- Is it just me or are female athletes as a whole getting much hotter? Used to be news when one was dope (Kornikova, Jennie Finch) but now it seems about 20% or so are legit.

- Oh shout out to my baby daughter for giving me the dreaded summer cold. ☹️

- Get me to September. 🙏🏻
- Is it just me or are female athletes as a whole getting much hotter? Used to be news when one was dope (Kornikova, Jennie Finch) but now it seems about 20% or so are legit.

You’re just getting old, the amount of females I find attractive now compared to when I was in my mid 20s is staggering. The only way to not find a world class fit female in her 20s not attractive at this point is if she has some weird freakish build like a gymnast or shot put thrower or if she’s very manly.
World class fit female in her 20's and in lots of Olympic commercials:


Falls in the very manly category but the advertisers love her(???).