp, at least i got to meet tommy today.

-stenberg's last false start came at a really bad behind the chains.

-aj seems like a good kid...but smoke needs to be 1st string.

-the officiating was criminal...but we had a chance to win and choked.

Pretty disappointed in Bowden. Straight up quit on two passes and even acknowledged he let the backup down. The only mistake I saw Sawyer make was the side arm.

~ Running a prevent defense against a back up is ridiculous
~ Three targeting calls are ridculous
~ Not getting Wagner more chances is ridiculous
~ The wildcat is ridiculous
~ Allowing Rose to stall out early drives at the start of both halves is ridiculous
~ Playing not to lose is ridiculous

As much equity as last season brought, a lot of it was lost tonight. It didn't help Stoops that Smith played so well to start the game, only further proving he pulled the damn reins.
Spot on comments Irish
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- Good to meet Rudd and Swimmer.

- Props to AP and 80 for the tickets.

- Props to BBdK for the ride to Louisville.

- Running Rose on 4th was awful...but this ain't on Stoops. Had plenty of chances, including a GD 34 yard field goal with a minute left.

- Had a blast at the tailgate, think BBdK and Boat are still mad I took all their money at HORSE and the football throws.

- Biggest props to Anth and Sloot for the tailgate and letting me crash until the Uber to Louisville gets under $450. Best hosts you could ask for.
If you didn’t know that we were losing that game the second they brought in their backup QB, then maybe you should learn Kentucky football.

That’s why I actually supported going for it on 4th down (just not with that horrible play they called). Their backup was out there looking like Peyton Manning circa 2013 so “pinning them deep” was pointless, they would’ve came back and scored if their next drive had started in the parking lot.
We really made their season taking out horrible Felipe Franks. That guy sucks. Should have played volleyball.
We really gave Florida two W's.

Stoops may move on to a bigger program but until he learns to coach without a loser's mentality, he's going to embarrass himself. He's basically Taggart right now; can recruit but can't coach the talent.
It’s just unbelievable the way the last 3 have gone in Lexington against Florida. 14-9, 28-27 and now this. I mean touch me. There is bad luck and there is this.

I thought we were going to win. When he lined up for the kick, I thought we had it. I’m in the corner so all I have to rely on is the crowd on knowing if they make it. Crowd had double fists in the air after he kicked, so I thought it was onions. What a complete kick to the groin.

Going to be a great season. Atmosphere was best I’ve maybe ever seen yesterday. Big time game, big time crowd.

Sawyer is the truth. I loved the kid. Think he’s the reason we had a chance. Hard pill to swallow but a lot of football left.
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Hate to be the bearer of bad news - but even if he hits the field goal, we still would’ve lost.
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