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It’s a traumatic experience watching someone getting CPR in front of you. Seen it a few times including my father and it’s something I will never forget. These players cannot be in a state of mind to continue this game.
That same reporter stated that the ambulance is still in the parking lot waiting for the players mother.
The play didn't look dangerous at all. I suppose the helmet to the chest could have caused commotio cordis(very rare) maybe?
they did report that the ambulance stopped to get the family. like that guy said, I cannot imagine they would do that unless he was stable.
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There isn’t a single player or coach coming out of the locker room tonight unless they get word he’s alive, well, awake, alert, etc.
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I didn't see the play, nor will I be looking for it.

At the hospital in critical condition according to ESPN
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Yep.. awful.

Although rare, kids in Little League baseball must wear a chest plate because one kid had CA after getting hit by pitch in the chest. No preexisting conditions needed to trigger.

Prayers to this kid, his family & the Bills
I’m not old enough to remember Hank Gathers but that’s what I thought of immediately. I really really hope that’s not the case. My husband was at the game and blew up my phone with 8 texts in a row freaked out, telling me they used the AED on the field on the way to the ambulance. I mean Jesus Christ. Props to Taylor and McDermott for saying absolutely no way we’re playing tonight.
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Alright, well I tried. Even left up an article and quote supporting you.

Will leave this up, too: People say stupid shit without thinking it through in here sometimes, shouldn’t always be memorialized.
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Some shitdohs:

- Slept 10+ hours last night so missed all of what went down Damar. Hope the young man pulls through.

- First leader of our company is about to give her notice and the dominos will follow. Can not wait to get out of here and onto something better. Almost finalized everything with my buddy and we're going to build a company up and sell it in 10 years for a lot more than it's worth today.

- Terrible scene on the way down to cruise where I-95 was shut down on the northside. Some gal didn't see the semi in front of her stop and ran right up under it to the axle. Not even any tire tracks behind her car.

Cruise shitdohs you didn't ask for:

- 5'dayer through Nassau, Half Moon Cay and Grand Turk.

- People, eat better and exercise. Saw some 40 looking dude being wheeled around the entire trip by his obese wife who probably is a few lbs away from being wheeled around next to him. Sobering to say the least.

- Nassau is where I'd hang it up if I had the f-you money to pull it off. Nice beach day with great service.

- Half Moon Cay is easily the most beautiful water/beach I've ever seen. Have this badass little canal they built to drop you off by ferry where you glide into a little water cul-de-sac.

- Grand Turk was dune buggies. Nice b-hole pucker when they take you up about a 60 foot limestone hill and feels like you're going straight off a cliff going back down. Going back alongside the back of the island was both awesome and a little worrisome. There are probably some bodies back in that area and it's near their prison -- which also looks like the very last place you would ever want to find yourself.

- NYE was perfect for us olds. We were already dragging ass by that point so I'm checking the score while wife is in and out of sleeping. About 11:30 I got her up because it looks UGA is back in the game. Head down the the overcrowded sports bar and the scene along with the NYE celebration they do was incredible. Entire deck of the boat just exploded in cheers and celebration. Back in bed by 12:30. It was like a NYE celebration in a can.

- Late but Happy NY to everyone! Hope '23 is everything you want it to be.
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