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As long as that stubborn POS is coaching us there IS no NEXT year. There is only THIS year, all over again.

We're in the movie Groundhog Day.
It's going to be cold, it's going to be gray, and it's going to last you for the rest of your life....
Can honestly say you could suit up MJ and the dream team, and I would have no faith Calipari gets them to the second weekend.
Fool me once, your fault, fool me since 2015, my fault.
Miami had the likely and eventual ACC POY returning at Lead guard this year in Wong…did they go get 3 bigs?

No, they went and got the #1 portal guard, from K State ironically, to pair, play 4 guards, and start a 6’7 ‘center’. Lol

7 of their top 9 minutes are guards. Novel

Fuc* off Hoosiers.
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Is it a coincidence that our “dudes” pipeline dried up when World Wide Wes disappeared?
Cal found lightning in a bottle with a once in a generation player In Anthony Davis and came close to blowing the title game playing stall ball.

Next year will be more of the same. “Hey guys, be patient. We are young, blah, blah, blah.”

He has lost his pipeline for Dudes and obviously has lost his “fire”. He got his (title) and is sitting back getting fat and wealthy.

Unfortunately, as fans all we can do is sit back and watch the carnage.
Not watching is an option. At the very least, lessening the emotional, financial, scheduling capital I’m willing to spend on this program is also an option.
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Not watching is an option. At the very least, lessening the emotional, financial, scheduling capital I’m willing to spend on this program is also an option.

Yes. It is an option. Will I still watch every game. Hell yes. Do I know what to expect until he rides off into the sunset. Hell yes.

I’ve already become less emotionally invested because I have accepted the fact that our program isn’t competitive and hasn’t been for the past 4 years.

Have heard nose whistle and a few others mention 2020 as a missed opportunity for a championship. I remember a team with a PG (Hagans) that had a hissy fit against UT in the last home game and blew a pretty large lead to the Vols. Hagans was left at home as they travelled to UF with EJ Montgomery saving that game. Cal wasn’t winning a title with that “dude”
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I didn’t watch a single second of our games. I checked the score from time to time but it was inevitable what was going to happen and I didn’t want to subject myself to it. Defense was ok, but the offense was extremely limited, and we had absolutely zero depth. Little margin for error, and no chance to overcome 2 starters practically blanked on offense.

Compare Tubby's last 3 years to Cal’s last 3 years. This dude is WASHED. He hasn’t had a team worth a shit since Covid, and honestly since Bam/Fox/Monk.

I did spend a nice weekend in San Diego though with my kids and caught up with an old law school friend. Better than watching our shit program.
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All about guards, especially late. We have 1-2 healthy or non-quitting & 7 centers by March like 5 years running.

Look at our losses - nearly all to jitterbug guards who can drive, pass and shoot:

Mazulla - at least that game

^ Do we adjust or add quick guards? Nope. More centers.
A first round pick could have guarded Nowell. I miss getting those. Especially 5-6 on one team. Those were the days.

Next year we have the dogs coming in.

I know. Wait til next season atkot.
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-we had a kid skip senior night for a "medical procedure" and the coaches wife accepted his framed whateverthe****. This program is busted. The TV contract (mainly football) brings in plenty of money to pay this clown to leave. It's time to rip the band-aid off and move forward.

^dgaf about next year's recruiting class. It's being used to hold BBN hostage... it's a craven act* of extortion from a washed up old man.

* as is pretending like the fan base is mad at the kids, we aren't. It's the coach (and has been for 5 or so years).

-idk, Chad. 2.5 scholarship guards seems like plenty.
Roster construction
Questionable substitutions
Cold shooting in March
Behind the scenes drama

It’s the same tired shit year after year. I am not looking forward to next year. I just don’t see it being different. I’ll own it if I’m wrong but I just don’t see it changing.

Said it last night but don’t understand why we play this “grind it out… first to 60” style. Other teams play loose and free and everything we do looks hard.

We are also dumb. Several chances to really take control of that game and almost inevitably do we have a boneheaded turnover that leads to 2 pts the other way. We can not handle success or momentum in any way.

We are horrible at end of half and end of game situations. Just horrible and it’s every f’n game. We win the first 18 min of the half and are +6 to only give it away the last 90 seconds and suddenly -2. Seems like every game I ask myself “what just happened…how are we down” as the game is going to half.

