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Well.......we still have a tremendous chance to be 4-1. I'll take 3-2 after SC.

I like Harris but that was BS to post that.
Our players don’t deserve the shit Stoops and gran pulled tonight. F them hard.

You played big boy SEC badass football and then completely tucked your tails and quit like a bunch of pussies.
Easiest kick possible. Your only job. That MF’er is dead to me. If he’s our kicker for 4 years I’m going to go f*cking ape shit. He is god awful.
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F*** everything. Giving up 3 td drives to backup QB is fireable. What a f****** buzzkill.

Stoops Poops.

No one should be ok with that
We just tossed a win over Florida away like it was trash we didn't want

Stoops continues to be incapable of rewarding his best home crowds with anything but pain.
Pretty disappointed in Bowden. Straight up quit on two passes and even acknowledged he let the backup down. The only mistake I saw Sawyer make was the side arm.

~ Running a prevent defense against a back up is ridiculous
~ Three targeting calls are ridculous
~ Not getting Wagner more chances is ridiculous
~ The wildcat is ridiculous
~ Allowing Rose to stall out early drives at the start of both halves is ridiculous
~ Playing not to lose is ridiculous

As much equity as last season brought, a lot of it was lost tonight. It didn't help Stoops that Smith played so well to start the game, only further proving he pulled the damn reins.
“You’re acting like a ridiculous child”

My wife actually said that to me.

“Deal with it or GTFO”

That was apparently not the correct response.

How does she, after 12 years of this, not know to just get the fvcking dogs, go to the bedroom, and stay the fvck clear when I’m going bad UK football loss berserk?

Take your opinions about my priorities and maturity and shove them up your fvcking rectum.
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