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Just give Cal a bucket, a toilet brush, change the locks on all basketball facilities, point him the direction of CWS and tell him to get to cleaning.

Instant improvement. (unless you REALLY need the sh*tters at CWS to be, you know, CLEAN)
Terie, I don't sense any anger towards the players. It's not their fault that they're playing for a tree stump/
- I have no idea if Sahvir quit or not. I’m not close enough to any sort of inside information on that. I sure do know what it looks like. It looks exactly like the Shaedon Sharp situation. Like, the EXACT SAME playbook.

But here’s the kicker to me: if he did indeed quit and was allowed to stay around his “brothers” and pretend to be a part of the team. . . why wasn’t there an all-out mutiny? Anyone with balls still busting their ass and playing with pain would have told that dude to pack his shit and go home to mommy. If the coach “arranged” all of this, then again, someone with balls would have told that fat washed up bitch to go sit at Joe Bologna's while we run the team. Truly player’s first. But, they could’ve also done that last year and didn’t because SOFT.

So who knows? Sure looks like he quit. Again, hate to put this on the kid when I know absolutely nothing, but it sure doesn’t feel right. He probably quit on BBN, not the team (at least, that would be the narrative). And our mentally weak “captains” bought that and ran with it. <—- that’s how I think it more than likely went down.

1. BBN is bad and mean.
2. The guys wearing the jersey are victims. Leave them alone!
3. Cal is their protector (because he has a hero complex and always has).
4. They isolate themselves from the rest of the fan base.
5. Player’s first.
6. John shrugs it all off, takes a nap, and cashes 9 mil.

The. End.
Fat Wop should be fired tomorrow. Oh wait, we can't fire him because the AD gave away all of UK's leverage AND he has a "lifetime contract." If Capiluto/BOT isn't asleep at the wheel, Mitch should be fired STAT. Nothing gets better until we clean house.
Bought and moved into my house March 2018.

Saw our our bracket open up and watched us in this living room lose to a lesser-talented Kansas State team. Washington went an amazing 8-20 FT.

Fast forward 5 years, moving in two weeks, watching my last tournament here.

See our bracket open up then watch a lesser-talented K State team beat us. Reeves and Toppin go what 2-23 FG?

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Burn the MFer down.
Bought and moved into my house March 2018.

Saw our our bracket open up and watched us in this living room lose to a lesser-talented Kansas State team. Washington went an amazing 8-20 FT.

Fast forward 5 years, moving in two weeks, watching my last tournament here.

See our bracket open up then watch a lesser-talented K State team beat us. Reeves and Toppin go what 2-23 FG?

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Burn the MFer down.
Hopefully the house was the problem because nothing else around this program is changing
Awww crap listening to CJ’s interview on the post game is killing me. I needed that reminder that these kids are people who care about winning for UK.

We get so angry and rightfully so if it is against Cal, but we lose sight of the fact that these players are just human beings trying to do the best they can and they don’t want to lose anymore than we do.
Cal is the one who let the players down. They didn't grow and didn't learn how to play decent basketball because of him. His stubbornness is why they're in that locker room crying. I feel bad for the players too. They were sold a bill of goods about this man. And we're going into next year ready to do it all over again.
Getting tired of seeing that POS, UL fanboy Jack Harlow in the New Balance commercial also. And while I'm at it, FU to New Balance. Have never bought any of your generic-ass shoes and now never will for sure.
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If I hear one more person say, "Calipari hasn't forgotten HOW TO COACH" I might lose it.
Really? What leads you to that conclusion? The fu*king bang up job he's done over the last 5 years,

Calipari has turned into Steve Sax, David Duval, Mackey Sasser, Rick Ankiel etc. he's got the yips (or he's gone Woodrow Wilson, and is now, functionally, a vegetable...
Second time in 3 years UK, UNC, Duke and Kansas didn’t make the Sweet 16.

They all managed to go to the Final 4 in the year between though.
been officially banned from main floor and sitting outside my basement with only a fire and rye to keep me warm... this all is too important to me I get it i was a psycho. Ill apoligize at some point tonight.

Im tired. I knew this team didnt have it but I went all in as I should. He burned me again. Im sad.

Thanks to all of you strangers all year for allowing me to post my stream of thoughts.

Go Cats, I guess....happy keeneeland szn GYERO.

Guys, I think we’ll be just fine next year after Cal does some summer “soul-searching.”
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Please resign Calipari. Please!!

I don't care if we lose the entire freshman class. I don't care if we go to the NIT next year.

We need a new coach with a fresh and different approach to winning basketball games at the University of Kentucky.
I'd take a fvcking JAR of TANG as our head coach over JVC right now.
Sports are dead to me now, until the Masters. It's gonna be another dour, and miserable last two weeks of the tournament.
Calipari has 46 wins in the last 2 seasons iirc
I used the number from Jon Scott's site on the record of the decade and added one loss. If that's wrong, my bad.

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Know what I’ll never allow myself to be sucked into again? Some idea of karmic redemption.


FFFFFF that. One has shit to do with the other and you aren’t owed shit but what you take.
Sahvir Wheeler was announced as being back, available, and ready to play for the NCAA Tournament, but didn’t log a single minute in two games.

Unless I missed it, Tom Leach hasn’t had the balls to ask Cal what in the everloving F is going on with that quitter.
He quit..the fact they went out of their way to say he didn’t quit tells me he quit
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