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It's almost as if ESPN pays these fools to bloviate in an absurd manner to generate interest.

If it was about being right or wrong everyone would have shit canned that weasel Skip Bayless the moment he opened his mouth.
SCENE: Big Blue Madness - 2024

The sound of glass breaking. The Wildcat enters Rupp Arena to the theme music of Stone Cold Steve Austin as the crowd erupts. He is carrying two gallons of milk. As he approaches midcourt, he slams the jugs together and guzzles their contents, milk cascading down his costume in a dairy waterfall. He rips off his head and - BAH GAWD, it’s Mitch Barnhart! The crowd begins to chant his name in orgasmic delight.

He grabs a microphone and begins to address the crowd and “that Goldarn So-and-so John Vincent Calipari.” But he’s interrupted by Scratch! The two embrace and announce that a plan years in the making has finally paid off. To the stunned amazement of the rapt audience, Scratch removes his head to reveal … Sonja from Harbortown!! The NWO theme music plays and then they introduce the women’s team or whatever.
Slight deduction for not incorporating the Mr. McMahon schtick but otherwise strong work.

(I would lose my dang mind if the Wildcat played in to the Stone Cold theme. I realize this makes me a nerd and I do not care.)
I don’t care how a deal gets done, blood sacrifices, keys to the bank vault, whatever it takes to whoever it takes for us to symbolically (and next season and beyond in actuality) drag our nuts all over the SEC and basketball at large. We haven’t been the evil empire in far too long. It’ll feel good to be truly hated by all again.
Portal opens this week. Put yourself behind the 8-ball if you wait that long.

Plus you can’t wait two weeks on him saying “maybe, let me think about it”, (or even, “yeah I’ll definitely do it, but I’m not going to sign a contract for two weeks”) then he flakes out.
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The romantic in me wouldn’t leave UConn if I was Hurley. He resurrected that program from mediocrity (despite his predecessor winning a title we should have). It’s not like UConn doesn’t have more titles than us since 1980. He could be a legend there with Jim Calhoun. They might be new money, but they’re pretty close to blue blood status.

I’d still take him but my preference is Oats. All of our coaches broke through with us. We’ve never had a generational coach since Rupp. And we’ve never stuck to a tree per se or in family. I still envision a day when we could though.
We've only been able to even TALK to other coaches for what? 8 hours? Nobody has been offered the goddamn job yet. LOL
I will in absolutely no way at all be dissatisfied with Scott Drew. He's a bottom of the ninth go ahead homer. If you tell me the only way we lead pipe lock were sure to get him is if Mitch made it public from the get go that he was the only candidate -- then ok, I'll buy. Onto the Scott Drew Era folks!

But there would be a part of me that will always wonder what if we had made a grand slam, to the Moon! offer to Hurley, Donovan, Wright, or someone else just unbelievably awesome. That's a bougie ass problem to have though and pretty embarrassing to admit, if true.
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