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I'm only posting this as a data point for anyone worried about starting over and losing all recruits/returning players.

Utah State returned 0% of their scoring from last year and are now in the 2nd round.
Not returning players/losing recruiting class is so irrelevant I can’t imagine losing sleep over it.

A) new coach brings his best players to his new team

B) the portal makes a million decent to good players available

C) it’s one whole bad year to muddle through if we get no recruits. We’ve had FIVE BAD YEARS ALREADY.

Who cares? Anything is better than apathy and despising our favorite past time’s leader.
This relationship feels completely untenable, I just don’t see how it goes on. Would be beyond toxic and awkward next year. Everyone has pretty acknowledged it’d be over if it wasn’t for the buyout. All the national media, just everyone. It’s a total disaster.
Anybody can win a f’ing game in a tournament. The problem we have is that for the last 14 years we’ve had very little continuity from team to team. Our best teams often had at least a few guys who returned (2010, 2012, 2015).

Playing together for a few years matters. Especially if you are Kentucky which is a better player experience than 99.9% of all other D1 schools. If Cal is out the coach we hire should do everything in his power to get Reed, Wagner, Big Z, Edwards, Thiero and Bradshaw to stay. Maybe we end up with just Reed, Thiero and Z, but that will be at least a solid foundation to build on.
Simmons made an interesting point on his pod yesterday about Ohtani’s interpreter. There is no way in hell a Sportsbook is gonna give that dude a million dollar plus line of credit. This is 100% Ohtani betting on sports. The question is, was it on baseball?
His interpreter made the claim that Ohtani paid off his 4.5 million in gambling debts to a local bookie, which is very illegal. Ohtani’s lawyers then changed the narrative that it wasn’t the case. I’m not sure what kind of bookie extends 4.5 milly in credit to an “interpreter” but here we are. A true Kamikaze to fall on his sword like that.

I literally said the same thing a week ago. I know most of my takes suck, which was pointed out by the grand Poohbah yesterday, but that one was right. Nothing will be done though because of who he is.

Edit: nothing will be done to Ohtani is what I meant.
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The end is so inevitable that I can’t see any way you kick the can down the road again. Cut bait. Move on.

The guy has as many titles as Steve Fisher and Kevin Ollie, and his best days are well behind him. It’s completely obvious.

We’ll owe him about $7 million a year, and you gotta take the chance that some white knight swoops in and hires him for $4 or $5 million to minimize the damage. You just have to.
I think Mitch doesn’t want to have to make a hire. But he dislikes the dickhead so much he’s going to do it.

If the conspiracies are true and Drew was going to Louisville but some intermediary from UK reached out to him and said “maybe hang tight” that’s the most badass thing Barnhart’s UK has ever done. Therefore there’s exactly 0.1% chance it happened that way.
I think Mitch doesn’t want to have to make a hire. But he dislikes the dickhead so much he’s going to do it.

If the conspiracies are true and Drew was going to Louisville but some intermediary from UK reached out to him and said “maybe hang tight” that’s the most badass thing Barnhart’s UK has ever done. Therefore there’s exactly 0.1% chance it happened that way.

Mitch was absolutely just napping during all of that
I just don't understand this fear of the unknown. JFC, we're the University of Kentucky! This is like Sydney Sweeney worrying about summer pool season. Especially with NIL and transfer portal, a mediocre coach will do at least as well as Cal has. We keep achieving new record lows The guy we have now wants the perks of being UK coach but stopped putting in the work a long time ago. He's getting by on a recruiting "system" that keeps his head just above water but isn't going to win anything. UK coach is just a side hustle for him now. Get this bum the f*ck out of here!
I just don't understand this fear of the unknown. JFC, we're the University of Kentucky! This is like Sydney Sweeney worrying about summer pool season. Especially with NIL and transfer portal, a mediocre coach will do at least as well as Cal has. We keep achieving new record lows The guy we have now wants the perks of being UK coach but stopped putting in the work a long time ago. He's getting by on a recruiting "system" that keeps his head just above water but isn't going to win anything. UK coach is just a side hustle for him now. Get this bum the f*ck out of here!

The fear of the unknown only exists because Barnhart hired BCG and had to be strong armed into hiring Cal. His baseball hires are more misses than hits and his football hire was fine until we backed up every brinks truck in the southeast to keep a coach who can't regularly beat USCjr and Miss St. anymore.

Our ROI is awful for a penny pinching AD.

Dream scenario is that Cal agrees to slide into his ambassador role, Mitch retires and the university starts a search with a new face (is Dewayne ready?).
Was happy to see Jay Bilas counter Seth Greenburg’s weak ass defense of Cal and it being all about our youth!

Complete BS even though I do agree it’s played a role in physical SEC games, it has nothing to do with Cal’s flaws a coach.
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Who’s going to come to Cal’s defense at this point?
  • The administration? Nope.
  • Boosters/doners? Nope.
  • National and local media? Nope.
  • The fans (or at least an overwhelming majority)? Nope.
Through a truly impressive combination of arrogance, vanity, and stubbornness, Cal managed to alienate just about everybody in and around the program.

If he had an ounce of integrity, he’d understand his termination is fully warranted. There’s no argument he can make to justify his performance since 2018. Don’t hold the University hostage on the buy-out. Negotiate a mutual walk-away.

