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If Cawood Ledford had a daily call in show he’d blister the entire turd and tell everyone what’s really going on. Instead we have Screaming Leach giving you the same level of real insight that my golden retriever could provide. Good gracious, that show is unlistenable.
Not a chance in hell that Cawood would ever dare call out a coach. He would do the exact same dance as Leach is doing. That wasn't his role and neither is it for Leach.
-Journey concert in Rupp last night was amazing and might have been the best concert I have ever seen. Cain and Schon are suing each other, but you couldn't tell on that stage. They never got within 5 feet of each other, but the music was smooth. Little Pineda can belt it out.
Counterpoint: Journey is absolute dogshit, IMO of course. They sound like a “rock” band that you know you could whip everyone of their asses tbh.

Icing on the cake was when my know nothing 12th grade English teacher said that Carry On My Wayward Son was the greatest song ever written.

I also turned Phish’s Waiting In A Velvet Sea in as my poetry assignment that year. She didn’t approve of it because “it doesn’t make sense” but I did not get in trouble for plagiarizing.

Can’t believe how into Phish I was back then 🤦‍♂️, better than Journey though I do know that.
Fun little situation with dad today. Poor fella got picked up by the police walking down NEW CIRCLE ROAD to walk 10 miles because he believes they’re going to give him a license… jeez.

Had to go to the DMV to pick him up out of a cop car and he still wanted to go inside and talk to them. Nope we’re going home.

Doing everything I can to keep him out of a home but he’s pushing man, he’s pushing.
Not a chance in hell that Cawood would ever dare call out a coach. He would do the exact same dance as Leach is doing. That wasn't his role and neither is it for Leach.

He wouldn’t directly call out a coach point blank but Cawood was never afraid to call out the play of a certain team, individual players and or a gameplan. He wasn’t being an ass he just was being a professional instead of a cheerleader.

If you think otherwise you didn’t listen to him growing up.
From a basketball only perspective, I kind of feel bad for Bronny. I don't think he's going to be good and he's overhyped already.
I can see it now.. Jack Pilgrim writing some blue kool aid post in July focusing on pick up game whispers and how much more athletic this group is.

Spare me. I can’t believe I’m saying this but you know what this fanbase and program need? More Jerry Tipton types and less water carriers.

If Cawood Ledford had a daily call in show he’d blister the entire turd and tell everyone what’s really going on. Instead we have Screaming Leach giving you the same level of real insight that my golden retriever could provide. Good gracious, that show is unlistenable.

Why do we have media members tap dancing around this nonsense? I’ll give Tucker credit, he’s calling a spade a spade.
All of the KSR guys are pointed in criticizing Cal at this point. I'm not sure anyone has directly called for him to leave, but have toed that line.

On paper, it still remains the best option for Cal to get his shit together and get his fastball back but for anyone who actually watches this program closely, that dream will never, ever come true.

Other than DeCoursey, you don't really see many mainstream media types talking about how the BBN better be careful what they wish for, etc like they did with Tubby. It seems pretty universally accepted that Cal's time at UK would be over if it was not for the absurd contract.
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I think we're going to have to listen to the "these guys are young, give them time" BS again. The foundation is already laid.

As long as Cal posts a video on twitter right before the season starts preaching patience, this group will take time, but I like my team, etc., BBN should be good to go with our eyes fixed on March 2024.

And by checked out- I don’t mean people are gonna just stop watching. But I do think you’ll have a) more locals openly bitching about the state of the program when we start slow, b) less crowd at madness, and c) less national coverage outside of “hey look UK sucks again”, which is a bad look for the school’s flagship entity.
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Counterpoint: Journey is absolute dogshit, IMO of course.

Can’t believe how into Phish I was back then 🤦‍♂️, better than Journey though I do know that.

LOL...false on both, especially the latter. But you like Post Malone, so there's that.
LOL...false on both, especially the latter. But you like Post Malone, so there's that.
My point is set in concrete now, thank you.

Unrelated, are we still doing Death Panels? I sure hope so. You can't have that much longer to live anyway due to the complete and utter senselessness of your life as it is.
He wouldn’t directly call out a coach point blank but Cawood was never afraid to call out the play of a certain team, individual players and or a gameplan. He wasn’t being an ass he just was being a professional instead of a cheerleader.

If you think otherwise you didn’t listen to him growing up.
I was born in 1971 and listened to him more than enough times. He was great, but the furthest he'd ever get to outright criticism was to say something like "Ralph, this team has a lot of growing up to do."

To believe otherwise is pure fantasy. The same lack of motivation to "not be a cheerleader" motivated him to never be a critic either.
I agree with your point and have never been on an all-inclusive, but I do see one benefit. It pisses me off to no end getting completely gouged at nice hotels / resorts on basic drinks or pool food.

I was at the Ritz at Beaver Creek for skiing last year. For lunch outside they were selling burgers, chili, etc... everything was like $25. I get it, I'm at the Ritz and things are going to be expensive. But the chili was luke warm, the burgers were from frozen patties, and it took forever to get a beer. I'd be a lot more tolerable for those things if they were "free".
2 shots of Don Julio in Vail this past Christmas cost me a cool 90 bucks at the 4 Seasons. I thought for sure it was going to be the 1942 but nope. We ate at Russell's in The village and while not expensive, refills on coke weren't included. I guess what that kind of money is present, what's a 45 dollar short or a 4 dollar coke?
I don't know that I've been more confident in a loss, considering the quality of the opponent and how small the spread, in my life as a UK basketball fan. I think there's a better chance we get beaten by 25 points than there is in getting a win.

What infuriates me the most is that I know that Cal is going to go completely all in on the false narrative that this season was derailed by injuries. It will completely ignore the fact that the team was a bubble team at the end of January prior to injuries having much of an impact. Injuries may have hurt the chance to get off of the bubble, but this team should never have been on it in the first place.
Can we not run Theiro at Backup PG? We did against UT, and it worked out. With that being his primary position in HS atkot.


We have been short of guards the past few seasons IIRC. Specifically looking at you, Sharpe.
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