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Forde was trolling BBN yesterday. But, giving them replies/hits is exactly what they're after.
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Just talked to my grandfather in Tampa a little bit ago. Says it's raining real hard but the wind isn't terrible yet. So I'd say the wind is pretty bad. Seemed like he was safe, tense but no panic in his voice. Won't be getting any sleep tonight, at this point I'd rather be there with him. :confused:
On a lighter note, former IU QB and Dakich got in a Twitter fight. Dude challenged him to a UFC style fight and threatening to release a video of him. As far as I'm concerned the more bad that happens to Dakich, the better.

Dakich/Forde tweet/write a column to troll UK fans, those that follow respond and a writer on KSR picks it up. Now Matt Jones tweets about it and encourages more BJWs to respond and links his website. KSR is now seeing increased hits along with Dakich/Forde. It is a never ending cycle that is here to stay since the trolls and the BJWs favorite media member both benefit from the exchange.
The thing about Dakich is he seems like a legit weirdo/bad human.

Skip Bayless and his ilk very clearly calculate who/what they attack and how they respond. Dakich is spending his Sunday night subtweeting a post-UK Derek Willis and legitimately trying to fight a former IU QB. That's beyond trolling
Dakich always plays the aw shucks I was just goofin around card after. They dude is a legit psycho.

No doubt in my mind he abused his child when he didn't perform as a youngster.
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And y'all are clicking, tbh. Lol. That's below whatever dakich and MJ are doing.

Who gives an actual f*ck? I wasn't aware he is paid by how many people look at his Twitter. The dude is a carny, and a legit POS human being but some of the drama is entertaining.

Your quest is going to get what? 10, 20 people to stop clicking on Dakich info?

Get over yourself.
He was probably wekking in Salvation Army buckets and sticking pine cones up dudes' butts when he was coaching at Bowling Green. Probably.
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Evidently we are +6.5 @ USC.

Krazykats had us as a 2 point favorite yesterday based upon some week 2 power rankings system.



That's fine I was wrong in thinking vegas would lay a trap line out there.......but the link I provided has us winning by a TD and is a handicapping site. Also the line opened at USC -5 and has moved big still.

UK is 1-4 in its last five, and USC is 4-1. So it looks like Vegas didn't need as big of a trap as I thought to make it all 1 sided.
Anth, thanks for supporting our group for the Steps to Independence Walk again this year. If you're able, you're more than welcome to come on up for the walk as well. Either way, we appreciate you. I owe some money to the B2BC team, so I'll get on that tomorrow.
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He is right about tattoos.
I mean that's the thing there's a pin t buried in there.

The point isn't "see this kids aren't broke" but "make sure someone is paying off these tattoo parlors before Willis lands is in a Terrell Pryor situaish"
I've been to a lot of UK and Bengals games but yesterday's performance at PBS may have been the worst football game I've ever attended live.

Extra points for almost getting into it with a fan behind us who was every bad NFL fan stereotype wrapped up in one package. After the third hour of nonstop f bombs and such it wears on a guy.

Points deducted for sitting through that mess with only one beer.
-Appreciate the B2BC support. Looks like just from a quick tabulation the event was close to 300k. Great stuff. Excellent weather this year.

-Saturday night got the blood flowing for CFB. Great stuff.

-I love seeing an away team plant the flag at mid-field.

-I haven't seen anyone with LaMar(he's ascended to single name territory) out of their top 3-4 Heisman candidates all year but the narrative is exhausting that he's being overlooked. Christ, we're talking at least 10+ segments dedicated to him being overlooked. Sure doesn't seem like it.

-Weird year with the first tailgate being almost October.

-Crushed some meatballs and perfected the sous vide cheesecake.
- College Football delivers every week. That's why it's the best sport going. And it all goes down on Saturday. NFL can kindly get pumped.

- Thanks for letting me know early this year, Bengals. Appreciate it.

- But really- how do you miss on TWO 1st round offensive tackles in the same F'ing draft????

- Registering for gifts wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be, and frankly, I felt like a real ahole putting some of that expensive shit on there. Lass enjoyed it though.

- I'm really surprised Dabo built such a powerhouse. I never took him seriously until last year.

- Nashville this weekend. Can't wait.
Registering for gifts is just for old people, imo. With people waiting to get married, they usually have everything they need.

Donations to the honeymoon fund, ftw.
Thank you again to all you peeps who donated to BTBC. Great event.

Joey the Bonz and I had a nice little ride. After the ride, I made my first ever voyage to Dutchman Hoots.

Some nice talent there, but the waitresses were all wearing Louisville jerseys and the sound was on their battle with the Tarheels.

At one point, one of the TVs that had the UK game on got switched to a pressure cooker infomercial.

Hopefully, the debacle that was Barker's 2 series will end the intraweb's fascination with him starting over SJ for a while.

***Note to Bonzo's lurker buddies who joined us at Hoot's... stop being queers and post.
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Marvin Lewis is employed in the NFL

Hopefully, this will be his last year. But the man does have a winning record and his teams' have made the postseason 50% of the time... while having Mike Brown as an owner. That is HOF worthy, IMO. Worst owner in sports.

I wish Brown would sell the team to Jeff Ruby. The concessions would be better, anyway.

Dalton haters/AJ Mac fans will be happy because Dalton will be killed within the first 3 games. Unfortunately, AJ will have the same fate. The Bengals' starting tackles are the worst I've ever seen in the NFL.
NFL starting at 1am doesn't suck when your team pulls that shit. Dear God I may just give my tickets away.

These immigrants that quit their jobs and move to Bali to just kick it are doing life right... Definitely questioning every decision I've ever made in my life these days. I've spent maybe $300 the first week here trying to give money away.
South Carolina Games
2016 UK (W) 17-10
2015 UK (W) 26-22
2014 UK (W) 45-38
2013 UK (L) 35-28

I dont have a sports blog but I assume its a close one Saturday.

Really turned UP the Montgomery-Gentry this weekend.
Where I Come From
My Town
Something To Be Proud Of
Hell Yeah
She Dont Tell Me To

Got some new records last week. The go-to on weekend nights is two fingers of rye and spin a few tunes kicked back in the recliner.

The Amazon commercial with the little baby who is afraid of the dog, but then the dad buys it a lion outfit like her favorite toy... goodness.

I get sucked into the 9/11 docuseries. Its still pretty gripping to watch. The Road to 9/11 was remarkable in its focus on some of the storylines about bin laden/al quaeda in the mid to late 90's. Those operatives that had chances to take out certain terrorists are obviously still really impacted by it.

Respect knucks to all those that ride in B2BC.

Still cool.
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I believe there is a ton of upside and good football in front of us, and I also (still) believe that we’ve intentionally not shown a damn thing on offense. Does the line need to get better? No question. But their job gets markedly more difficult when the defense can stack the box and damn near call the offensive plays.

Like I said, I don’t know that we’ll win this Saturday, but I think you’ll see a much more “dynamic” gameplan by Gran. In turn, some holes should develop for Benny more than they have and we’ll start to see him become more of a factor.

I was also relatively encouraged by Johnson’s play Saturday. He won the game. It’s actually pretty amazing how much more confident he is this year than from where he was September 2016. Dude’s going to win us some more ballgames this year… possibly even Saturday.

Who knows? Maybe our team will come out a winner.

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