Went on a bike ride with my wife this evening around the loop where the crazy guy lives. No issue with that guy, but on the way back we two teens in the church parking lot throwing a football to another group of teens who are in a Mustang Cobra convertible that is flying around the church parking lot. Since yes, it is hard to catch a football in a speeding convertible, two of the teens were sitting up on the back edge of the car trying to haul in the catch.

Two thoughts went through my mind as this happened. 1) That's a pretty awesome idea and 2) this could be a Darwin award moment so I hope they are careful.

Then a third thought came about: "by gawd that's @BernieSadori's son".
I’ve never understood how or why or who Neil Degrasse Tyson is. Why is anyone interested in that guy?

Space / Physics guy - managed planetariums, wrote articles and books on star formation and
Black holes

He had several television gigs - he hosted Nova, and appeared on National Geographic - and made appearances on Colbert & The Daily Show + BBC

He falls into that sort of Technological Prophet figure where someone within the science arena is selected to become an ambassador to the wider public

He also was under considerable fire for a while for multiple sexual harassment accusations fm 4-5 different women within his academic path

He looks like he should have been a tertiary character on Cheers
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… and it’s a matter of a few weeks when the Chris Sale ‘pick-a-body-part’ implosion occurs.

Braves’ lineup scares no one.
Braves’ lineup scares no one.
Before Acuna went down, the only difference between last year’s lineup and this year’s lineup is that we have Kelenic instead of Rosario, which is at worst an even trade. Yet every single player on the team except Ozuna and our backup catcher is at least .100 pts of OPS worse than last year. Most of them are at least .150 pts worse. It makes no sense.
Braves are definitely not scary right now. Lineup is shitting the bed lately, plus injuries. Lost Strider, Riley (back soon), Murphy (back today), and now Acuña. Not the luckiest start but only 50 games in. Loooong way to go. For everyone.
Went on a bike ride with my wife this evening around the loop where the crazy guy lives. No issue with that guy, but on the way back we two teens in the church parking lot throwing a football to another group of teens who are in a Mustang Cobra convertible that is flying around the church parking lot. Since yes, it is hard to catch a football in a speeding convertible, two of the teens were sitting up on the back edge of the car trying to haul in the catch.

Two thoughts went through my mind as this happened. 1) That's a pretty awesome idea and 2) this could be a Darwin award moment so I hope they are careful.

Then a third thought came about: "by gawd that's @BernieSadori's son".
Were they wearing Minion heads?

There's a blue Mustang that's in the neighborhood where the driver and passenger are both wearing them.
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Me : “Daggone, Bill Walton died.”
Wife : “Who’s that?”

I can’t believe we’ve been married 29 years, and we have such different areas of interest.
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Me : “Daggone, Bill Walton died.”
Wife : “Who’s that?”

I can’t believe we’ve been married 29 years, and we have such different areas of interest.
My wife doesn’t care about sports at all but likes the stories around them when she happens to be listening. She also can’t stand suspense so any framing of a story is met with similar barrage of questions to get to the end game.

The Scheffler arrest basically went like this:

“Hey you know Scottie Scheffler? The new dad? Well there was a shuttle bus that struck and killed a pedestrian…”

Wife: oh no. Was he driving?

Me: …are you asking if Scottie Scheffler was driving the bus?

Wife: so he was the pedestrian?

Me: no dammit let me finish explaining this first part please
My wife doesn’t care about sports at all but likes the stories around them when she happens to be listening. She also can’t stand suspense so any framing of a story is met with similar barrage of questions to get to the end game.

The Scheffler arrest basically went like this:

“Hey you know Scottie Scheffler? The new dad? Well there was a shuttle bus that struck and killed a pedestrian…”

Wife: oh no. Was he driving?

Me: …are you asking if Scottie Scheffler was driving the bus?

Wife: so he was the pedestrian?

Me: no dammit let me finish explaining this first part please
My wife during the very first scene of a movie: "Who's that guy?"
If Bill Walton was Joe Blow neighbor you would think he was a nice guy, but a hell of a weirdo. With his hate of Kentucky, I just call him a weirdo.

When did MLB make it a requirement to call it a SWEEPER? This season? Never heard a curve ball called that on broadcasts before.

Thank you Angel Hernandez for retiring.

