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Tucker says not so fast, my friends.

There is a popular theory that Calipari will chase another banner (or two) with this year’s team and the next — ideally coaching No. 1-ranked recruit DJ Wagner, son of his first Memphis one-and-done, Dajuan Wagner, in a perfect career bookend — then exercise that ambassador clause in the summer of 2024. This is one of those theories that tickles him. For one thing, whenever he does stop coaching Kentucky, he says he’ll move away from Lexington, not because he doesn’t love the city but “It’s not fair to the next coach. I’m done when I’m done, because whoever the next coach here is deserves a clean run.”

That next guy might have to wait a while, though.
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I had to google mensch. That’s not something people say in Jessamine county. And after a google and Wikipedia article I gotta say, that’s a stupid ass word. Don’t say anymore dumb shit like that, booker.
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I question people who name their child Marvin.

Two of the greatest musical minds in history are named Marvin (not that I would expect you to know that) so my guess is being named Marvin added to their expertise and bless their parents.
Ahhh yes - the super fun “why they did such and such in 5 minutes why they oughta be millionaires!!” posts about healthcare where all of a sudden people somehow suffer a brain injury and assume everything is 100% profit. The assistants are unpaid volunteers, the building is free, there are no utility bills, insurance doesn’t fight payment, there are no taxes, the 15 min appointment didn’t just finish early because it’s actually a 1 hour block-out, the front desk doesn’t get paid, the medical equipment and supplies are at no charge, there are no appointments that run over or don’t have a charge, etc etc. Pediatricians and primary care physicians are the least paid medical fields usually barely making six figures if that.
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So this is going to be pretty great.

Evangelical Christians are super awesome
I grew up Catholic. As an adult Ive been a part of a Methodist church for a few years and a non-denominational church. I quit going to church probably a decade ago because I learned for my mental well being I could do more good for God outside those places.
If you want to watch other people bang your wife, or run a shady business, or buy your way into political influence, or live off the government, that's your business. But when you live you life in a way that everything you do, all the debauchery and fraud and corruption, is completely acceptable and ordained by God simply because you promote yourself as a super Christian, you can kindly go F yourself.
So this is going to be pretty great.

Evangelical Christians are super awesome
Speaking of someone who is completely FOS….

"As a pool attendant, I would get hit on," Granda says in the trailer for Hulu's Adam McKay-produced documentary released Wednesday. "But if I would have known that accepting this woman's invitation to go back to her hotel room would have led to a scandal involving the president of the largest Christian university in the world, and the president of the United States, I would have walked away and just enjoyed my private life."

He may not be the brightest tool in the shed but he was smart enough to manipulate the situation into a book deal.
I like it:
Jack Givens is officially joining the Kentucky basketball broadcasts as UK's radio analyst this season. I caught up with Goose and
to talk about the new Wildcats' radio team. "I think, for the fans, he’s family."
I would bet that Goose will ascend to the color role with Leach. I can't imagine Mash would take the job, but I would also love to see it. #AnyoneButRex
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- We deposed a doctor who does spine surgeries and he gets a cool $1500 for a procedure the hospital bills 50k for. The billed amount pre-insurance/write-offs is always astronomically, artificially high because all the insurance contracts mean the doctors never actually get paid in full. So next time you bitch about the cost of a procedure, remember how many hands are out waiting for a cut and don't lay all the blame on the doc. Was I butthurt about paying $100 to get to urgent care Saturday? Obviously, but I'd pay multiple times that if it meant I got the Tamiflu prescription.

Also if they billed $115 to pull friggin earwax out of a kid's ear, that's a bargain. Earwax is lowkey one of the more disgusting bodily substances. I mean, have you smelled that stuff? Yikes.

- Does Cal drive his assistants to drink, or does he hire a lot of guys with drinking problems? Just bring Rod Strickland back and hire him a driver assistant like the guy who followed D Lamb around, screw it.

- While ill I have listened to roughly 35 episodes of Dateline and I think I prefer it in podcast form. As a side effect, my thoughts are now in Keith Morrison's voice. This is a plus, btw.

- I love Goose moving into the commentator job. Mike Pratt was like my sports grandpa and I will miss his voice on Cats broadcasts terribly, but Goose is a great pick. And, as Pdre points out, his greatest feature is he isn't Rex bumass Chapman.

- beat State.
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