- Belmont to the Missouri Valley being announced today, with potentially Murray State to follow. After EKU's departure for the A-Sun, that would leave Morehead as the only state OVC school. Changing times, and whatnot.
- Speaking of Belmont, Rick Byrd was a wizard, man. Another reminder that so many of the greatest college coaching minds never make it to the big-time, whether for lack of opportunity or simply comfort coaching at a smaller school.
- Two Diet Mountain Dews Monday through Thursday, three on Friday through Sunday. #moderation
- If it's gonna be a true "Manning Boys" telecast, throw Danny in there as well for a changeup.
- The new billboard for Channel 36 on New Circle Road features John Lindgren, Skye Yancey, Brad James, and Kenny Rice. So they're promoting their station by featuring people who are no longer at their station, including one who is deceased. Bold move, Cotton.
- Next, we need to flatten the curve on "touch base" and "circle back".
- So are naked(no frosting) birthday cakes really a thing now? GOOD GRIEF, THE ICING IS THE BEST PART.*
*unless it's fondant
- Rod Gilmore is the worst CFB analyst, and I'm not sure it's close. He said that my man CRISTOBAL "went too far" berating a player after a stupid penalty the other night. Cristobal never even put a finger on the kid, just yelled in his face for 30 seconds. Now he's saying it's because it was the appearance of a white coach dressing down a black player, so race is involved. False, Rod. Learn accountability. And props to the kid, who listened and maintained eye contact with the coach the entire time. That's what you want to see from both parties.