Of course, he’s a combination of arrogant, vain, and stubborn. If Barnhart decides to move on, Cal will no doubt show us all he cares more about himself than the University or the program.
Cry more, August.
Cal’s buyout is a non-issue, and anyone citing it as a reason not to fire him either doesn’t know what they’re talking about or they’re looking for an excuse to keep him.

They get to spread the $33m out over five years AND get to offset any salary that he earns at his next gig. That’s pocket change for an SEC athletic department.

The only way they have to pay him $33m is if he sits on his ass for the next five years and even then, they get to pay him in what I assume is interest free monthly payments.

Pull the fvcking trigger.
I literally said the same thing a week ago. I know most of my takes suck, which was pointed out by the grand Poohbah yesterday, but that one was right. Nothing will be done though because of who he is.
To be fair, Anthony’s little Prep School Preston rant about taking his ball (GYERO) and going home (text thread “with the OGs” <—that alone was so cringeworthy 😂) was a serious soy boy move and threat. GTFOH with that weak shit.

I’ve said plenty of dumb stuff but that REALLY deserves a call out.

That being said, we should all show a little grace and forgiveness after that inevitable game and the anger and fallout.

Hopefully GYERO comes back full on with rejuvenated energy with Cal’s leaving, but I could def see GYERO decay and form into an even further shell of its former glory. Either way is just fine, I’ve had a good time.
If Cal had an ounce of class, he would recognize he’s been treated like a god by BBN for long enough and been paid a kings ransom plus had people treat his Color Me Badd reject son kindly for long enough that he should renegotiate his contract to meet them halfway and be a $2.5mm ambassador/head of recruiting and play roulette on stake with Drake and leave basketball coaching to dudes with more than a 5th grade house league understanding of the game itself.

The year Nerlens and crew shit the bed was supposed to be an aberration in the history of the greatest program of all time, but when Mitch turns a blind eye to a glaring and escalating problem, that needs to be treated as the huge ****ing issue it is.

No stars beating five stars in any game that matters is a coaching and preparation issue 100 times out of 100.

Ego has been the downfall of many empires and their leaders historically, and UK senior admin and the Calipari family can't be the only two people on the planet who don't believe it.
Trent Noah vs Travis Perry for the State tonight gonna be 🔥.

The Noah kid is apparently unreal. 6’6, point forward, strong, pure stroke, and can do it all. Helluva scout from Lamont Paris.

Transferred to Laurel to join Reed last year, but a parent threw a supposed epic fit, and he moved back.

27 today
48 last night (7-10 deep)

Any gyero been in attendance with a review? My stepdad, lifer coach, who hasn’t missed a session in 25 years can’t stop gushing about him.

Can stream for $12: S16 Final
Trent Noah vs Travis Perry for the State tonight gonna be 🔥.

The Noah kid is apparently unreal. 6’6, point forward, strong, pure stroke, and can do it all. Helluva scout from Lamont Paris.

Transferred to Laurel to join Reed last year, but a parent threw a supposed epic fit, and he moved back.

27 today
48 last night (7-10 deep)

Any gyero been in attendance with a review? My stepdad, lifer coach, who hasn’t missed a session in 25 years can’t stop gushing about him.

Can stream for $12: S16 Final
Would be nice to flip him with a new coach. I heard they were going to give his dad a spot on Laurel’s staff and it fell through (probably like you said due to a parent).
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The fear of the unknown only exists because Barnhart hired BCG and had to be strong armed into hiring Cal. His baseball hires are more misses than hits and his football hire was fine until we backed up every brinks truck in the southeast to keep a coach who can't regularly beat USCjr and Miss St. anymore.

Our ROI is awful for a penny pinching AD.

Dream scenario is that Cal agrees to slide into his ambassador role, Mitch retires and the university starts a search with a new face (is Dewayne ready?).
Agree on Mitch. The next AD is the lady that replaced Sandy Bell (her husband is over IMG. Peevy was a shit stirrer and also the mastermind behind the lifetime contract. Matt speaks highly of him because he leaked some info to him from time to time.
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Barnhart hired Joker, Billy Clyde, and is the world's biggest slit drier and whatever other blah blah blah we all gripe about but he's handling this well, imo. Just shut up and get your ducks in a row. I'm sure there was a plan in place if we lost in the first round but it didn't seem really possible either.

The result is obvious but handling it well matters. It matters that Tubby left in a dignified manner and is always welcome home. It matters that if Pitino had an ounce of dignity in his shriveled body, he'd be welcome here too.
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Hard to believe I was 22 and had the world ahead of me when Cal arrived. The microwave immediate success and chest popping planted something in me for him. So yeah I was rooting for us and him. Id kill to have that guy back. He aint him.

When it was great it was great. So many fun memories. Rupp, Vegas, INDY, Chicago, Atl etc. I nearly quit my job to get to Nola.

UCLA game night at the team hotel what a great memory. Bams mom slammin shots. Vegas Monk I mean unreal. That walk in Indy to the bars after beating UL. Nashville early on Boogie tip.

I do think he finds it again and Ill root for him even if its us that will fuel him. So theres my unpopular take.

Thats how I feel for better or worse. Its battered and Im a slack jaw whatever/Ghey lol. Its time we both parted I get that but man I loved "that" guy
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