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WCC based on what you noted last night about Oats going through a divorce it could be a bad time for him to move away from his kids (3 still in school I think) and/or his wife doesn’t want to move here too (like Cronin’s wife did).

If reports are true that Mitch would consider Beard in the next tier (as Jones has mentioned) then I would have to think Mitch was interested in Oats too. Don’t Oats’ PR problems pale in comparison to Beard’s?
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GYERO insiders >>>

lol. All this new info about the fam/wife been known all day. In detail, if you’re paying attention or know literally anybody.

Dr Hoops has been 🎯 on literally everything outside of all that, in advance. Unique information. What a gyero boon. Appreciate you.

Shout out jayroon. You two link up
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Rudd is correct, I can almost guarantee that’s not the first time they’ve done that, just first time the cops were called and an arrest report were made.

I REALLY like him as a coach but not much would be worse than a mid season firing of our head coach because he whipped his wife again and Mitch would 100% fire him (and should) for that.
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Jones said they've talked to Hurley and Drew but they are gonna take Drew first based on timing (can't really start talking to Hurley until after their banner celebration Saturday). Plus they think Hurley is unlikely so don't want to miss out on both. If Drew declines tomorrow, they might go full throttle for Hurley for the next week or so.

I think based on that if both decline, the timing then lines up to pivot to Donovan. However, if it doesn’t line up (they both decline in the next couple of days or the Bulls win their play-in game for example) they might go ahead and engage with their next tier of coaches which Jones says includes Beard and Miller for sure (and possibly Shaka plus another 2-3 coaches he doesn’t know yet).
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Scott Drew is a low key gangsta. Umm, how do you think he did the Baylor thing?

Lmao. You watch his teams or nah?

And Since when is being a public super Christian, catholic, religious/etc ball an accurate indicator of a do-good pussy?

That’s the weirdest take of all time if you pause for even a second & think about what you’re saying. (Sorry Llama)

I can think of a former uk coach who’s arguably the biggest church goer and philanthropist in cbb. For all his faults, he apparently NEVER misses worship no matter where he is, or chances to give back. Lmao. What a straight and narrow guy he is!!!

If street cred/bad guy is your fetish for credibility, while largely beloved, good ole Scotty still has plenty of haters & Enemies in coaching/media for his aggressive tactics.

People really showing their ass imo. Educate yourselves. Do you have the internet? New to college basketball outside UK?

Get it done, Mitch. 🔥
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Yeah. Didn’t Drew have a shady reputation in recruiting a decade or so ago? As Matt said, he will go into the weeds.

More than good with Drew. He was second on my list behind Hurley. Will say I am perplexed by all the sentiment that Hurley was a long shot and Mitch reverting back to Milquetoast signaled that was his opinion as well. We’re Kentucky and we have SEC F U money with resources he can’t even begin to imagine. I would have been willing to take my chances of putting Drew on hold and going all in on Hurley.

Regardless, hope his wife and kids approve of the place and we get a new coach tomorrow.
Scott Drew is a low key gangsta. Umm, how do you think he did the Baylor thing?

Lmao. You watch his teams or nah?

And Since when is being a public super Christian, catholic, religious/etc ball an accurate indicator of a do-good pussy?

That’s the weirdest take of all time if you pause for even a second & think about what you’re saying.

I can think of a former uk coach who’s arguably the biggest church goer and philanthropist in cbb. For all his faults, he apparently NEVER misses worship no matter where he is, or chances to give back. Lmao. What a straight and narrow pussy!

If street cred/bad guy is your fetish for credibility, while largely beloved, good ole Scotty still has plenty of haters & Enemies in coaching/media .

People really showing their ass imo. Do you have the internet?
Drew has recruited a lot of dogs over the years too which would be a nice change of pace as opposed to the mostly soft and too nice kids we’ve had here of late.
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Hbo Gemstoneshbo GIF by The Righteous Gemstones
Yeah. Didn’t Drew have a shady reputation in recruiting a decade or so ago? As Matt said, he will go into the weeds.

More than good with Drew. He was second on my list behind Hurley. Will say I am perplexed by all the sentiment that Hurley was a long shot and Mitch reverting back to Milquetoast signaled that was his opinion as well. We’re Kentucky and we have SEC F U money with resources he can’t even begin to imagine. I would have been willing to take my chances of putting Drew on hold and going all in on Hurley.

Regardless, hope his wife and kids approve of the place and we get a new coach tomorrow.
Yeah Drew would likely still be an option next week after we’ve had a chance to chase

I’m guessing he’s using the timing of Hurley and the fact that he could leave for the NBA against him in order to move him below Drew on his list.

I may sound like I’m not good with Drew but I am but I just think Hurley would be better and worth the wait.

Drew could probably build a better roster for next year though. He has two starting guards he could bring plus 3 five star freshmen.

UCONN could possibly lose their top 6 guys and only have two 4 stars signed for next year. Borzello has them ranked 4th this year but I don’t see it (Baylor is 10th/neither team has anyone committed via the portal yet either).

Based on the cupboard being bare, this might be the year to get Hurley out of there.
lmao. Exactly @gattongrad09

But OMG he’s the biggest Christian he will fold to his principles over winning!

