Food takes:
- I don't need much on my Waffle House hash browns. They stand just fine on their own. If you want to hurl insults and ruin our friendship over my order, then be my guest. I'm a man. I'm 40.
- You know what's a basic bitch white girl order? Brussel sprouts. I mean, yeah. I'll eat them. But nobody would ever eat those plain, and they're only popular because they're drowning in olive oil, salt, pepper, cheese, garlic, balsamic, dipped in ranch, etc, etc. You could prepare a dog turd with the same recipe and it would taste the same.
- I've been ordered to "eat a dick" many times right here in GYERO over the past few years, and also literally followed the commands on two occasions, thanks to one nautical-centric physician friend of mine sending me a chocolate one in the mail. It was okay.
- Starbucks coffee is bad enough (burnt AF), but their food is next level awful. I would legit rather eat gas station food that you have to microwave yourself. I have no idea how it's even possible to be that bad.
Hey drxman --> EAT A DICK.