I guess it's good they are doing something, but getting tired of the drive thru donation or round up request. Does that charity get that money in the name of customers of such and such business, or do they get it in the name of the business?

Why isn't it a law that you cannot have a 45 pound dog in your lap while you are driving? My goodness I find that amazing.

If Trump might pardon Assange, can't Rogue pardon whoever?
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Assange is no hero. Let him rot in prison.

Hernandez probably got a buyout. In the end, he probably came out better than just retiring.

47 year anniversary of Beverly Hills Supper Club fire in Newport, KY. Listening to radio this morning, mob connections, allegations of a corrupt governor and state police commissioner. Would make a good updated documentary of series.
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Is there a more worthless job today than an MLB umpire? Balls and strikes could be automated. All close plays could be quickly reviewed. Frankly, the only reason to have them would be to make a call on a check swing and be the first line of defense when players get in a fight.
Is there a more worthless job today than an MLB umpire? Balls and strikes could be automated. All close plays could be quickly reviewed. Frankly, the only reason to have them would be to make a call on a check swing and be the first line of defense when players get in a fight.
Not everyone wants everything effing automated and every person replaced with AI, Waterhead.
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Is there a more worthless job today than an MLB umpire? Balls and strikes could be automated. All close plays could be quickly reviewed. Frankly, the only reason to have them would be to make a call on a check swing and be the first line of defense when players get in a fight.
Acuna’s chauffeur to the stadium?
Acuna’s chauffeur to the stadium?

Little afternooner shitdohs:

- Lake Lure with the brothers, nephews and cousins. Smaller lakes > big lakes. House was perfect. Had a dock to jump off and one of those water trampolines. Did some fishing that netted one shitty brim but was a blast to do with the nephew. Pontoon for a day by Chimney Rock was a chef's kiss.

- We converted our anti-LeBron brother to not anti-LeBron. My other brother got these tacky GOAT shirts that are all black and has a goat with his number in Laker colors. 4 of 5 of us wore this shirt for an entire day and the looks were priceless; especially on a little hike where a huge group of kids were going nuts for the pups and the dads are wondering why these middle age white guys are wearing LeBron GOAT shirts.

- Did like 3 or 4 20/20 murder pods yesterday on the drive. Unless Rogan has someone really good, that's where I'm tuned into. Side note: Tried 15 minutes of Terrance Howard and nope.

- Pretty interested in what's going on up in NY right now. Despite how you feel about any/all involved - if that case puts T-word in jail, kind of think shit gets pretty bad and pretty quick. May be a cluster either way.

- Bill Walton probably helped .0003% to the advancement of legalized weed. That's enough for me. RIP.

- Stopped in bumbletouch SC yesterday to fill up. Guess it was also the only Tesla charging station around because it was stacked up. Some dude is out walking around screaming at the top of his lungs on the phone while his car is charging. Looked like Lord of the Flies scene brewing.

- It bothers me some Wayne is a Braves fan. Why can't we get someone cooler like PTI or Tommy? F'ing TBS.

- Got a pool roomba. Enjoyed an hour of watching it last night on it's maiden voyage and the pups barking at it. Something feels very off about submerging electronics in water and right after I did it just floated down, spazzed out for about 5 mins while I was starting the return and then it just got shit right and did it's thing.

- Going to pretend to work through things as I stare down at the computer clock. This post was more work than I've done all day.
Josh Gibson's slash line in his 602 total regular season games in his career:
  • .373 / .458 / .718 (w/ 166 HR's) Insane numbers

Josh Gibson's slash line in his 34 Negro League World Series games:
  • .262 / .379 / .418 (w/ 5 HR's) Pretty good

In 1943, the year referenced above, his postseason slash line in 7 WS games was:
  • .192 / .344 / .231 (w/ 0 HR's) Ouch

Look, Josh Gibson was a good ball player. But he put up those numbers in limited games against a lot of lousy competition. And the proof is when he played real competition in the Negro League WS. In that series, his team faced the 3rd place team from the Negro American League and barely won (whereas the year before he faced first place Kansas City Monarchs and the likes of Satchel Paige).

Oh, and just for a comparison, here is Babe Ruth's regular season and post-season slash lines.
  • 2503 Regular Season Games .342 / .474 / .690 (714 HRs)
  • 41 Post Season Games: .326 / .470 / .744 (33 HRs)
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