Best 50 bucks I ever spent on a yard work implement. 4 inch mini chainsaw.

He was part of one of the great UK D-Lines with Caudill, Dewayne Robertson, and Ellery Moore. Dave Ragone was absolutely destroyed by that bunch.

Jack Black gets props for Tropic Thunder, High Fidelity and two roles on "Mr. Show" in the "Jeepers Creepers. The Musical" and the traveling salesman, farmers daughters musical number. That's the list.

didnt sweet pea hit an E-Carolina runner so hard his mouthpiece was clearly visible on national TV flying off the field?

Myron Pryor had some hits too - i think he truly almost killed a UGA back on an anticipated screen pass in Lexington once - hit looked life changing

Dickie Lyons devastating block against LSU RB/WR during upset at Commonwealth was epic as well

Stoops could potentially go 6-6 or 7-5 and still have a team capable of winning the ACC this year -

Most likely "upset"?

Nope. I’m a traditionalist. I make bread like they did in the Middle Ages. Just flour, yeast, salt, water, an oven, and a 12-speed KitchenAid stand mixer. No bread maker for me.