The way to beat us is a favorable whistle, make your FT's and have a player that can make a consistent shot from the elbow off the curl/screen. That is the one area in the half court that seems to be open enough to get a clean look. The opponents keep driving it into a nightmare. Luckily, kids today either want it close or from behind the arc.

We have a better mid range game than any of our opponents so far.
That Malik Newman video on KSR, two things:
*He likes to talk some crap. Our rivals will hate him if we get him.
*He does something odd with his feet on every shot. Some weird little kick motion. Not like a Duke throw your feet out for a fake foul motion at all.

The AD last night. The whole front row on the baseline all fall back in their seats in unison as they react.

Dieng > Davis. Siva > Wall
His mixtapes are 99% him shooting step-back jumpers. He's got a beautiful stroke, but seems to rely on it an awful lot.

Still think he's a weird fit for here, but I'd certainly welcome him.

If he chooses one of his other lesser schools (Ole Miss, NCState, etc) he'll average 25, TS. Seems like the situation he really wants, no matter what he says....but, we'll see.
Somewhere along the line coaches realized:

* Hey, I don't have the thoroughbreds to compete with the elite talent level teams so I'm going to muck it up with my mules and make it a possession game. Look at Pitino versus Cal while at UL and Pitino in general while at UL versus his philosophy while at UK.
Originally posted by _Chase_:

But being a bad ass soldier has zero to do with whether or not bragging about being a bad ass soldier is annoying.
Sorry the people who provide your freedom annoy you.

You should write your representatives in Washington and let them know about this pressing issue. I'm sure they'd be happy to propose to the Armed Services committee sensitivity training about the dangers of Humblebragging. Maybe you could even author the course, show them how it should and should not be done. The world would be a better place.
Originally posted by _Chase_:

Just because someone served in the military doesn't make them infallible. And "civilian clowns" commenting on someone's personality does not make them unpatriotic or ungrateful.
Pretty effing much.
Newman seems like a Kansas kid. Guess his game reminds me of past guards there.

Haven't followed his recruitment closely but do they even have a shot with him?
I dunno, I've had a group text with some law school people going for about 8 years. Only person who gets annoyed by it is my wife.
Originally posted by MaxPowerrr:
I dunno, I've had a group text with some law school people going for about 8 years. Only person who gets annoyed by it is my wife.
My wife made me go to a dinner party at our neighbors house this past past weekend. We've lived here a year and i'd never met them. Her reasoning was, "You havent made new friends since college, and that stupid group text with your internet friends doesnt count"
Originally posted by CClarkUK:

Originally posted by MaxPowerrr:
I dunno, I've had a group text with some law school people going for about 8 years. Only person who gets annoyed by it is my wife.
My wife made me go to a dinner party at our neighbors house this past past weekend. We've lived here a year and i'd never met them. Her reasoning was, "You havent made new friends since college, and that stupid group text with your internet friends doesnt count"
I'm not on your group text, but I am your internet friend. Please tell Mals that hurts my feelings.
Originally posted by IsRichieGonnaStart:
Somewhere along the line coaches realized:

* Hey, I don't have the thoroughbreds to compete with the elite talent level teams so I'm going to muck it up with my mules and make it a possession game. Look at Pitino versus Cal while at UL and Pitino in general while at UL versus his philosophy while at UK.
ironic that a similar mindset in football has lead to more scoring/entertaining product:

hey, I cant get the huge physical O linemen/running backs like the elite programs, so lets spread the damn field out sideline to sideline and play fast break basketball on grass

This post was edited on 1/27 12:07 PM by JHB4UK
Originally posted by drxman1:
Originally posted by _Chase_:

But being a bad ass soldier has zero to do with whether or not bragging about being a bad ass soldier is annoying.
Sorry the people who provide your freedom annoy you.

You should write your representatives in Washington and let them know about this pressing issue. I'm sure they'd be happy to propose to the Armed Services committee sensitivity training about the dangers of Humblebragging. Maybe you could even author the course, show them how it should and should not be done. The world would be a better place.

For such a tough guy (I mean that seriously), you sure are a thin skinned pussy about this.

If you write a book, people are going to comment on the content. If you put yourself in the public eye, people are going to provide opinions about what you have done or said. If you can't handle that, maybe you shouldn't write a book and make a movie.

I have seen Chris Kyle be harshly criticized for things MUCH worse than being a braggart, and that's literally the only thing people in here have commented on. No one hates him for it either. On the contrary, I'm pretty sure every single person here has agreed that he was a bad ass, did a great job, etc...

You act like people like have committed treason if they won't sign an affidavit saying Chris Kyle was an unquestionable God.
Originally posted by CClarkUK:
Its mostly Booker that she is skeptical about. Obviously.
Our group text has pretty much us trashing Andrew and living vicariously thru Joey the Bonz.
Really can't stand the way that guy humblebrags about the hole in his yard. Annoys the hell out of me.
-Bringing this over from S&G thread.

Occasionally I fall into this weird sleep pattern where I take naps from like 4:30-6 every day and fall asleep around midnight. BBdk says he feels guilty if he's up past 11 on a school night. I get the same feeling as well but I typically hit the bed by 10:30 or 10:45 THEN:

*play on the intra web for a few minutes
*read for a bit
*try to sleep for 20-30 minutes
*get frustrated pop a melatonin
*check to make sure the intra web is still ok and I haven't missed anything in the past 20 minutes
*roll around for another 10-15 minutes before I fall asleep or take another 1/2 melatonin.

