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The issue with Mitch is that a lot of coaches are hesitant because of how volatile from the start his and Cal’s relationship has been from the start.

They had his odd comments during his presser “we did our due diligence on him”, the beef, haven’t been friendly for years.

Mitch never tweets much about basketball either and there was also the football/basketball beef where he publicly ripped Cal. The practice facility issues, not letting him hire Brad and getting rid of some other folks that were close to him.

Some was his fault some wasn’t but the perception is that it at least partly was. So anyone that’s friends with Cal will be told it was all his fault and won’t ever think about coming here (like Few).

Let’s be honest about how that went down. We all know that Mitch was basically forced to hire Cal after the BCG debacle and they both know it. Cal didn’t get a sniff when Tubby left. I’m sure that had an effect/strain on the relationship from the start, which only grew worse as time went by.

This time it appears that it will be more Mitch’s choice and that should help ease any questions regarding the relationship going forward. Also, if any of Cal’s cronies don’t want the job because of that then they go eff themselves, too. I don’t want them either.
Bruce Pearl is getting more excited by the hour. Chris Beard is cancelling all appointments to sit by the phone. Thanks, Cal. Is everybody sure they still wanted to fire Cal this year ? Hindsight, One more year may not have been the worst play
I'm still not over the irony of being concerned about what could happen to your kids by living in Lexington, while you live in Waco fuqing TX

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You know, I never really thought about it, but shiplap looks almost intentionally flammable. Maybe Chip and Joanne are just part of a larger plot to do Waco 2: Electric Boogaloo-er.
I can't criticize Mitch at all other than I would have lead with Hurley and then went Drew. It just seems strange to me that Mitch and the Crafts (if this is all true) come and see you in person to offer you the top job in all of sport with the highest coaching contract in history that you wouldn't even take 24 hours to say nah, I'm good. I guess when Danny and Snooki Hurley are in there golden years writing their memoirs, they can brag about how Kentucky came calling with riches no one had ever seen and showed them the door with a quickness.
Catsfanbgky, What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul
As fans, we all expect our coach and players to perform in clutch moments.

Well, right now it's clutch time for us fans. Some have flat-out lost their minds and are erratically, rapid-fire posting their streams of consciousness worst fears and hand-wringing reactions to every minute-by-minute rumor.

We should expect the same performance from ourselves as we expect from our program.

And have some fng self-respect.
Bruce Pearl is getting more excited by the hour. Chris Beard is cancelling all appointments to sit by the phone. Thanks, Cal. Is everybody sure they still wanted to fire Cal this year ? Hindsight, One more year may not have been the worst play

In the cocktails thread where you are supposed to talk about or describe how to make your favorite cocktail you said yours was a vodka redbull with pineapple juice then described how you made it.
Trilly doesn’t think Beard is an option but says Pearl, Miller and Pope may be in that next tier.

He also mentioned he knows Donovan is interested but not sure how interested we are in him.

Also, said Drew called another SEC coach about the job and he genuinely asked them if his kids could go to school safely after a loss.
Shut. The. ****. Up.

If you were OK with continuing to become an even bigger CBB laughing stock year after year by continuing to sign five star recruits and their handlers while having to jerk off Rich Paul to keep them all happy, while losing winnable games, then have the **** at it. But the rest of us were done with that shit no matter what happened.

It hasn’t been fun being a UK fan for a number of years. We sold our souls to the devil, and look where it got us.

We all have nothing but singed ass hairs and a sulphuric taste in our mouth, and lament the days when things were a lot more breezy and tropical.

I will take literally any coach other than Cal.

Anyone who is focussed on winning games in the SECT and NCAA tournament and not embarrassing us on a national stage, and then blaming it on his players as opposed to his dogshit leadership and coaching year after year.

Continuing to bring athletic thoroughbreds together, who have no concept of team basketball and what it takes to win important games against strong competition is a failed experiment, and that is abundantly clear.

Doubling down on a 20 instead of playing a winning strategy and then blaming the dealer when you bust needs to be a thing of the past in Rupp.

But when you roll with the pigs, you stay covered in shit.
Also, why TF is everyone saying Donovan’s first year would be a throwaway? You don’t think the coach of the Chicago bulls could convince some of our incredibly talented players to stay? Wouldn’t the Shepperds who are basically BJW be ecstatic to have their son play for former Pitino assistant BD? Just don’t see it, think he’d be an absolute home run
We couldn’t get Scott Drew or Nate Oats. Wtf would Billy Donovan come here?

Just bring in Bruce fn Pearl and get this clown show on the road.

I think Mitch needs to go before we get a serious coach in here.
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Bruce Pearl is getting more excited by the hour. Chris Beard is cancelling all appointments to sit by the phone. Thanks, Cal. Is everybody sure they still wanted to fire Cal this year ? Hindsight, One more year may not have been the worst play

Move over UKO, you’ve got competition. You cannot be serious.
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Move over UKO, you’ve got competition. You cannot be serious.
No I am not serious. I wanted Cal gone. My point was IF we end up losing all of the recruits, no portal guys, waiting too long for a replacement, would we have been better off firing Cal after next years season. Meaning not sacrifice next year and at least make the tournament. I was not suggesting keeping Cal for years. Of course all of this is knowing what we know now, hence the hindsight comment.
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