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I'm no Louisvilleball but honest question from a concerned human being- what the hell is wrong, medically speaking, with John Ramsey?

Not sure be he has to be related to the Sheriff in some way. There is something “special” about both of them.
I can go to (Arizona’s) practices like I’m on the team. The coaches … I know them all anyway, we’re friends.”

They are toast.

Finally, I travel the country and during the undefeated run I had to endure all the cals a cheater stuff every game I had to defend wherever I was. Oh man. This is great thank you jesus from pikeville to cheif paduch I love you all.
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When your last line of defense is a radio personality with the moniker, Captain Suntan, you're probably toast. Holy poop.

The entire nation seems so sure WWW and Cal are going down next. Meanwhile, Cal poses with United States Senators in DC today.

Not sure sports karma can be this satisfying for me. The ebbs and flows have been extreme the last 4-5 years. Kinda concerned what happens next. How does this even out? Will it even out? Does a new, parallel sports universe begin? Is the apocalypse truly upon us? What?

I want to be euphoric but I'm a little confused, honestly.
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Not sure sports karma can be this satisfying for me. The ebbs and flows have been extreme the last 4-5 years. Kinda concerned what happens next. How does this even out? Will it even out? Does a new, parallel sports universe begin? Is the apocalypse truly upon us? What?

I want to be euphoric but I'm a little confused, honestly.

I choose to believe this is our reward for last Saturday.
To be honest I have never wanted UofL to get rid of rick pitino. I always thought that if they did, they could hire a young up and comer and really rejuvenate that program. Jurich is a titty man but dammit, he knows coaching hires. Figured they might land billy Donovan or one of the millers or someone like that and who knows? Maybe they turn into a cool school. But now? They aren't going to be shit. They're gonna get rid of Tom and hire some limp dick ned Flanders Mitch Barnhart hybrid and go with the softest nicest basketball coach they can find not named tubby smith. They're f*cking done, man. For a couple years probably at least
Furthermore how does this affect Adidas? Is this enough to make teams want our of their sponsorship deals?

It absolutely has to have an impact on Zion's supposed Adidas connections and Kansas.
I haven’t seen them mentioned one time, but Kansas has to be involved. They’re dirty as shit and Adidas’ bell cow in college basketball. Not a chance in hell some some of their guys didn’t get paid.

And all of the transfers. All of it has a twinge on shadiness to it, no way they're clean. Seems like they end up with a bunch of questionable character guys out of hs as well.

If you asked which Adidas school is most likely to be mixed up in all of this --- they're my pick.
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Do you think it's possible that UofL self-imposes the death penalty? Just chop off the entire festering gangrenous mass that is UofL basketball, shut the program down for a year or two, then start again from scratch?

Yeah, I didn't think so, either, that would take at least a shred of moral decency that based on recent history simply does not exist at that "institution."
Busy day...five flights, four town halls in rural areas with no service. I get back around 7 central, pull up GYERO on the phone, and see 11 new pages of posts...always means some shit went down.

Yes. This is incredible.

And now Suntan (a member of the media) is BEGGING other media members and the pseudo-celebrities that he knows to tweet the GD governor to prevent Jurich from being fired...this is just too f***ing good.
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I haven’t seen them mentioned one time, but Kansas has to be involved. They’re dirty as shit and Adidas’ bell cow in college basketball. Not a chance in hell some some of their guys didn’t get paid.

All these hoes are gonna start squeeling now, so there's hope someone mentions Kansas.

Also, there's no telling what Jurich and Pitino know about each other. Decent chance one has the other murdered if it comes down to it.
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Also, there's no telling what Jurich and Pitino know about each other. Decent chance one has the other murdered if it comes down to it.

Which is why Louisville is going to be paying at least Pitino and probably Jurich (but I'm still not 100% convinced that he's out) a hefty sum to shut up and go away.

Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen!
Any chance we got this backwards and Jurich is fired today and they put Pitino off for a few days until the board gets counsel on getting the university out of the $19 million they potentially owe him? I think we fired Hagan before Sutton was canned.
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