I'm essentially a universally loved legend in those parts. Interested to find out who the grammaw was you talked to.80, you were the topic of conversation at a 4th grade girls volleyball game on Friday. I was wearing some UK gear and the grandma of one of the kids on Lea's team came up to me and started chatting. Turns out she was from Woodford Co. and I name dropped a few of you assholes and her eyes lit up at your name. I think she has a son your age, Chris maybe?
I'll get more info later. The little girl's last name is Robison, but I'm not sure what granny's was. She is a sweetheart, though. We played again the next night and I was line judge. She had sewn a Kentucky mask for me overnight.
I gotta tell ya, Woodford Co. is climbing the ranks of Wildcat Willy's BEST PEEPS IN KY every day.
If anyone is looking at buying a Red Lot pass for either Florida or LSU, hit me up.
Nothing better than your kids’ sports getting canceled.UPDATE: this weekend’s tournaments have been canceled. Will be watching the Florida game from the luxurious Silver Shells Beach Resort & Spa with some Merlins Pizza and a case of landshark. Go cats
Where was dagwoods? How long ago was that?More about the omission, I guess.
No problem with the location. I was actually at Ricardo's for lunch yesterday myself.
I'm just saying that a heads-up would have been nice.
Just hurtful, that's all.
Ah yeah. That was like 13 years ago, llama.It was over in that strip behind the old Cheddars at Liberty Road and MOW.
Landshark beer : "Nothing says I am too embarrassed to be caught out in public drinking a well known cheap beer, so I drink a really shitty tasting cheap beer that cost more, and looks really expensive in the fancy bottle they come in."
IF they had that as their ad campaign, they would crush.
USA did what they came to do, they were who they said they were. BUT, Spieth is still terrible in match play (Thus it is why he went out next to last), and really showed what a little bitch he is when he snatched up his ball with his putter and hit it off the green after a miss,,, again. Him reacting to a bad shot / putt like he should hit THE perfect shot or putt along with his little prissy ass reaction is why I despise him. Great golfer, clean image, and probably a great dude, but just the way he carries himself on the course irks the F out of me. You go Bryson, dude was just living it up and eating up the attention. He was 100% real in his emotions and cheerleading. Sheffler and his interview was my favorite of all of them. I do not know about the comment made by one of the announcers "Sheffler was picked just for Bryson" is very accurate, he earned his spot, Bryson or no Bryson.
The JT / Daniel Berger chugging beers on the 1st tee box was a neat change from normal golf behavior on the course even while not playing. After Spieth's match was over, he just calmly like he is at his local clubhouse bar, just grabs a Mich Ultra and walks around ballyhooing and celebrating. It was a little odd, half the dudes had Mich Ultra in the can, half of them was toting around clear plastic cups with a clear liquid with a lime wedge (guessing Gin & Tonic or a Vodka drink ???) JT was the only player I noticed that had his beverage in a brown styrofoam cup. Wonder what he had in it? Must have been a bourbon mix or Long Island Ice tea or something a little harder. it definitely wasn't coffee or hot chocolate. I am accustomed to seeing them celebrating with champagne bottles popping and spraying each other, but this was more of a common man's laid back, casual going to get hammered all night celebration. Loved it. They was really enjoying each others victory and looked really genuine, Brooks Koepka didn't look real excited, and I am not ashamed to admit I was hoping he would lose his match.
I would give my left nut to be able to play Whistling Straits, such a masterpiece.
That makes you a quivering pair of dangling meat drapes, toots.with a sun shirt on.
Or driving a Fiat to a construction site. Maybe the AI that runs Joey's brain has a virus or something.Wearing a sunshirt in a pool is almost as dumb as buying a Kia.
😂😂😂😂Wearing a sunshirt in a pool is almost as dumb as buying a Kia.
Can’t think of a worse month to make a sober month if you are choosing between the 12.
We went to the Dominican for our Honeymoon in late August. Neither had to test when leaving the states (it depends on the destination’s guidelines though). On the way back, I had to test within 3 days of returning. She was cleared from Covid 3 days before our wedding so she only had to bring proof of her positive test and a documentation of recovery from her physician.I'd be anxious traveling just about anywhere outside the US right now. What if you test "positive" and have to quarantine on arrival? Same thing for getting back home? Are there local protocols in play that aren't publicized? Are the things you want to see or do even going to be available when you plan on being there?
<——Owns a Kia Soul