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I have to say I’m sorry you all are falling for this and getting your hopes up. Many of us have been to Fayetteville and I can’t imagine Cal slumming it there knowing he plays against a fiery young coach at UK every year.

Why would he do that? Maybe for Brad, maybe to beat UK? Idk, no WAY am I falling for this bs until he’s signed another contract. ESPN can report whatever they want.
Reddit says it’s official and ESPN will report in two hours

God I hope so, but I’ll wait to get excited.

It would be very Cal-like to do it on the day of the championship so he steals the storyline, you know the exact opposite of how Saban treated his retirement.
- BBN has awakened from its malaise.

- I’ll always appreciate Cal for what he did on the court and in the community. 2010-2017 was an incredible all-timer run and I saw the latter in action.

- Fact is, BBN is a proud proud people who take our shit personally. We don’t take shit off anyone. When Cal made that “proudest day in Kentucky history” comment after the 2010 draft, our collective ears perked up. People were able to put that shit away in a box while we were winning but when it started to slip, it resurfaced and resentment set in.

- This not an easy job. As Goodman said in last night’s podcast, “when you’re winning, Kentucky is the best place in the world to coach. But when you’re losing, it’s the worst.” You need to be as ornery and hungry as we are. That said, the only two coaches we’ve had since 1929 who haven’t won a championship were drunks.

- BBN likes to quote that traditional coaching hire timeline here but Cal kind of F’d it up, being both a legend and disaster.

- I’ve long bought into the @Century Cat supposition that this job is best for a coach who has yet to win a championship. With that said, Oats is a top of my list. I understand the Donovan love but with two months of NBA season left, I don’t see it. I think the Hurley stuff is nonsense.
It was always gonna be messy when Cal left. Look at all his other departures.

That being said, we save $33mm. It happens in a year where our recruiting class (despite being 2nd) doesn’t have that big time star and in an era where teams/rosters can be built in 1 wk.

Our raw talent level will drop. No way around it. But our coaching level will go way up.
-I'm no sleep hungover af. Put my book down at like 9p and rolled over to go to sleep. For whatever reason checked my phone again. Next thing I know it's 2a. F*ck. Still got a pep.

-What a morning!! Was basically indifferent and despondent after the game. Couldn't stomach watching the rest of the tourney. Thought we were tied to the old bastard for 4 or 5 more years. Didn't think any school would throw that kind of money at him. Unreal.

-No sense harboring animosity. Go put a bow on your career. We'll give him a huge cheer next winter when he comes back. Handle it with Grace, we'll put your name in the Rafters in 5 or 6 years. I think this will all workout for both parties.

-Sam Vecenie podcast while it was breaking is great. That dude openly loves Kentucky and it's fans.

-Listen, Mitch has thought about this moment for a decade. You just know he's dreamed of it. He's come along way since his 2 worst hires nearly 20 years ago. Maybe I'm wrong but seems like he handled the situation about as well as he could. We certainly weren't firing him with that buyout AND going to pay another 15-18million dollar buyout for a new guy. So, make him a lame duck and let Cal do his thing. A good manager knows when an employee has one foot out. Probably didn't expect Arkansas to get to their 6th pic, freak out, and up the tab, but it was perfect.

I think he nails this hire.

-This is Kentucky. F*cking Kentucky. Best job in the land and it's open. Fans are salivating. We're not coming off the old school Cal accolades, we're coming off no second weekend visits in the decade. Duke, Kansas and UNC are all three tied up long term. I f a couch has the fire for the top of the mountain, this is the only chance they may get.

-For me it's Oats. Has been for years. He's the total package. Coach, recruiting, can handle a big program, has a F4.

If not(realistically):

1. Donovan
2. Drew
3. Pearl

We won't get further than Pearl.

-I'm rapid consuming everything I can like the old days!!
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It was always gonna be messy when Cal left. Look at all his other departures.

That being said, we save $33mm. It happens in a year where our recruiting class (despite being 2nd) doesn’t have that big time star and in an era where teams/rosters can be built in 1 wk.

Our raw talent level will drop. No way around it. But our coaching level will go way up.
This is a lot cleaner than it could've been. But it will be very interesting to see how Cal handles the next week. What will he say about Kentucky and his time here? It will go a long way towards shaping his long term legacy and will say a lot about what kind of man he is.
*Cal is a bitch. Saying he isn’t wanted while acting like he doesn’t want to be here is very on brand for a narcissist like him.

This 💯 . The idea, if true, that Cal had no idea how upset the fan base was until just recently and that we had no real reason to be upset with the results he was producing is classic symptoms of someone that is living in Fantasy Land, occupied by other self serving narcissists.

Didn’t feel wanted or supported….what bullshit. I guess he was upset that he didn’t get his new shiny toy (new practice facility) so he took his ball and went home like a spoiled, ungrateful brat.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, Cal is the Harold Baines of the NCAA HOF. .
If you were in a 15-year marriage that should have been over 5 years ago for various reasons, but you didn't have the resources nor the courage to get out... and then your spouse who you had grown to resent just leaves a note in the night saying they're out and they don't want anything from you...

I guess I'd publicly tell everyone I think I'm gonna be OK and then I'd slowly close the door, look around and start screaming F YEAH, LET'S GO, etc.

Great day, gang.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again, Cal is the Harold Baines of the NCAA HOF. .
No offense, but wouldn’t Harold Baines be someone who just eeked out making the tournament 20 times with maybe a couple elite 8’s and one final four (and no titles)?

Cal is more Jose Canseco (if Canseco had snuck in the Hall).
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If you all don't go all in on Wright then Drew, you're nuts. Oats brand of ball is what you just got rid of and it isn't sustainable over the course of a full season inc. the tourney. Don't get caught up in the flash but focus on winning "college" what you will be witnessing tonight.
If you all don't go all in on Wright then Drew, you're nuts. Oats brand of ball is what you just got rid of and it isn't sustainable over the course of a full season inc. the tourney. Don't get caught up in the flash but focus on winning "college" what you will be witnessing tonight.
Go fuk yourself, shithead.
If you all don't go all in on Wright then Drew, you're nuts. Oats brand of ball is what you just got rid of and it isn't sustainable over the course of a full season inc. the tourney. Don't get caught up in the flash but focus on winning "college" what you will be witnessing tonight.

The guy that just reached his first final four at Alabama of all places? The guy that beat your beloved ass holes along the way? The guy oozing machismo and charisma?

Yeah, give me that guy. You downplaying him and hoping we go after conservative ass drew is all the evidence I need it should be him if all of the long shots say no.

Enjoy Hubert though.
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