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That "Louisville Man" schtick sounds exactly the "Schlitz Man" ad campaign that Don Draper walked out of on the last episode of Mad Men.
Phone rings at LSU compliance office.
LSU Compliance: Hello?
NCAA: Hi, this is Karen with the NCAA and we'd like to talk with one of your student athletes a Mr Ant.......
Compliance: HOLD PLEASE

LSU compliance places NCAA on hold and furiously dials Les.

Les: Hello?
Les: Settle down, who is it?
Compliance: Hold please

Compliance: Excuse me Mrs NCAA what is the athletes name?
NCAA: Antonio Blakeney
Compliance: Hold please

Compliance: Oh shit Les it Blakeney, we're so screwed what do they want? Not Blakeney, oh god what are we going to do, what. are. we. going. to. do. Dear Lord, we're so screwed without Antonio. Should I have the boys take the NCAA gal to the swamps. Oh SHIT OH SHIT.
Les: We don't have a Blakeney on the team, you sure thats what they said?
Compliance: I'm sure, we're so screwed, we're so screwed. Wait... no Blakeney?
Les: We don't have an Antonio Blakeney on our team.
Compliance: I'm so sorry Les, I'll let them have it for scaring us like that

Compliance: I'm sorry Mrs NCAA we don't have an Antonio Blakeney her at LSU, thanks for calling. You really caused an uproar around here and Les is not happy.
NCAA: Why would coach Miles care about this? You don't have an Blakeney on your basketball team? We have record that he's enrolled and on the team. Is that not correct?
Compliance: Basket... what?
NCAA: Ball... Basketball.
Compliance: Oh the sport with the nets and round orange thing?
NCAA: Yes. Mr. Blakeney. Can we speak to him?
Compliance: ****SHEWWWW**** Absolutely. Come on down. Would you like us to reserve rooms at the New Orleans Ritz and escort Mr Blakeney to your hotel. We'd be happy to accommodate all your needs with hoopy sport guy. Anything at all.

The Billy G stuff - at least at first - was a whole lot of undocumented rumors and "I heards." I can understand not throwing that stuff out there in detail because it would've been hard to substantiate (at least until the Dana O'Neil expose). But a book backed up by hard evidence and subsequent investigation? That's a different deal entirely, IMO.

I firmly believe media (nearly everyone actually) end up doing what's best for themselves... whether it be in the short term or long term. Jones has said he was at practices early on where players were treated like garbage and he was concerned about players being hurt (Harrelson in particular if I remember correctly). Nothing was reported. When the same thing happened at TT he said it was a player safety issue and Billy should be fired.

I don't think Jones is any better or worse than other college media in this area. I also don't think he has a great deal of room to criticize someone for bad behavior when they're gone when he looked the other way (for whatever reason) when they were here.
Not to always be coming to his defense but he's a fanboy blogger and admits he's very biased. I think that goes a long way. These guys get all defensive if you try to point that out.

Matt's closer to Vanetti than these guys. That's why Jurich has shunned Vanetti.
it's amazing how objective vanetti is. card fan HAS to hate him, no? he defends all things uk all the time.
I am happiest for SAE and Richie.

As much as I love watching this dumpster fire, I can only imagine how sweet it is for you guys.

You and the rest of the Louisvillians enjoy yourselves. It's been a long time coming.

I feel like HOFCRP must have felt after the Dr. Ramsey statement. Thanks a lot WIlly :cry:
Had to bring this over...I love Katy Perry :):fries::fire::eek:

I firmly believe media (nearly everyone actually) end up doing what's best for themselves... whether it be in the short term or long term. Jones has said he was at practices early on where players were treated like garbage and he was concerned about players being hurt (Harrelson in particular if I remember correctly). Nothing was reported. When the same thing happened at TT he said it was a player safety issue and Billy should be fired.

I don't think Jones is any better or worse than other college media in this area. I also don't think he has a great deal of room to criticize someone for bad behavior when they're gone when he looked the other way (for whatever reason) when they were here.

I dont really think that is fair. On the particular instance you are talking about, we weren't allowed to talk about what happened at that practice, so there was no way I could have spoken on it. But in general, I was pretty harsh on Billy...from the VMI game his second year on, I said he needed to be replaced. I took an insane amount of criticism that year, was repeatedly crushed by fans and it led to Billy telling me the day he was fired that I was part of the reason this happened. I also called for Joker to be fired at the start of his third year...while I was on the official UK broadcast team for basketball. That made my interactions with Mitch more than a little awkward.

