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For some weird reason my power went out around 630am. So I made a call, hopped in the shower then got dressed and by the time that was done(20 minutes at the most) my power was back on.

Lexington could learn from Bullitt County.
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Still no power.

Just want to give a shout out to all the cyclist and joggers who were out all times before, during and after one of the worst non-tornadic thunder storms in recent memory. Everyone is very proud of you guys for not taking a day off. You should feel very special. Thanks for your service.

Yeah piss on those exercisers who have a healthy routine. Losers lol
* Power was on all weekend. My utility company is amazing.

* The internet TOTALLY redeems itself...



* Picked up a couple of Wendell Berry novels -- his first two (Nathan Coulter and A Place on Earth).

Never really dug into his work, but he's so accomplished, and such a Kentucky die hard I figured I marcus give it a shot. Probably be organic farming with horse and plow within a week or two. We'll see.

* I'm not sure Joe Diffie ever really got the credit he deserved, and he wasn't celebrated nearly enough for his fantastic work. Honestly, I'd put Avy Scott in that category, too. Both left me wanting more.

* Sharp Objects is off to a great start.

* Matt Harvey pitches very well for the Reds for 2 months, giving serious hope for a flip-him-for-a-better-prospect trade that krazykats krazily predicted.....and then he gets absolutely rocked in his last outing before the trade deadline. Of course.

* Good luck to all of you and your friends that are toe'ing the line for today's Badwater 135 today!

* Eddie Pepperell was hungover on Sunday for the British? [eyeroll][eyeroll]

So was I. Where's my media attention??
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-They should've just sat in darkness for 48 hours ordering pizza and scrolling through their phone. Selfish assholes.

-We were down about 48 hours. Just long enough to throw out all the deep freeze and fridge items. Awesome. Standby generator would've been cheaper than replacing that stuff. All in all pretty thankful. I watched the 80' oaks out front swaying like crazy hoping they didn't fall on anyone's house. The old house lost about half the tree but luckily the limb fell across the street. The house at Rose and Maxwell has to be a tear down, tree absolutely smoked it.

-First 20 minutes I was a bit cold on Last Chance U but quickly changed. Liking this new cast, the Brittany Wagoner role is a bit forced, but she's not too bad as it moves on. Same amazing story lines but it seems like this school is a little more what I'd expect out of a rural CC. The coach is a million times more likable, I love that he has a drink in his hand about 75% of the non-football shots. QB is absolutely hatable, which is great. I'd imagine CC football has an endless supply of these stories. Terry TD with a cameo last night.

-Open Championship, my #2 in Majors for sure, but again another instance of us getting robbed by golf. The wop played great but extremely boring winner when you had an opportunity for a damn shootout with Spieth, Rory, Rose, Woods, Xander and a few others. That course was awesome and for the most part the fans are way better than our loser "baaahhhbaaaahboooyey and mashed potatoes" fans.

-OMG Jordan, you just walked into town and got a haircut? Like just walked in like a normal person? What happened? They cut my hair.
^Most annoying story of the weekend.

-Reds giving a little hope then getting rag dolled after the ASG? That seems vaguely familiar.

-Anyone interested in Bourbon Chase? Need to fill my spot.
The Reds late June/July surge will, in retrospect, have been just enough to give the team false hope for competing in 2019 and beyond, and will have erroneously led to them holding onto a re-signing veterans they clearly should have traded.

Harvey and Scooter should be gone by now. Iglesias should be as well.
I entertained myself most of the weekend by reading @lgeku tweets/replies. Cameos from Geese and tgh asking about their electric.

The grocery bill to replace a lot of stuff last night wasn't that bad. I am just trying to pretend I actually ate the food that I had to throw out.
I entertained myself most of the weekend by reading @lgeku tweets/replies. Cameos from Geese and tgh asking about their electric.

Glad Woodford County's misfortune provided you some social media entertainment this weekend, toots!