Drives me nuts but really doesn't make much of a difference in my daily life. I feel fine today, worked out yesterday morning and evening. Just prefer to fall asleep earlier.
Originally posted by _Chase_:
How are we just now seeing this?

It was on his numerous social media accounts...I took the liberty to steal it and post it on GYERO. I thought it had been posted here before?

Woops. It was on the LOCAL NEWS, after all.

Oh well, that's too good not to post here. It would be LOL as a photo-shop, but the fact it's REAL is just amazing.

-I can't imagine being up past midnight on a school night. It happens once or twice a year, typically when UK pulls out a close game off a 9:15 Super Tuesday tip, I booze a little more than I should've, and I'm wired from the win (or pissed from the loss), and stay up trolling the internet/Twitter while I'm trying to "come down".

Aside from that, though...once it gets past 10, I feel like I'm doing something 'bad' if I don't get in or prepare for bed. Just a weird feeling I've never been able to shake my entire life.
Originally posted by anthonys735:

*check to make sure the intra web is still ok and I haven't missed anything in the past 20 minutes
Now, I *do* do this pretty regularly...roll over and grab my phone of the nightstand just to "make sure everything is ok"
When you see the last post is Beavis606 you know you're up too late. Same with Chumps being near the top of your twitter feed.

I'm not sure those two actually sleep.

Speaking of twitter feeds, I warned you all but Pdre and Jon are about to get axed with those stupid change the name games. Never even remotely funny and I follow some real turds. You're on notice. FYLM I see you pop in occasionally with that dumb shit. Weirdos.
Haven't read or seen American Sniper, have no opinion of Chris Kyle. But it is pretty funny that Boat is 10x more upset about Chase's opinion of Kyle than Chase is about Kyle's humblebrags.

It must take a special type of personality to be an elite SF guy - and some of those traits are likely shared by psychopaths, narcissists and all that. Killing machines aren't diplomatic, I guess. And all that bravado keeps you from being terrified. Tough switch to flip off. So, I guess I'll give him a pass too for writing a douchey book, if that's the case.

Doesn't mean someone can't have an opinion on him though.
70ish and sunny today. Even warmer tomorrow. Snownafalseddon.

Don't get the inside joke about hometown stuff. Do I and/or the lass enjoy repping our new residence too much? If so, my bad. Well clean it up and quit living here and stuff.

Chris Kyle was a loser. Take that.
Lady Mary Grantham- don't really get the hype, to be honest with you. Not worth the trouble, IMO.
Good grief some of you are terrible. Rolling my eyes at blukel. I was completely trolling chase, it was obvious, hence the reason chase didn't even respond to me.

Rolling my eyes at wcc for saying pti doesn't deserve being made fun of. Glad you got in early on gyero chad, don't believe you would make the cut now.

Pti, reps n Orleans like he was born there. The whole .,......." hey facebook friends, we sure could use some prayers, its the 10th anniversary of hurricane Katrina, that ravashed our great city", just 3 months after they moved there, did it for me. He deserves the shit he gets.

And Lol at "hole in the backyard guy".

This post was edited on 1/27 2:24 PM by UKRob 73
Someone moves to an awesome city, and enjoys living there. High comedy. Gotcha.

In other news, Darrell *sucks* at computers.

Originally posted by UKRob 73:

Pti, reps n Orleans like he was born there. The whole .,......." hey facebook friends, we sure could use some prayers, its the 10th anniversary of hurricane Katrina, that ravashed[/B] our great city",.

This post was edited on 1/27 2:24 PM by UKRob 73
Borrowing from classic GYERO parlance, this is my hatboggan.
Matt Jones @KySportsRadio · 6m 6 minutes ago
Hearing some bad news may be on the horizon on the football side

Welp this does not surprise me in the least. UK Football has pretty much been in shit the bed mode since November. The only good thing to happen is Marrow coming back. Other than that its been a twang in the nuts over and over. Not sure why I expect anything else. That's on me.
When something has quotes around it, that means its quoted, misspellings and all. Head on back to D league now, thanks.
Has there been any news on the Tubman alleged rape case? Seems like that has been very hush hush.
Originally posted by UKRob 73:
Good grief some of you are terrible. Rolling my eyes at blukel. I was completely trolling chase, it was obvious, hence the reason chase didn't even respond to me.
I've been posting here like 27 years. My name has never changed. It really isn't that hard to spell, yet you do it incorrectly every time. Based on comments of others, I'll assume you are learning disabled.
What could it be that is so bad ? I mean, we have witnessed it all. Unless it is sanctions or something of that nature, I am pretty sure I will sleep just fine. Losing a DC or OC, hell even CMS, I will be just fine, we suck, and more than likely other than a occasional 8 win, maybe squeeze a 9 win season every 10 years is about all we can ever hope for anyway. Which I will stay loyal / support them no matter, I "got it bad" so no turning back after all these years. I come to expect bad news when it is going good.
Some guy on HOB just said he'd heard Barker and Baker got into an altercation with EKU football players and one of them has a gash on his face and can't see out of his right eye. Take it fwiw.
Barker and Baker involved in a pretty nasty fight per guy on HOB. Obviously take that with a few lumps of salt