Still it is tough for a "fan" blogger or radio host. The VAST majority of people drawn to "fan" sites want to hear good news...that is just the reality. If you bring up ANYTHING negative, you get crushed and told you aren't a "real" fan. So to take a stand can be very difficult. I have been doing this ten years now but if I were too negative about a particular thing (like for instance when I dont predict UK football to win 9 games every year), there are some who just let me have it. This is even more true when it comes to "exposing" negative things going on. I knew about the treatment of Meeks and Harrellson by Billy while it was going on in his last year....but lets say I report that, what happens? Well the fans likely dont believe me (I didnt have the trust or audience then), the players are asked about it and deny it (what else could they do) and I am used as the scapegoat. I thought it all through at the time and realized that making my name for myself as the "fan" blogger trying to bring down a UK basketball coach would likely only result in my being shunned by the school and most fans (although in hindsight the school might have liked it). People believe what they want to believe...and that makes it hard to go against their beliefs.

Things are however different for me now. I have been doing this for a decade. I would be much less worried about the backlash. I guaran-damn-tee you would never see me write about being a "Kentucky man" and all that nonsense. If Calipari had a sex scandal and then this happened, I would blast him...and he is a personal friend...but I think credibility would require it. I understand why the fan bloggers feel like they have to "take up" for Louisville...but in my opinion, their desire to take up for their school (which is understandable and something I would probably do) leads them to lose their minds and throw logic and reasoning out the door to make insane arguments (like a "woman who dances in a bikini for money" is not the same as a "stripper"). That I would hope I would not do...and I think most of my time doing this has shown I would not do.
Louisville fans are just going through the 5 stages of grief and loss. Some are taking a bit harder than others.

I'm sorry sir, but I have some bad news. Yes, it is very serious.
They do now, but let's not forget that the former Kentucky Scout website, BBN, owned and operated by Brian Poe, was in bed with the Mumme regime during that mess which led to UK disassociating with him.

I'll never forget Buzz Baker's interview with Claude Bassett when he admitted cheating, and he praised him for being such a stand up guy. It was like that scene in Quiz Show, where all the Congressmen are praising Charlie Van Doren for his "honesty" about lying. Baker, to me, is of the Howie/Ennis/Ramsey ilk.
I've absorbed so much on it this week (book, online articles, tweets, ul radio, msge boards etc.) I'm almost embarrassed how much intricate detail I know about all of this. Anyone have this problem. I actually don't want to talk about it with casual uk fan because I come off a little foaming at the mouth. Savoring this last few mins of underdogs doh.
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I've absorbed so much on it this week (book, online articles, tweets, ul radio, msge boards etc.) I'm almost embarrassed how much intricate detail I know about all of this. Anyone have this problem. I actually don't want to talk about it with casual uk fan because I come off a little foaming at the mouth. Savoring this last few mins of underdogs doh.

Have been on this nonstop as well. The bomb was dropped yesterday with the Lyles announcement. Sure, it's been fun and hilarious, but until there are new big pieces of the puzzle revealed, think I'm gonna enjoy some Keeneland and friends coming in town.

Also whores.
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I dont really think that is fair. On the particular instance you are talking about, we weren't allowed to talk about what happened at that practice, so there was no way I could have spoken on it. But in general, I was pretty harsh on Billy...from the VMI game his second year on, I said he needed to be replaced. I took an insane amount of criticism that year, was repeatedly crushed by fans and it led to Billy telling me the day he was fired that I was part of the reason this happened. I also called for Joker to be fired at the start of his third year...while I was on the official UK broadcast team for basketball. That made my interactions with Mitch more than a little awkward.

Still it is tough for a "fan" blogger or radio host. The VAST majority of people drawn to "fan" sites want to hear good news...that is just the reality. If you bring up ANYTHING negative, you get crushed and told you aren't a "real" fan. So to take a stand can be very difficult. I have been doing this ten years now but if I were too negative about a particular thing (like for instance when I dont predict UK football to win 9 games every year), there are some who just let me have it. This is even more true when it comes to "exposing" negative things going on. I knew about the treatment of Meeks and Harrellson by Billy while it was going on in his last year....but lets say I report that, what happens? Well the fans likely dont believe me (I didnt have the trust or audience then), the players are asked about it and deny it (what else could they do) and I am used as the scapegoat. I thought it all through at the time and realized that making my name for myself as the "fan" blogger trying to bring down a UK basketball coach would likely only result in my being shunned by the school and most fans (although in hindsight the school might have liked it). People believe what they want to believe...and that makes it hard to go against their beliefs.

