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“Tough” is an adjective that’s used too often in sports, but both of these teams are just that. Mentally tough. Big shot after big shot after big shot.

Fun to watch.
And of course now they're focusing in on the last split second in the replay instead of the blatant missed call(s) that happened right before it.
Wow. No foul on the drive, then an auto foul after Virginia gets the rebound.

Can we just show slow motion shots of different officials with the OSM music at the end of this?
It was out on the TT guy. You can’t just ignore it on replay. Sucks but that was clear.
Just get rid of replay altogether. It isn't worth it. We still have plenty of human error anyway. I'm fine with a little human error. This ruined this game.
That last replay just shows how close even average and seemingly obvious calls are. Cannot believe it actually went off Red. :flushed:
Without replay, refs would make that call for TTU 100/100 times and nobody would even give it a second thought.

If you’re palming the ball and it’s knocked out of your hand, it will *always* roll off your pinky as your hand releases it. Pretty much the same thing that happened here, as the ball was just coming off his palm on the dribble.

Another ridiculous call that ruined TTU’s chance to tie the game with 1 min to play.
Without replay, refs would make that call for TTU 100/100 times and nobody would even give it a second thought.

If you’re palming the ball and it’s knocked out of your hand, it will *always* roll off your pinky as your hand releases it. Pretty much the same thing that happened here, as the ball was just coming off his palm on the dribble.

Another ridiculous call that ruined TTU’s chance to tie the game with 1 min to play.

Yep. If they're gonna go super-slo-mo replay on that type of play, then they need a subtle rule change: If the defender knocks the ball out of the hands of the dribbler, it has to hit some other part of the dribbler's body besides just the hand he had the ball in for possession to go to the defense.
16 —> 9 —> 12 —> 3 —> 5 —> 3

Average seed of opponents was 8. I’ll let fatguy87 tell me if that’s the highest opponent average for a champion.
16 —> 9 —> 12 —> 3 —> 5 —> 3

Average seed of opponents was 8. I’ll let fatguy87 tell me if that’s the highest opponent average for a champion.
They trailed the 16 by 14 in the 1st half and trailed in their last 3 wins with 15 seconds to go in the game.

Kyle Guy ended up being what we wanted Tyler Herro to be-- a stone cold killer multi-year white guy while getting all the calls/non-calls
Didn’t watch one minute of the game, but from reading gyero it looks like it was a good game that was potentially ruined by the refs.

Didn’t watch one minute of the game, but from reading gyero it looks like it was a good game that was potentially ruined by the refs.


Actually, if TT drove to the basket for foul/basket with seconds to go, they had a great chance to win in regulation. Instead, dude took a UK long 2, bricked it and it went OT where the NCAA phoned in that it was time to award the ACC another gift.
The most interesting thing in the usual "the refs stole the game" brouhaha is the ridiculous notion that the team who touches the ball last should be able to keep the ball. I've seen several people argue this. Is that really a "rule" that you all want to be instituted?

I bet the over and didn’t have a dog in the fight, but 1) I am not sure the TT player’s hand touched that last and 2) have never seen in the history of basketball the call be made. I was in shock they ever reviewed it.

- Congratulations to Virginia. Can’t recall a luckier champ, but they found a way to win and redeem themselves.

- Virginia, Texas Tech, Butler, etc. have all built contenders in the last decade yet there Indiana sits with one Elite 8 in 25 years. lol

- Not an original thought by any means but Beard is exactly who we thought we were getting with Gillispie.

- Please please please give us Herro back. Bonus would be Hagans too. Not as worried about the bigs- I think a sophomore Montgomery and junior Richards will be good.

- Onto spring. Been impressed with April weather thus far. Keep it up.
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-Similar champ to Maryland, Arkansas, Michigan, etc. I guess for some reason I wanted UVa to win because they actually give a sh*t about a consistent program. Not a fan of a random B12 school riding a hot streak to devalue the difficulty. Plus I like the fact that only Kansas has won from the B12, nice little barb for their dumb streak.

-I've thought all along that Hagans was gone regardless of draft status but at some point I hope an adult steps in and gives him solid advice. There's a reason guys like Jerry Meyer were in love with him, he could make a boatload of money going the PJ route.

-Hampton was slated to take Jones' spot but I agree with august, his dad is a bit too involved and open about specific players being in the way.

-UCLA :joy:
*How do you fire a coach in December and then whiff on like 5 guys in April?
*How do you hire a guy and not know his buyout? Not to mention it wasn't some massive number compared to what they've been offering Cal/Barnes.
*Yo Cali/LA, not everyone is dying to live in your city contrary to what you believe.
*Stop being ridiculous and go hire Bruce Pearl.

-Spring Game Friday should be fun. Bunch of new names to learn. Couple collides, looks like decent weather, rain should be out by noon.

-What were the Charleston recs? We're headed down in a couple weeks. Staying out on IOP. G will be with us so kid friendly recs would be best.
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