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In 2017 I received countless death threats in connection with my introduction of legislation involving the wearing of masks. The threats escalated to the point that my wife received threatening phone calls concerning her and my children. I was very afraid for my safety and the safety of my entire family.

Then, on June 14th, a gunman opened fire at members of Congress on a baseball field. I knew people on that field. Now, the fears I already had became more intensified as the reality of my family being targeted by a similar, deranged, would-be assassin became even more possible. I was in such a poor state of mind that my wife and I also undertook marriage counseling with a licensed therapist during this time.

Sacha Baron Cohen and his associates took advantage of my paralyzing fear that my family would be attacked. In posing as an Israeli Agent, he pretended to offer self-defense exercises. As uncomfortable as I was to participate, I agreed to, understanding that these ‘techniques’ were meant to help me and others fend off what I believed was an inevitable attack.

My fears were so heightened at that time, I was not thinking clearly nor could I appreciate what I was agreeing to when I participated in his ‘class.’ I was told I would be filmed as a ‘demonstration video’ to teach others the same skills in Israel. Sacha and his crew further lied to me, stating that I would be able to review and have final approval over any footage used.

I deeply regret the language I used at his request as well as my participation in the ‘class’ in general. If I had not been so distracted by my fears, I never would have agreed to participate in the first place.
Lots of manipulation going on behind the scenes in that show but it still has some funny scenes. The people of Kingman, AZ was the funniest so far IMO.
<———Has showtime. Homeland, Billions and The Affair are all really good. People swear by shameless as well but I’ve never watched it.
Serious question for those of you who are of means (as in, you have a decent paying job):

Why not just leave town? It’s not ideal, and I know it sucks, but is it the end of the world if you drive up to Cincy or to Louisville for a couple days? Spend like 300 bucks on a hotel ?
I don’t really get it either. Before the storm last year, we buttoned up the house and went to Tampa. Power then went out there and we went to Kentucky until power was back on. Easier obviously without kids, we did have two dogs though. It’s two days guys, it’s REALLY not that big of a deal.

And if you’re ever in this position again you should definitely sit in the dark of your house, completely change your daily routine, and complain online about it like @Brandon Stroud suggested.
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The manipulation stories should have their own freaking show. How on earth they convince these people....:joy::joy::joy:

Joe Walsh (congressman) said he was tricked into supporting the Kinderguardian program because they flew him to DC, put him up in a fancy hotel, sent a limo for him....and offered him some fake award/trophy for being a great supporter of Israel. :joy:

Absolutely. Genius.
Oh, and a YUUUUUUUUGE eff you to these slackjawed, dimwitted, mouthbreathing, gullible, snowflake d bags who are trying to “fight back” against Cohen.

Give up.

Palin has been the worst. She’s pissed. Trying to shame him into donating his shows proceeds to veteran causes, impossibly hoping to spin this into a political argument about fighting for America, blah, blah. Piss off, you C bomb. You got Punk’d.
Actually was packing up and gonna hit the road on friday night, marcus stay on the boat with power, air conditioning, and TV. Right as I was locking up, power comes back on.

Worked out good, my folks stayed at my place while they were without power.

Feels nice to live in a prioritized area.
Of course drxmans neighborhood is in a prioritized area. With power out in Hamburg, Lexington risks being without Steak and Shake and Taco Bell for one more day. You think the powers that be at KU want that on their conscience??

I think not.
Caught the last episode of Who is America...

The Ga rep and Kingman.

Good lord :scream:

The child soldier fund was pretty funny.
The Cubs starting rotation is pathetic. I’m glad those kids won a WS a few years ago but if they can’t get some starting pitching in there they might as well be the damn Reds!
Ted Williams: American Masters on PBS right now and it’s outstanding. Dude deserves a 3-4 hour documentary.
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If you’re as unbelievably stupid as some of these people, you should be ridiculed by every human on earth, regardless of nationality.

If it makes our country look bad, it should look bad. We shouldn’t be putting up with some of this absurd bullshit, regardless of what political team you’re on. If a conservative screams n*gger or wants to arm kindergarteners, or if a liberal wants to abort everyone’s first born, those people should be outted and shunned. If it takes a foreign comedian to do it, so be it. I really don’t see why that matters.
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Anthony Rizzo warning up on the mound, with the Cubs down 7-1 in the 9th. On in relief for Victor Caratini, their catcher

I love Joe Maddon.
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Can’t be any worse than the rest of our.......the cubs BS pitching staff!

From blown saves to 6-0 in the damn first inning. I’d overpay for us to get a Matt Harvey right now.
I went out running in traffic causing near traffic accidents on Saturday.

That vest was near blinding. Please tell me it's got a strobe setting of some sort?

KSR listeners....what's the deal with KY Joe? Is he mentally challenged in some sort of way(this can mean autism or anything really...just seems like something is off...not trying to say the guy has downs).

...and the clearing of the throat. PTI level throat clearing but this dude does it 20+ times a call.

Running back. Running back. Mr Pringle.
The English teacher in the new last chance u can go f*ck herself. She sucks. Zero stars
The English teacher in the new last chance u can go f*ck herself. She sucks. Zero stars

So 3 seasons into Last Chance U, each season is focused on a failed FSU quarterback....

And as much as I hated John Franklin III and the dbag from last year.

Malik Henry is easily the worst of the 3. Good Lawd
The Badwater ultramarathoners got off easy today. It was only 119 in Death Valley today, although it was a little more humid than usual. It's supposed to hit around 122 tomorrow and Wednesday.

I'd be afraid to drive a car that route this time of year. Car breaks down and you could die.
I'd be afraid to drive a car that route this time of year. Car breaks down and you could die.

Bring a lot of water, tell people where you are going, and do not venture off looking for help if something goes wrong - stay in the shade of the car - preferably under the tailgate if possible.

^ That's one of the very important things I learned in my hunter's safety course I took at age 12. In the video, one of the guys wonders off. They find his sun-baked corpse a day later.
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