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,All this does is delay the inevitable. Unless he can bring back 5+ significant contributors from last year and a great transfer or two, this team will be worse than last year by far. Cal has never over performed with a roster., but there will be still be the slurpers who will make the comments that UK is not going to pay $25 million and I guess they'll be rignt. I give up.
I will be legitimately curious to see how BBN responds to what is apparently being considered -- i.e., keeping Cal but with drastic changes in university oversight of staffing, messaging, etc -- if it coincides with things that we've been begging for.

What would happen, say, if Mitch and Cal sit at a dais smiling and yucking it up announcing a plan to transition to the next era of Camelot, it is announced Reed, DJ, and basically the whole gang are returning except Rob, and Cal just goes radio silent until Madness?

I mean other than Cal telling his ghostwriter to get started writing Pivot Point: A Transformational Guide To Responding To Failures And Turning Them Into Outrageous Success!
The ''drastic changes in unversity oversight'' will never happen. They will be talked about in the summer, season comes, everyone forgets about them, season starts, Duke beats us by 15+ giving them a winning H2H against us. While Cal says the team is young. We blow out a few creampuffs, lose to one, again the team is young. We start SEC play, split with UT, lose 7-8 games. Tied for 5th place, yeah but look how tough the league is. SEC tourney starts, Cal, using that increased unviersity oversight, says the tournament matters, they lose 1st round. NCAAT starts, Cal says he's been gameplanning (he took the team to Golden Corral). Lose in 1st or 2nd round. The vaunted SEC loses half it's teams in the first 2 rounds. ''You got 25 million to buy him out''?

Rinse, lather, repeat.
No pressure to the next crop of Freshman Saviors coming in.

Interested in hearing from the older folks here who experienced 1978.

Most pressure on a team?
or 2025
Bring back Adou, Reed, DJ, and Z then bring in a couple 21-24 year olds that can play lockdown D and/or shoot 35%+ from 3.
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I don’t think that 24-25 will have that much pressure. Well the pressure won’t be coming from the fans, it would be coming from Cal because most of the fans are checking out of the Calipari era.

This was the year and only an E8 or F4 would have been enough. This team was bonkers.

Something went wrong at the halftime of the Georgia Big Z game. That was the turning point. The whole season began to fall apart after halftime.
Get those K-Fund payments in for another rousing OOC schedule with Asshole State, Shithouse Tech, and all the other must see events at Rupp Arena this November!!!
Mitch obviously didn’t want to be known as the AD that fired a HOF coach so he has now hitched his wagon to next year too. Once again the Nation be damned. This just feels like a last ditch effort by everyone involved when in reality both parties know that the likely hood of it ending badly is high.

Leopards don’t change their spots and I can’t see Cal just bending over and grabbing his ankles cause Mitch asked him to.
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It's possible Mitch never thought about firing Cal or the buyout. I think KSR had it somewhat correct today - fans online decided this was the year and if failure occurred, it needs to be over. Just like Drew suggested in the past that he could see this being Cal's final year since he's coaching Wagner. Cal never suggested anywhere that he's close to done and this could be it. Fans assumed one thing out of anger and frustration and Mitch probably hasn't been thinking it's this year or bust at all.
Barnhart hitched his wagon to Cal for eternity when he gave him that lifetime contract.

Firing Cal would have been an admission of his own incompetence in giving him that absurd contract to begin with. And that’d be his own personal “strike 3” after the hiring of Joker and Billy Clyde.

Sink or swim, Mitch and Cal are joined at the hip for the duration of their time at Kentucky.
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If mitch didn't think another ten loss season and first round exit was going to unite the fan base against Calipari he's as ignorant as we all assumed.

If we're a microwave fan base that son of a bitch is a 40 gallon slow cooker.

I had held out hope all day that the reports that Mitch didn't want to fire Cal were untrue. In my mind, he had been champing at the bit to finally lay the boom on Cal after Cal has treated him like the nerd stuffed in the locker for his entire existence here. I guess it wasn't meant to be.

College sports are cyclical. Feel like the last few years was the Tubby Death Spiral stage. Feel like the upcoming years are the Hobodrunk era revisited. Maybe we can look forward to a new coach in a couple of seasons.
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