6 words was enough. Should've stopped there.
Since I'm vaccinated and routinely wear a cloth mask I'm impervious to all types of fires.DIADF, Anth.
Does the second "D" stand for "damn" or "devastating?"DIADF, Anth.
When I was a newb at surfing, I went bare chested an entire day at Santa Cruz. I’m honestly surprised my nipples grew back after I sandblasted them off that day. (loaded the wax up with sand to get more grip)I wear quite a few spf shirts in the summer- but dont think i've ever worn one *in* water. I would imagine that would feel like you were weighted down. But beach, lake, boat etc... freefly makes good spf shirts, as does Simms.
That’s basically what every white tennis shoe looks like, terrible. Might as well throw some cargos on and head to a Reds game.
I've only done really simple ones- remove the finish, rough sand it, then wet sand it with really fine paper. touch up paint, clear coat protectant. I have watched tons of the videos on the more exotic finishes but dont have the guts to try it.
Ask ruddWhere would a rube like myself find this sae podcast?
Ask rudd
You need to secure a bar/venue for your live podcasts, SAE. Dundee Tavern maybe?
I know whenever I see 15-20 super athletic black dudes who can easily whip my ass, the first thing I do is call them a racial slur.
Kick those frat peckerheads off campus
It was 6 and that's exactly what the investigation found.I know whenever I see 15-20 super athletic black dudes who can easily whip my ass, the first thing I do is call them a racial slur.
Except the article said racial slurs directed at players played a significant role.There is no proof of racial slurs, just as there is no proof of a gun.
The frat guys (and/or their parents) are pussies for making it into the shitshow it became, but other than that, seems like both sides share blame & it should have just ended that night...like every other college altercation typically does.
Except the article said racial slurs directed at players played a significant role.
It’s not hearsay when the official report says a “racial slur” played a significant role in the escalation of the event. WTF?!-hearsay...he said/she said. Same as the gun stuff. It's all bullshit. Never should have escalated to this point.