Looks like a 10:15 start. UK will always find a way to "out UK" itself. LOL I mean, when they decided to play the evening game, who could have foreseen a late evening thunder storm in Kentucky, in late August. LOL What are the chances?
I can’t stay up that GD late. DITCH MITCH

I remember, back in the 90's, on the rare occassion that UK had a big win at home (night game), after my Dad dropped me back off at the house after the game. I would make a drink, and re-watch it on the local broadcast, until either the bourbon, or the dulcet tones of Rob Bromley would put me in a coma.

How much did it actually rain at Commonwealth? I mean, nobody is going to blow a f***ing KNEE out or anything, right?

Sh*t, I just heard thunder here in Gtown.
I remember a stupid no re-entry rule from years ago. Surely in a weather delay they change that and let people go back out to their tailgates, right?
I thought the bill on him was great athlete with slow delivery and not great arm.

Admittedly I haven’t followed the offseason like I used to

He looks like way less polished Levis if you ask me. I don't know what our OC likes to run, but it sounded to me like Beau (in practice), was pushing BVG for all he was worth. I was sorry to see him go the first time. When he could throw on rhythm, he always looked dead on/nice touch etc. (Beau that is) BVG looks scattershot, but that might just be nerves at this point.