He won a TITLE AT BAYLOR & is a legit national power in the best conference in hoops. Vanderbilt was much more likely to do that. Any time, but especially circa ‘05 & literal murder.

He’s too pure for the Kate.

Please voice whatever legit concerns you may have about his style, coaching, Hair, overall confidence of the fit, not splashy enough, safe, boring, etc - that’s all opinions & reasonable. That’s being a fan.

….but that part, him being some weak Barnhart-as-coach type guy, which seems the most common concern, is 🤡 💯
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Dear Infant Baby Jesus,

I, Scott Drew, am but a humble servant of your divine grace, I lift my voice in prayer. Shield us from the sting of losses and envelop us in your protective grace. Shower upon us the blessings of NIL money, that we may prosper and glorify your name in all our endeavors. Hold the Wildcat name on high, as a beacon of strength and unity under your watchful eye. In the name of the Son, the Father, and Billy Joe Wildcat, amen. Pass the snakes, that we may demonstrate our faith and trust in your divine protection.Amen.
Yeah. Didn’t Drew have a shady reputation in recruiting a decade or so ago? As Matt said, he will go into the weeds.

More than good with Drew. He was second on my list behind Hurley. Will say I am perplexed by all the sentiment that Hurley was a long shot and Mitch reverting back to Milquetoast signaled that was his opinion as well. We’re Kentucky and we have SEC F U money with resources he can’t even begin to imagine. I would have been willing to take my chances of putting Drew on hold and going all in on Hurley.

Regardless, hope his wife and kids approve of the place and we get a new coach tomorrow.
Yes you are thinking when he got Quincy miller and perry jones. Also had Acy on that team.
Baylor’s equivalent to Matt Jones posted that he thinks he turns us down due to family concerns. “Said immediately family not on board.”

Drew’s godson on Trilly earlier said that he’s 90% gone but the mother in law has heavy reservations. Her husband died two years ago and she lives with them and doesn’t want to leave as of now at least.

Homer wants him to take it though and this is the job he’s always wanted.

On another note, Cutler has been saying the past few days that Cal got some death threats.
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Drew’s godson on Trilly earlier said that he’s 90% gone but the mother in law has heavy reservations. Her husband died two years ago and she lives with them and doesn’t want to leave as of now at least.

Let me help Coach Drew with this issue; here's what you tell her: "What's that mother-in-law? You don't want to move out the mansion I let you live in with us to move into a better mansion with us? Would you prefer to move into a retirement village in Waco? No? Didn't think so. Pack your stuff."

On another note, Cutler has been saying the past few days that Cal got some death threats.
I'm done with caring about death threats. Sure, the people who make death threats are scum bags and deserve jail time. But when's the last time an American coach or player was wacked for poor performance? Has it ever happened? My point is, I don't think it's something Cal should get concerned about.
-Looking back at the week. Just seems like Scott Drew was inevitable. Was the rest of the "search" all dog and pony or did we really pursue the other 3? I'm not sure we'll ever find out.

-A 10 million dollar buyout of Nate Oats wasn't an issue. I mean we were "allegedly" offering Hurley nearly 100M in contract. If the the 12M 7-8yr deal was accurate.

-Seems pretty coincidental several local outlets got scoop last night within minutes of his family on the plane story out of Waco.

-You don't fly your family to check out the city if you haven't accepted the job. Never heard of such things and they all knew flights were being tracked. That SOP in al coaching searches.

-Anyway, sounds like we got our guy. I love the hire, regardless of what happened this week, and I'm legit excited about UK Basketball again.

-Chris Vernon's Super Bowl.

-God to see some old faces around here. Stick around, we need all the help we can get these days.

- Top 5 Memories of Cal Era:

1. National Championship Weekend 2012- watching the Louisville game at 80’s house, walking down to Limestone pregame, the electricity in the air, “N***** in Paris” at the horn, etc.

2. 2011 Sweet 16/Elite 8 Weekend - that Ohio State-UNC double to break the F4 drought

3. 2014 Tourney Run - incredible run of games, clutch plays, etc.

4. April 2009 - Cal hired, followed by Cousins and Wall commits, all the swagger

5. Dec. 2014 UCLA Game - peak form from one of the best UK teams we’ll ever see

HM: Monk going for 47; Fox murking Ball in S16; Wall vs. UNC/UConn; the overall Anthony Davis experience; the overall Wall experience

- Wetzel and Parrish had been telling us from the get-go eventually Cal would wear down the fanbase.

- I don’t have any particular ill will toward Cal. Sorta like Tubby when he bounced. That said, the Arkansas presser has me wanting him to fall way short of their expectations.

- I will say this- unlike Bama, Auburn, Tennessee, etc, I actually do respect the Arkansas basketball fanbase. Doesn’t mean I hate them any less.

- Think the national narrative about Cal is being missed. I don’t think it’s about freshmen vs. transfers. He’s been shit with both. I think it’s his inability to adjust to the 3ball and analytics era on both sides of the court, combined with believing hos own BS about helping the kids. That’s led hin to bad culture, silly NBA relationships (Klutch), dumb lineups and inability to adjust. He’s washed up.
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