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People argue/have rifts with each other over a zillion things…some important, some trivial

to be honest with you, examples like Kennedy’s comment earlier is partially why I don’t. It will be officially denied and others in fans won’t believe it simply because they don’t want to. So you get hit from all sides with little upside

I was crushed by everyone (including UK) for saying in January I didn’t believe Sahvir would play again this year and that ended up being correct.

It’s a constant balance but people really hate being delivered News they don’t like…so they attack the messenger. I know what Ryan was going to say and I don’t think it’s 100 percent. So that’s why we waited. I am sure it will be talked about at some point
Spill the beans.
I was wondering how excited you guys would get after hearing about TWO 7 footers on the court together 😂😂😂

Matt while you're here I want to tell you I appreciate your willingness to go in on Cal and Mitch this year, at the cost of a lot of your access. I wish you'd gone in harder during the postgame and today, but I can say with certainty that it's your genuine belief, because you've not been afraid to say what needs to be said.

The state of the program is sorry right now. We need someone willing to call it what it is persistently.
I appreciate that. I always say what I believe. When I am not able to say what I believe (which is rare to be honest bc we have been successful enough that iHeart usually backs me), I say nothing.

Things are better with UK now overall than they have been in a long time. The basketball component is separate and really based solely on Calipari’s personal feelings. It is what it is
Pretty telling- and not all that surprising to analytics nerds- why these throwback bigs are varying degrees of unsuccessful.

It’s counter intuitive to see a guy putting up Oscar’s stats actually being detrimental to your team, but I’m open to the argument. We started getting beat again when K State started feasting on pick-n-rolls.
Pretty telling- and not all that surprising to analytics nerds- why these throwback bigs are varying degrees of unsuccessful.
Maybe why we keep landing 3-4 per class? Every other successful coach has realized you only need 1, 2 max on the roster then load the boat on guards, guards and more guards.

Meanwhile our dopey coach foolishly brags on-air about doing THE SAME DAMN THING next season, the after day the team that bounced him showed him the blueprint on how to win in todays game :mad:
Maybe why we keep landing 3-4 per class? Every other successful coach has realized you only need 1, 2 max on the roster then load the boat on guards, guards and more guards.

Meanwhile our dopey coach foolishly brags on-air about doing THE SAME DAMN THING next season, the after day the team that bounced him showed him the blueprint on how to win in todays game :mad:
Either he really does believe that and is so damn stubborn in his ways that nothing is going change. Or he is just trolling the BBN and once again poking the bear, ala “I haven’t seen him” which I’m convinced he was doing just to piss us off.

If it is the former there is no hope for him. If it’s the latter he can go ahead and eff the eff off, GTFO, DIAF & SMD
I love Adou Thiero as a prospect. I *hate* that Cal considers him a guard. He's a perfect combo forward for the modern game. He should have role like Boris Diaw for the Spurs -- not be a back-up point guard.

I think Vecenie goes over the top in his criticism of Oscar. You absolutely can win a title with Oscar as your center -- if you have the guys around him to spread the floor.

Vecenie is 100% spot on about it how garbage our roster management is.

Hearing Calipari talking about playing two seven footers together next year when we had 2 healthy guards in the tournament this year makes me want to vomit. If we had another shooting guard on the bench to sub for Reeves, we almost certainly would have won on Saturday.

I hope we keep Reeves and go spend the rest of the scholarships available on 6'3 transfer guards who can shoot.
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- 6 guards (variety of PG, SG, combo guards)
- 4 wings/forwards
- 2 bigs
- Leave one spot open in case you get the opportunity to take a transfer
- 2 walk-ons (preferably from KY, not Cal’s buddy son)
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Banging your head against a wall would be a more productive use of your time than discussing what Cal should do.
I LOL’d at the end of that segment when he said something like “someone needs to get in Cal’s ear and tell him this”
-Ruh Roh. Lord Saban has spoken on the Brandon Miller saga in a scathing way. Sounds like he feels the same way as anyone with a heart and isn't too happy with watering down the brand over a secondary sport.

-Time for Nate to do a rehab assignment and be ready for the big time.

-WBC has turned into a pretty good event. Crowds have been awesome. Hopefully they keep building on this one. That walkoff last night 😲

-I absolutely believe the Oscar/Cal stuff. In fact it's been pretty obvious most of the season. How else do explain the Oscar from last year to this year? What seems to make the most logical sense, Oscar let the big time get to his head, came in lazy and out of shape, and wasn't being a leader and teammate like you'd expect the returning NPOY that just lost to St Peters. Then you have a whole separate issue where your returning 2x SEC assist leader, and leader of the team, also out of shape, becomes nearly unplayable to the point the fan base audibly groans when he's put in the game, so he got benched and quits the team. I don't know anything here is a huge secret.

-Cool to bag on Oscar, but he was constantly put in a position to fail, and the roster around him doesn't compliment his skill set. He's a garbage man and we made him a focal point. If you're gonna have a guy like that, you need 4 other 3&D guys. Then let him go hunt boards and put backs. Jus tlike early last season when we were mainly running stuff for Tyty and Grady. Instead he constantly played with at least 3 players being baited into taking jump shots and were average to very bad on D. My theory is, you need 3 legit scorers on the floor at any given time. Probably needs to be 3 legit shooters more than scorers. The main point absolutely NOT running your offense through a big on the post. Secondary point, and Cal to his credit addressed it, having a PG that can't shoot or get to the rim.

-But we're absolutely getting Bradshaw with another big. It's just gonna happen. DJ, Edwards, Bradshaw are starting for sure. Livingston if he returns. I'm skeptical Dillingham ever plays here, which I don't really care anyway. That gives you 2 scorers unless Livingston takes a big step, no real consistent threats from outside, and no known defensive "dawgs".

-I would pay a large sum of money to watch Mark Stoops beat the shit out of Shane Beamer. That little thumb would get stomped. He'd end up with a face like his dad.
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Didn't we all know what was coming once we suffered thru the horror that was our game vs Michigan St in the Champions Classic?

It was a healthy roster and yet the man still couldn't resist playing multiple bigs and non-scorers together at the same time.

The man just can't help himself.

The only hope is that he transitions from being being focused on proving everyone that he's right in terms of style of play and is more upset at being called a loser.
Sean Miller is literally willing to commit felonies, conspire, and engage in corruption and illegal payment schemes in order to win. That's a HUGE plus in my book. Puts him squarely behind Nate Oats at #2, but only because Oats is obviously willing to go even a bit further to win. #murder
It’s clear after all these years that even if Livingston comes back what will be put in his head is “this is what you need to work on to get to the next level” regardless of what the team needs are or what his defined role will be. It’s a shift to egocentric thinking without thought to implementation. It’s a flawed way to approach the season and leads to confusion, reluctance to accept a role, and distrust in the coach. It’s why Toppin started the first half of the season shooting fadeaway jumpers like he was MJ and Oscar was trying post moves like he was Hakeem the Dream and then they’re all scowling at him from the bench. You have to start with team needs and work your way down to individual goals. It’s basic common sense FFS
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