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I dont think I've ever intentionally just took time from drinking- but there have definitely been weeks at a time where I havent had anything and havent missed it. I have definitely cut waaay back on consumption (exception was first month of covid lockdown). Not sure when exactly it was but a 2-day hangover a couple years ago, along with the antics during that bender was enough embarrassment for me to clean things up a bit. If I have more than 1-2 drinks now, its most likely from my couch.

I wear quite a few spf shirts in the summer- but dont think i've ever worn one *in* water. I would imagine that would feel like you were weighted down. But beach, lake, boat etc... freefly makes good spf shirts, as does Simms.

I've bought some cheap Scotty Cameron putters on ebay over the last couple years, restored them and regripped them and sold them for nearly double. I put one in the bag earlier this summer and absolutely hated it. Alternating a 20+ year old Ping Anser and a TM Spider now.

Jealous of those who will be at the game this weekend...will be a special atmosphere.

UF stats that scare me:
They've only lost 1 fumble
They convert on 3rd down and 4th down
They have 15 sacks coming in

Will take a mammoth effort and probably have to be fortunate along the way. But by all means, if we get it done- burn it all down, Lexington.
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I've probably spent $5000 on Scottys over the years...and still never had one that I loved putting with. Usually done with them as soon as the honeymoon period is over.

Damn things are so beautiful I get lured back in over and over again - especially the custom jobs.

What's your restoration method? You should get into stamping, color, etc....I can look at these sites all day.
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I wear quite a few spf shirts in the summer- but dont think i've ever worn one *in* water. I would imagine that would feel like you were weighted down. But beach, lake, boat etc... freefly makes good spf shirts, as does Simms.
When I was a newb at surfing, I went bare chested an entire day at Santa Cruz. I’m honestly surprised my nipples grew back after I sandblasted them off that day. (loaded the wax up with sand to get more grip)

Jesus, that was a horrible week (which is about long it took for my chest and stomach to stop “weeping”)
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I've only done really simple ones- remove the finish, rough sand it, then wet sand it with really fine paper. touch up paint, clear coat protectant. I have watched tons of the videos on the more exotic finishes but dont have the guts to try it.
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I tried to get my girls to play soccer in the fall. Nope, fall softball only. And they want to get a hitting coach for the winter. Wtf. This specialization seems to be innate to the generation as opposed to pushed by adults.
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That’s basically what every white tennis shoe looks like, terrible. Might as well throw some cargos on and head to a Reds game.

-Going to Planet Fitness while in town for the month 🤮, whatever it’s free. Speaking of which, they have Red Light Therapy, never done it before but going to try it, why not?

-Is everyone white as a ghost in September here? Not used to that.

-This weather…shew boy, so glad to be up here right now. Can’t beat it.

Dog is LOVING it up here. All new smells, deer, squirrels, raccoons, things he’s never seen before, chill in the air, just stimulation overload for the little fella. Welcome to Kentucky my dude.

-What’s the best place to shop for UK gear in Lex these days? Need a UK bandanna for the little guy, could always do Amazon but want an excuse to kill time in Lexington today.

-Tix to the LSU game with my two besties since elementary school, can’t wait. One is a UL fan and he’s happy to go, we said we’d go to a UL game with him and he was basically yeah no I’m good they suck. Thatta boy. 😊
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-i loved(still have it) my Scotty...sold all my ancillary head covers and such at a nice profit when I stopped playing.

-i feel the same way when people talk about tech/tv stuff, Chase. I'm a clothes dork... everybody has their thing.
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The Clown shopping for clothes:

This store looks like it might have clothing in addition to what I came here for...

(Not saying I’m proud of it, but I wish, before they send them to 3rd world countries, that I could get the first go at the defunct shirts. Europe: 2021 Ryder Cup Champions etc.)
There is no proof of racial slurs, just as there is no proof of a gun.

The frat guys (and/or their parents) are pussies for making it into the shitshow it became, but other than that, seems like both sides share blame & it should have just ended that every other alcohol-fueled college altercation typically does.
There is no proof of racial slurs, just as there is no proof of a gun.

The frat guys (and/or their parents) are pussies for making it into the shitshow it became, but other than that, seems like both sides share blame & it should have just ended that every other college altercation typically does.
Except the article said racial slurs directed at players played a significant role.
Student conduct records obtained by the Herald-Leader showed alcohol and racial slurs “played a significant role” in the escalation of the altercation.

No gun was found on a person even though Tisdale was accused of having one, according to available police reports. All reports of “a gun or guns” were hearsay, so the UK hearing board determined that “there was not a preponderance of evidence to say with certainty that (the football player) had a gun.
Welp, so there was proof and Bbdk is an idiot. I will proceed with my post about vengeance....

If this happened elsewhere, that frat's house might have been burnt down....and I'm certainly not condoning that, but I would expect and welcome a proper 2021 shaming of those kids and that organization they belonged to. I am a little shocked that hasn't happened tbh, with the way college kids are all about social justice or whatever...I'm guessing social media influencers haven't informed them about this particular injustice that almost ruined the season for 6 of our beloved student athletes?
Don't assume anything by the question but how much is a standard GYERO law retainer?

(and none of that, *legal services may be provided by other attorneys crap)
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