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Willy, please learn to make goetta corn dogs.

Looking forward to dinner at Tony's tonight too. Since I get no mention I will be sitting next to the Beans so Sloot does not.:rolleyes:
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Some days I wish G had dropped his naps... like when we have somewhere to be between the hours of 12n and 2p. But on most days, I covet some nap time. Shew.

Cricket, good luck. How old is your kid now?
Jim McElwain is likely a dangerous weirdo. He's an overly sensitive tub of shit with an anger management problem.

This MF'er sells insurance.


This MF'er picks fist fights with street hookers after 4 beers.

I know it's been worn out but the intro to Welcome to the Jungle TURNT WAY UP still kicks all kinds of ass. Rest of the song is meh but that intro...
Finally headed back home. Should be a rough drive down US1.

Agree with the bald one and will prob throw $250 or so on the money line for Florida. Be happy to win that back or pay that for the win. Gotta blow this FEMA money on something.
I haven't slept in 4 years and was not counting on ever doing so again tbh. The little criminal climbs in our bed and presses against me, kicking and punching, until the 6:30 alarm goes off and the sweet release of work comes.
Got 2 of them the same way.

Broken sleep just becomes a reality of life. My daughter will army crawl into our room to her mother's side of the bed to avoid detection...she's knows if I bust her, it's back to her bed. My hard sleeping wife won't move a muscle.
I remember back in September of 1997 when the #1 Gators came to town. We had a brash, young, Jimmy Buffet-loving football coach and a bonafide pirate as the OC. Timmy Couch was thriving in his new role as a throwing QB and put up hellacious numbers against lowly IU the week before.

CBS was in town and the campus was lit. Our fraternity had a Gator Bash on Friday. We bought a piece of crap car, painted it UF's colors, and had people pay to beat the hell out of it. By the time the radio crew came out and the football players were weilding a sledgehammer to it, we got shut down by campus police. We did not have a permit for such shenanigans. So we had the car towed and decided to party anyway. Hard.

The next thing you know, it's Saturday afternoon and we're down 28-0 with 6:00 to go in the FIRST QUARTER. It's hard to remember what happened between that moment of reality and the car smashing being nixed. I have no recollection. But I do know it was scalding hot. Like people passing out in the stands hot.

I told you that to tell you this: It almost feels like deja-vu.
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