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Why again is Nate Oats not a legitimate target? He would CRUSH it here. He put out some boilerplate coachspeak bullshit social media thing immediately. Sure, there's chatter about a potentially unstable domestic situation out there, but is that credible? If Donovan says NO, isn't he the next best option?
Because of his love for his children or some stupid shit.
MaxPowerrr here! You know, when I get home from a long day at work and decide to read up on the possibility of Mark Pope being hired as the new head coach for UK men’s basketball team, well, news like that goes down a whole lot smoother with the smooth taste of Down Home bourbon.


Down Home bourbon- for when you need to talk yourself into, well, anything!
Max - you've been around long enough to know that no matter WHO gets hired, this place will be convinced by Memorial Day, that this was a great hire.

Dr. Pepper/no life/and what not

What is getting lost in all of this negativity is the fact that we got rid of Cal, and didn't have to pay him jack ****

We're ALREADY better.
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Max - you've been around long enough to know that no matter WHO gets hired, this place will be convinced by Memorial Day, that this was a great hire.

Dr. Pepper/no life/and what not

What is getting lost in all of this negativity is the fact that we got rid of Cal, and didn't have to pay him jack ****

We're ALREADY better.
Precisely. I almost posted something like this myself (and Clown, how optimistic of you [and me]).

*Don't let the coaching search move your baseline of happiness that Cal gave us on Monday*.

That hasn't changed - revel in the fact that we avoided 1 to 4 more years of misery and hopelessness. The rest will take care of itself.
MaxPowerrr here! You know, when I get home from a long day at work and decide to read up on the possibility of Mark Pope being hired as the new head coach for UK men’s basketball team, well, news like that goes down a whole lot smoother with the smooth taste of Down Home bourbon.


Down Home bourbon- for when you need to talk yourself into, well, anything!

Are you really drinking this? Those aren’t pics I’ve ever seen posted anywhere!
A 12 year old Anth sat alone with Billy Donovan for about 15 minutes on the bleachers in Memorial, during Rick Pitino Camp, watching games. Just shooting the shit. I've been in love with the dude since. Doesn't sound like it will happen but I sure hope I'm wrong.
This basketball camps were gods gift to us kids at UK. Won Hot Shot Champ as a 6th grader going against 8th graders. Richard starting hanging out with me after that for some reason.
Everyone should STFU about Pitino, imo. As a complete last option to come in for a few years as a placeholder a la Cryptkeeper Rich Brooks, fine but only if everyone else with a pulse turned us down -- which won't happen. We are too good for that.

In other news, Kyle Tucker gets is.

Listen I’m born and raised Kentucky and love the place I’m from, but I repeatedly try and say “guys the rest of the country pretends or at least wants to consider a BFE shithole to live in.”

And I get poo pooed every time. Outsiders have NO clue the beauty and class a city like Lexington has, but until they see it they think we’re in overalls and chewing backy.
Bruce Pearl is getting more excited by the hour. Chris Beard is cancelling all appointments to sit by the phone. Thanks, Cal. Is everybody sure they still wanted to fire Cal this year ? Hindsight, One more year may not have been the worst play
If Cal stayed another year and hit an E8 or FF, we’d be stuck with him in perpetuity with no way out boss. He HAD to go.
A flipping monkey could have coached this team to a Final Four.

Everyone needs to take a breath and remember the main thing was accomplished. Getting rid of Cal… matter what!!

Everything will work itself out and we’ll be back to where we should be.

Can’t wait for the next internet know it all insider to toss out the other 312 coaches that haven’t already passed on the best job in college basketball. 🙄
I find it ironically humorous, that the national media is constantly beating the drum about how UK isn't relevant anymore/not the job/not the program it used to be, but yet... The coaching search is getting more play than the f***ing NFL. LOL
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I mean, who else is there?

Mick fn Cronin?

I fear we are f’d.
Dude relax, don’ try not to dish on it like a teenager talking about which girl to take to prom.

We’re Kentucky, we’re already the prom king just trying to figure out which queen will make the next few weeks the best time overall(in this case years).

It’s not the prettiest or sexiest every time, it’s the right gal that’s cool around your friends but classy around the parents.
  • Haha
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