Things are however different for me now. I have been doing this for a decade. I would be much less worried about the backlash. I guaran-damn-tee you would never see me write about being a "Kentucky man" and all that nonsense. If Calipari had a sex scandal and then this happened, I would blast him...and he is a personal friend...but I think credibility would require it. I understand why the fan bloggers feel like they have to "take up" for Louisville...but in my opinion, their desire to take up for their school (which is understandable and something I would probably do) leads them to lose their minds and throw logic and reasoning out the door to make insane arguments (like a "woman who dances in a bikini for money" is not the same as a "stripper"). That I would hope I would not do...and I think most of my time doing this has shown I would not do.

I get why local media decide not to report on or expose negative issues with hometown teams and can respect the difficult decisions you have to make. Fans want to hear what they want to hear and i understand the reasons (and I see them as reasons, not excuses) you laid out... but my fundamental disagreement with the manner a lot of the media (not just you) handled the way those players were treated was their (and your) reaction after the fact.

Don't want or don't feel like you can report on an issue? OK. But don't then (when it's safe and potential negative consequences have been removed) take a moral stand and pile on after the fact if that same issue pops up somewhere else...

...and whores.
I get why local media decide not to report on or expose negative issues with hometown teams and can respect the difficult decisions you have to make. Fans want to hear what they want to hear and i understand the reasons (and I see them as reasons, not excuses) you laid out... but my fundamental disagreement with the manner a lot of the media (not just you) handled the way those players were treated was their (and your) reaction after the fact.

Don't want or don't feel like you can report on an issue? OK. But don't then (when it's safe and potential negative consequences have been removed) take a moral stand and pile on after the fact if that same issue pops up somewhere else...

...and whores.
I've absorbed so much on it this week (book, online articles, tweets, ul radio, msge boards etc.) I'm almost embarrassed how much intricate detail I know about all of this. Anyone have this problem. I actually don't want to talk about it with casual uk fan because I come off a little foaming at the mouth. Savoring this last few mins of underdogs doh.

It's hard to talk to casual fans about big ticket items like this. I let things go all the time that I know are incorrect because I don't want to come off like a psycho.
Ok yea whores are cool but Matt if you could give me a prediction on how much Derek Willis will play this year I'll hang up and listen.
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-Wife officially signed her job contract for a practice in Lexington, so the move back in July 2016 is finally official. Remembering why we did this. I'm finally viewing things up here as "lasts." Last winter. Last rotation at "x" hospital. Last time I have to fake laugh at jackass attending's shitty jokes about the day I do not speak of regarding a certain basketball game. Will miss some stuff, but for the most part my residency years are going to be stuffed in a mental shoebox and pushed under the guest bed.

-Meeting with a group in a week to discuss job opportunities, and managed to parlay that into getting Thursday off as well. Auburn tix waiting for me at my folks' house. Huber giddy [banana]

-Wife recently was delivering a baby and the baby daddy kept having to leave the room and check on his other baby who was being simultaneously born a couple doors down.

-I wish it was a bigger story nationally, but I've had a blast filling people in up here. Jones is killing it and is doing it without being over the top (mainly because the facts don't require it). I do hope he's spending most of his time in Lexington, those wackos are seriously mentally ill judging by the stuff I've seen posted. Definitely think there's a battle coming up between Pitino and the administration. He dug his heels in re: not resigning, and they're not exactly giving any public votes of confidence since the original Jurich press conference. At some point those jackasses are going to have to decide if being a Louisville man means worshiping the decision to let him go or if it means forgiving that sleazy POS when he's fired. I don't think Rick knew, but I think he very likely made it clear he didn't want to know specifics regarding what happens on recruiting visits.

Also, whores.
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-I know it was a school but did Christian Academy Louisville even have sports back in the day? I don't remember them other than occasionally showing up at random Student Government shit. Similar to Bethlehem in that regard. They'd just be there and you'd be like, "Oh yeah.. forgot about those guys." Don't remember them having a football team. Beat up on the Colts last night but I guess we get them back in the playoffs every year.

-The last bit we're really waiting on with UL is Blakeney. After that unless one of the 2 main characters talk I'd imagine it will quiet down. UK has Auburn/ Madness and UL has Florida State. Should be more to talk about over the next few weeks.

-Dark on my entire drive in. :weary: Seriously the short days are what I hate most.

-Ramsey tweeted that Sullivan has an obvious UK bias, that convo is heating up. Looks like Ramsey got a little confidence after Molly's last night at 3a. :boxing: Leggo!!
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