I’m tired, I’m exhausted. I’m on record saying I would fire him. I know he won’t be fired. I know he won’t change. It just f’n sucks right now.
A first round pick could have guarded Nowell. I miss getting those. Especially 5-6 on one team. Those were the days.
Seems like we have one of those
Next year we have the dogs coming in.
You seem like a nice enough guy but if this is a serious post then I really want to punch you in the face. I sincerely hope that at this point you don’t really believe that or are you just trying to convince yourself of some sort of positive thoughts. Dogs, laughable to ever again think that of a bunch of incoming freshmen. I just hope none of them need butthole surgery.
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^This has become the norm since 2018. Wtf?

2018 - Vanderbilt
2019 - PJ
2020 - Hagans
2021 - Clarke (RIP)
2022 - Grady, Sharpe
2023 - Wheeler
I’d add Travis to 2019. Not sure he ever got completely right, and those back to back injuries to him and them Washington killed momentum we had started after beating Tennessee’s ass at Rupp.

And Washington as never right after re-injuring himself last year.
-Right, the constant personnel issues make everything else just that much more frustrating. Just so many kids running out the door or straight up quitting.

-I think just about everyone was done with this team. Fans, coaches and players. Wallace's demeanor wasn't the same from early season. Probably because he was left to play, injured, 40 minutes a game, and still take criticism. Something has been off with these guys basically the whole season up to Cal naming Captains, one of which doesn't even routinely play, the week before NCAAT. His comments were as defeated as he's ever sounded. "I assume all 6 seniors are leaving." Where exactly are CJ and Reeves headed?

-There's a change in guard happening, no different than when Cal/Pitino/K/Izzo ushered out Smith/Crum/Knight. CBB is just different now with transfers and style of play. Cal is on the backside of his career and his ego is too big to make the changes needed. It's broken.

-What will be interesting to watch is how it all goes down. The dude is very concerned with his legacy, will he dig in and make this a messy divorce? Will he find something else that allows the separation to be amicable?
^dgaf about next year's recruiting class. It's being used to hold BBN hostage... it's a craven act* of extortion from a washed up old man.

At some point, when he does leave for whatever reason, we will lose whatever class that is signed. It’s gonna happen so might as well just close our eyes, lay back, and get it over with. Rip that band aid right the eff off.
Jones said last night that we’ll never truly know wtf happened with Wheeler, and he also mentioned he got his scoop from someone who he trusts…..but that he’s completely done believing anything he hears about this team. I’m confident he’s getting fed bad info on purpose.

Cal has shut out so much of the media, and all that’s left is for Leach and Goose to just lob him softball, meaningless questions at him. It’s a shame that nobody can get close enough to him to really pressure him on what in the world is going on with these mysterious personnel situations.

I’m truly dumbfounded. 3 days ago Cal announced Wheeler was back, then he didn’t even play. [laughing] [laughing]

Cal = Brooke Blazes hubby standing in the corner watching his wife take a BBC/bull while he prepares to clean up the creampie.
reporter: “Cal, what’s the status of Wheeler?”
Cal: “Not sure. Haven’t seen him.”
reporter: “You’re the head coach you F’ing liar. Tell us what in the everloving F is going on with him and why you protect this quitting asshole at the expense of the greatest college basketball program of all time.”

Something like ^ that.
Given the whole murder as team building exercise thing in Alabama and the myriad flameouts amongst other guys on our list, I'm not particularly excited about a potential coaching search. Granted, it's not happening, and Cal staying is an even worse option, but not having an obvious #1 choice isn't a great feeling.
This article, in retrospect, is insane, and demonstrates that Calipari thinks UK fans are absolute morons.

To hear message board malcontents and Twitter trolls tell it, Sahvir Wheeler quit on his Kentucky team weeks ago, after it became clear that five-star freshman Cason Wallace had supplanted him as the starting point guard. When an ankle injury lingered, then he no-showed on senior night citing a sudden, undisclosed medical procedure, and as the Wildcats lost in the SEC quarterfinals last week to make it nine straight games without Wheeler, an unseemly sliver of UK’s large and passionate fan base decided he must just be pouting and petty. His teammates knew better.


Oh, right, about that: Wheeler started working his way back into practice last week, participated fully — or close to it — this week, and in the locker room here Thursday, on the eve of sixth-seeded Kentucky’s NCAA Tournament opener against 11th-seeded Providence, he declared himself available to play again. The guy who allegedly quit on his team, even as he cheered from the bench for every game except the home finale against Vanderbilt (when he was in the hospital recovering from surgery), is back like he never left. Because he didn’t.

“That’s a narrative?” Wheeler said Thursday in the locker room, cackling as he feigned ignorance.

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