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Chumps went from hating our win over UT and treating everyone that enjoyed it as an unknowledgeable plebeian to liking PTI’s possible 4-5 seed projection.

F’ing A, I love GYERO.
Calipari was right, though. And we owe him a huge apology. When you give a guy chance after chance after chance after chance after chance after chance (**repeat sixteen more times**) eventually he’ll bust out and prove you right.
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Chumps went from hating our win over UT and treating everyone that enjoyed it as an unknowledgeable plebeian to liking PTI’s possible 4-5 seed projection.

F’ing A, I love GYERO.
You can't beat em, join em. Tired of being on an island by myself. I've accepted the new norm.
I hate an 8/9 seed but I guess if there is any year to be saddled in it it’s this year.
Geoff had an interesting thread on HOB about seeding and whether the committee would make us an 8/9 and possibly face a 1 in the second round ala the Wichita St game. He theorized they wouldn’t want to do that again which may be up our advantage, so long as we don’t have another bad loss.
Beggars can't be choosers with seeding. 8/9 seed? Bring it and let's have that 1 seed draw after first weekend.

I ain't skeered.

With Livingston and how he has been playing. Whoever and whatever.

Hope all is well!
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Oscars lowest rebounding night at Kentucky
Chris and Popp are hogging all the boards. Which keeps him from making 2 dumb fouls a game.

Need to fix Wallace. Gotta get Fredrick and Wheeler back so he's not playing 40 minutes per game.

It is what it is. Our margin is razor thin. Oh well.
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You can't beat em, join em. Tired of being on an island by myself. I've accepted the new norm.
The silent majority was with u. We just don't have enuff pull to matter. But u weren't wrong n what u said, when u said it...Ppl just wanna hold onto a dream right now cuz they need to. Ur not alone tho. Don't go back to the dark side lol
And that’s the real point. Regardless of any of our feelings on either “side” or more importantly, our results…we ain’t firing him, and he ain’t leaving. Everyone just needs to accept that. May as well enjoy what you can.
Beggars can't be choosers with seeding. 8/9 seed? Bring it and let's have that 1 seed draw after first weekend.

I ain't skeered.

With Livingston and how he has been playing. Whoever and whatever.

Hope all is well!
He wasn’t so much talking about us as he was theorizing that the committee wouldn’t want to place us on the 8/9 line to possibly force a 1 to have us in the second rd.
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It’s easy to pick us apart as our flaws are glaring, and against the wrong coach it could get bad.

That said I love this team as a 6/7 seed.
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I don’t think we will get to 4/5 but I could see 7, maybe 6 if win out. Committee has shown they give 2 shits about conf tourneys anymore so we have 3 games left to improve seed line.

- Has his shit but going to miss Oscar.

- Those Wallace blocks are something else.

- Livingston would be one helluva sophOmore.

- No matter how he’s playing, just let Reeves marinate. He’ll give you a good line.

- Keep poppin Toppin.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the last team we played with any semblance of offense was Arkansas, and they pistol-whipped us in our own building.

I'm all for enjoying what we can with what's left of the season, but I'd like to avoid a 1 seed for as long as possible please. I don't think that would end well for our beloved Wildcats.
Is anyone else listening to the radio call, probably not, but there is some kind of demon banshee Florida fan behind the announcers making this screeching screaming sound like nothing I have ever heard. It has been going on the entire game. I can’t believe it’s vocal cords aren’t shredded at this point.

Also why isn’t anyone else mad about the basket interference call on a ball that never even got above the rim. If we lose by two…

I try to ignore Jimmy Dykes as much as I can, but I'm pretty sure he and the other announcer mentioned that a particular Florida fan behind them was screaming like a lunatic throughout the game. I think they even showed her.
Asking Wayne about the tournament is always a good convo.

“Give me that 4-seed. Like it better than the 6, 8 and 12. Even better, I’d like a 3. By the way, rap music causes crime.”

Well, he's apparently from Turkey, so I try to cut him some slack when it comes to things American.
I could see us settling in a 6 or 7. Prefer to avoid Baylor in that scenario. Think their 3 guards would be a tough matchup for us.
Makes me sick the way the announcers are trying to act like Miller playing is normal and the fans are out of line to give him hell.

A little karma here would be nice. F*** Oats, Bama, and Miller.
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Bro, we're still under a state of covid emergency until May. Meanwhile, we're finally admitting masks we're a ridiculous waste of time, which any sane person realized after summer '20. Yet, our sumpreme leaders, including the asshat in Frankfort, had 2 year olds wearing them. Those silly conspiracy theories just keep coming true. Just like Natty being far superior to shots coming out last week. No worries, we'll just pretend like it didn't happen.
Yet secular leftists are so dogmatically committed to their government gods that Savior Andy will get re-elected by the pawns.
He def can shoot and can also set up his teammates to shoot better than anyone else in the sec
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This team is like the 2006/2007 Tubby teams. Going to play with a little heart but get bounced in the second round
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