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Lmao. What a little loser bitch.

You were right, dumb shit. Kentucky isn’t for everyone.

I can’t convey how much this both pisses me off and makes me chuckle at the same time. Just when I thought I couldn’t stand him any less and this comes out. Someone get the man some diapers and a pacifier.

You are gat damned right you weren’t wanted here anymore. The question is do you really know why you self centered cork soaker.
Hello, my baby!
Hello, my honey!
Hello, my Ragtime Gal!

Grabbing at straws here, but I'll again float my ideal hypothetical from a year or so ago...

-Cal just decides it's too much, looks for a parachute job.
-It has to be a high-major with a damaged brand, so that he can come in and be the white knight and turn around a program one more time before hanging it up. It also needs to be in a place where he would actually live, but also a place that is less of a pressure cooker. It needs to be a place where there is booster/NIL support, but not in a way that interferes with how he wants to run things.
-The landing spot needs to be a diminished Power Five program that desires to be relevant again. It has to be a place that needs immediate juice, a place that will overlook the past few years as simply Cal staying at Kentucky too long, and believes that he just needs a fresh start.
-There is still a place that meets those criteria, and that place will most likely be looking for a coach after this season. That place is Southern Cal. Enfield is cooked. They're transitioning to the Big Ten. It's the perfect time to begin a new era with a new coach that will put people in seats and give them an immediate jolt of relevance again. And they've got the pockets to make it happen, if they really want to.
-Cal can get kids there. Cal can get the NIL there. Cal would live in L.A. Cal would get paid there. And Cal could simply blend into the L.A. sports scene, where his every move isn't scrutinized to the same degree. He'd still be nationally relevant because it's a national brand moving into a basketball conference. And he could win.

Again, five percent chance. And it's probably just wishful thinking. But that's the scenario that could work.

Throwing it "by" a major league hitter is absolute nonsense.

Velocity, just as in football, is comically overrated. Pinpoint control, and the ability to vary the speed of your pitches (without tipping off the batter by changing your delivery) is the true key to pitching.
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This isn't rocket science.

There's a top tier: Hurley, Oats, Drew. I go in that order.

The next tier: Lloyd, Pearl.

I wasn't all in on Mitch making this hire, but I think the way it's all played out will increase the likelihood that he nails it. It's likely the last major hire of his career. He'll want to hit it out of the park. That's why I think the "safest" hire, Drew (who I still really like) won't be the first call. Drew is a home run. Hurley and Oats are walk-off grand slams.
Jen Palumbo has to have her head in the oven as we speak.

^^^ Just when I thought this night couldn’t get any better.

I would have loved Donovan a few years back but not so much now. I wouldn’t be disappointed if it is him but I’d rather have a hungry, young guy that is full of piss and vinegar.

(I)regardless I am going to bed a happy dude and really looking forward to tomorrow. What a freaking day it will be. Only thing that would make it better would be to drop some LSD with @HymanKaplan while watching the eclipse from @Teriecat yard and then completely reorganizing her entire house. That sounds like a blast.
Donovan isn't even 60 yet and would now have a decade of NBA experience under his belt on top of being a legendary college coach. That would be the greatest hire in college athletics since Bama hired Saban.

I bet he would get Mash Jr too. How great would it be to have Mash around the program again in year 1 of Billy D?!

A fella can dream
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Buyouts-Hurley 7.5 million (Pilgrim is hellbent he’ll at least listen to us)

Drew 4.5 (god squad member w Mitch, his son is a sophomore at Baylor and they are in the midst of a contract negotiation, Goodman made a good point on him tonight in that they’ll probably build a statue for him at Baylor and does he want to risk his legacy by going somewhere else)

Donovan-contract expires this year (left not wanting to deal with recruiting and many think he prefers the nba landscape)

Oats-18 million (Tucker thinks he would be interested)

Pearl-7 million (would probably walk here, hasn’t done much since lately but I learned a lesson from wcc in that you have to consider with him and like Drew at Baylor you can’t measure their success vs Cal’s success here since they are totally different animals/programs planning to retire in two years currently though and is trying to get Auburn to make his son coach in waiting)

Beard-5 million (doubtful due to his recent DV situation; thought it was interesting though in that part of the reason he declined Arky was because they tried to put a non-compete clause in his contract but he wanted UK to be an exception out of that)
A lot of crazy things happened with Arkansas that led to Cal:

Muss had his sister who’s married to a prominent SMU booster to get the SMU coach fired because he knew Enfield would be interested in going there which led to USC opening and essentially working out for him.

Beard declined their offer (despite having close ties in Arkansas and also coached Little Rock previously) and apparently they were close to hiring Jans too but their boosters didn’t want him.
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John Calipari leaving 24 hours before the title game to go take Wal-Mart money is about as on brand for that nouveau riche goofball as it could possibly get. Of course he's bringing Brad along as an assistant. Of course!

It will be incredible to have a basketball program again instead of an exhausting, crappy Kardashian style reality show that seemed like it would never get cancelled.

One thing I LOVE is that absolutely zero Kentucky fans have given any thought at all that Calipari might be a challenge at Arkansas. We know he's washed.
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I’m just glad Arkansas is giving Cal something to work with and taking this NIL thing seriously. It’s hard as hell to win with 2 top 10 picks and 7 other 5-stars on your roster. You really need the financial support of your administration to win these days, and Kentucky just can’t provide that. Sad.
Monday Morning Randos:

-Went to the Reds game yesterday by myself, had a few coneys and some over-priced beers but it was worth it to just have a break from being a dad.

-I woke up in the middle of the night to turn my podcast off and saw a text from my brother saying Cal had left…It was kind of like Christmas morning as a kid and not being able to sleep afterwards.

-It doesn’t surprise me that Brad Calipari will be added to his staff, that shit wouldn’t have passed the smell test here.

-Still kind of holding my optimism for UK football, Stoops had two feet out the door and ready to pounce on that oil money at A&M. But maybe Bush helps him evolve past the 1980’s.

-Bat Cats are getting it done.

-Maybe I’m retarded but I don’t think Donovan, Wright, or Hurley will come here. I’m all-in on Oats coming here though.
Reading between the lines, it seems to me that Cal's insistence on maintaining Edwards and Wagner's draft status at the cost of Reed/Rob all year really soured the fan base to a degree he wasn't expecting. If that's true, Reed may be my all time favorite Cat.

I think there are clear tiers here.

Unlikely but you gotta call : Stevens, Wright & Donovan*
Proven Winners : Hurley, Oats** and Drew
Wild Cards/Everyone said No : Beard, Pearl, The Dude UL just hired

Either way, we aren't getting shut out on 9 coaches and I'd take damn near anyone except for Drew (I've made my opinion on him public several times) and Beard.

* - According to Anth, may not be as unlikely as it seems.
** - Out of every candidate, I think this guy has the type of personality that can handle UK and all it entails. The primo tier can also handle it but for a different reason.
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