Maybe we'll get power back by week's end. WHO KNOWS, THOUGH? I'll make sure to add you in reply tweet back to KU congratulating them on their 3rd world lead time.
The opposite-field events are weak, but I always enjoy the career-changing stories that often come out of them:

Troy Merritt (who was my pick, btw), for his efforts:

-300 FedEx Points (getting him into playoffs)
-PGA Championship, Players, Memorial, Bridgestone, Arnold, TOC invites
-2 season Tour Exemption through 2020

Nice lil week in Nicholasville for him.
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The wettest mental pussies I run across on the world wide web seem to really get rock-hard calling people snowflakes and triggered. What's lost on literally every single one of them is that they themselves are the "triggered snowflake" in nearly every one of those situations. If someone even remotely voices an opinion counter to their own circle jerk, it's time to turn on ALL CAPS and scream and chant TRIGGERED! SNOWFLAKE! over and over until you shout down anyone who disagrees.

It's gotten to the point that any time I see someone use the word triggered or snowflake unironically, I can assume with probably 99% accuracy that they are indeed puerile, simple-minded, dimwits.
Glad Woodford County's misfortune provided you some social media entertainment this weekend, toots!

Maybe we'll get power back by week's end. WHO KNOWS, THOUGH? I'll make sure to add you in reply tweet back to KU congratulating them on their 3rd world lead time.
No, Geese, I was not entertained by your misfortune. And we were in the same boat. It was mainly the people yelling at LGEKU on Twitter. Your post wasn't a yell (though I'm sure if you spoke it, it would be loud).
Matt Harvey pitches very well for the Reds for 2 months, giving serious hope for a flip-him-for-a-better-prospect trade that krazykats krazily predicted.....


- I approved a mid summer vacation for my inside guy(assistant) this week, and I’ll be damned if the world isn’t on fire!

I already gave him 10% of my commissions because he is solid and dependable and he may have just earned a raise because this shit ain’t worth what he makes.

- Just got word that the largest builder in America is headed to Louisville. Yikes!

- Nothing like grown ass men bickering and bitching over what weekends to do fantasy football 6 year old says grow the F up.

- The sky diving thread is bringing back some memories. I may have to make the leap again, after I finish my tattoo and buy 1 more gun......just in case I don’t die.

- Found a house. I can basically handle 2 mortgages if “we” choose this house. It’s open so we technically could move in next week after the paperwork is done and then focus on selling our current house. I know in my heart my wife will probably hate it because it’s too good to come true for me.

So today she got her nails did and hair done, and I
might even take her to a fancy dinner before asking if it suits her.:popcorn:
-Married Chad. :smiley: Buckle up folks, about to get very entertaining.

-Willing to cut KU/LGE a little slack. 2nd fastest sustained straight line winds in city history. Trees were down everywhere and it was a complete mess. Most of downtown was out and I know some great people live in Versailles but a little more important to get the businesses back up and running. Saw tons of crews out at all hours all weekend.

-So the guy in the internet political discussion isn't the "Snowflake" the other guy is actually the "Snowflake." Gotcha. Definitely #teamchase after he explained it.
- Actually it doesn’t, but I’m not too happy paying $200 a month for a POD we can’t fill up fast enough to get all of our clutter out of a house we have out grown.

Kids go back to school in 3 weeks so my options are what they are for now.

- By no means am I a baller, but I’m not krazy with my money. I just hope my motivation on this particular house doesn’t cause me to not wake tomorrow morning.
-51 hours without power...avoided redass for the most part. Started getting prickly at the 48 hr mark. Only gripe with KU: communication is key...people are easy to appease if you keep them in the loop, they could've done better. 1st world problems.

-looking at India trip next year with my buddy Balwander. Yolo, gang.
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Lexington restaurant news:

Coba finally found a tenant, Cowboy Brazilian Steakhouse, pretty sure it’s the same as the one in Hilton Head.

Jonathan Lundy is opening up another restaurant, an Italian restaurant to go in Centerpointe

Napa Prime is opening a Lexington location where Jefferson Davis Inn use to be.
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