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I have no idea how the Hawks are leading at halftime. The 76ers are doing their absolute best to squander that size and talent advantage.

Well when you have a guy like Ben Simmons as one of your “main” guys and he literally won’t shoot because he can’t your team will be inconsistent.

The hack a Ben Simmons has him totally confused and overthinking everything.
Rahm always reminded me of Bryson in that they sort of have the same build. But man, what a class act Rahm was in the trophy presentation. He earned my respect today.
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Whoever said the other day that Ben Simmons looks like he hates playing basketball nailed it. He was the same way at LSU. He ain't built for it.


Can't even pull the trigger here. 😆
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Did he though? I feel like he and Andrew Wiggins can really bond on their complete waste of talent. Team those dudes up.

If Ben Simmons were a football coach, that dude would punt on first down. He's a gigantic pussy that acts like a badass. What was the deal with grabbing deadballs tonight?
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Well when you have a guy like Ben Simmons as one of your “main” guys and he literally won’t shoot because he can’t your team will be inconsistent.

The hack a Ben Simmons has him totally confused and overthinking everything.
Pretty much. On paper, that should have been a 4-1 series with the Sixers winning handily since Embiid played full minutes in every game.

Between Simmons and Fultz, it is kind of amazing that the Sixers drafted back-to-back guys number one over all who have some bizarre phobias about shooting. Simmons is obviously the far superior player now but still, if either one of those guys lives up to his expectations when taken as the first player in the draft, that squad should be a perennial title contender.

The Sixers have some damn good style though. From the floor, to the uniforms, to the coaching squad's Olympic looking outfits it is all just classic, old-school awesome. I mean, top notch. I wish UK would hire their designers to update the abortion of style we've had under Milquetoast.
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Fultz didn't have some bizarre phobia. He hurt his f'n shoulder and needed surgery. He's been much better with the Magic and is considered a big part of there future. Frankly, the Sixers gave up on him too early. And Simmons is not far superior to him. Do you even watch basketball?
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* My golf shtick was passively aggressively asking about how Phil and Tiger played during that weekends major, knowing full well they lost the tournament. WCC’s routine is a commentary on the bandwagon jumping way in which fans support and any every single winner.

Two totally different acts, fwiw.

(and his is much funnier than mine ever was)

* So Dave Chappelle came out last night at MSG and sang Creep by Radiohead. High as a MF’ing kite. Absolutely killed it.

* Tyrese Maxey in the Eastern semis:

4.4 points
1.7 rebounds
1.1 assists

And when asked about starting Game 7, incredibly supportive fanboy head coach responded……”No. I’m not even going to answer that question.”

Truly a legend in the making.

* 100k finish at the TGNY. Marcus.

* Field of Dreams is on my must-watch list when it comes on.

Is this heaven?
No. It’s Iowa.


* Devin Bookers middle name is “Armani.” People forget that.

* The biggest threat to national security today is extreme white nationalist terrorism. The second biggest threat is bottled water.

(source: tsa)

* Tell me you’re a GYERO poster without telling me you’re a GYERO poster.

* Dunkin coffee is the best, imho.

* That whole concept where Bryson D beefed up and swung from his heels and dominated/revolutionized the game hasn’t paid off too well in the big ones this year. Sorry, meathead.

* Victoria’s Secret drops the famous “Angels,” and signs Megan Rapinoe to a modeling/spokeswoman contract. A brief peep at the social media comments section of the local paper shows the following people are extremely upset:

- doug
- gene
- gary
- steve
- mike
- wes
- jacob
- robert
- oliver
- shane

Welp, good luck selling any more bras and panties now, dumbasses!

* Hey Jealousy never really gets old.

* Tyler Thompson won’t make you a sandwich, but that piece on KSR about her dad was fantastic. I don’t come from a family of UK fans, but have tremendous respect/awe for those of you that do. What an awesome bond.
* My golf shtick was passively aggressively asking about how Phil and Tiger played during that weekends major, knowing full well they lost the tournament. WCC’s routine is a commentary on the bandwagon jumping way in which fans support and any every single winner.

Two totally different acts, fwiw.

(and his is much funnier than mine ever was)

* So Dave Chappelle came out last night at MSG and sang Creep by Radiohead. High as a MF’ing kite. Absolutely killed it.

* Tyrese Maxey in the Eastern semis:

4.4 points
1.7 rebounds
1.1 assists

And when asked about starting Game 7, incredibly supportive fanboy head coach responded……”No. I’m not even going to answer that question.”

Truly a legend in the making.

* 100k finish at the TGNY. Marcus.

* Field of Dreams is on my must-watch list when it comes on.

Is this heaven?
No. It’s Iowa.


* Devin Bookers middle name is “Armani.” People forget that.

* The biggest threat to national security today is extreme white nationalist terrorism. The second biggest threat is bottled water.

(source: tsa)

* Tell me you’re a GYERO poster without telling me you’re a GYERO poster.

* Dunkin coffee is the best, imho.

* That whole concept where Bryson D beefed up and swung from his heels and dominated/revolutionized the game hasn’t paid off too well in the big ones this year. Sorry, meathead.

* Victoria’s Secret drops the famous “Angels,” and signs Megan Rapinoe to a modeling/spokeswoman contract. A brief peep at the social media comments section of the local paper shows the following people are extremely upset:

- doug
- gene
- gary
- steve
- mike
- wes
- jacob
- robert
- oliver
- shane

Welp, good luck selling any more bras and panties now, dumbasses!

* Hey Jealousy never really gets old.

* Tyler Thompson won’t make you a sandwich, but that piece on KSR about her dad was fantastic. I don’t come from a family of UK fans, but have tremendous respect/awe for those of you that do. What an awesome bond.

That’s not what my schtick is about, actually.
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Fultz didn't have some bizarre phobia. He hurt his f'n shoulder and needed surgery. He's been much better with the Magic and is considered a big part of there future. Frankly, the Sixers gave up on him too early. And Simmons is not far superior to him. Do you even watch basketball?
Fultz averaged 26.7% and 25.0% from the three point line with 2 attempts per game during his two seasons with the Magic. That's worse than the 28.6% he averaged during his second year with the Sixers. And no, I don't spend a lot of time watching regular season Magic basketball games.

Ben Simmons was rookie of the year, is a three time all-star, has made a third team All-NBA squad, and first team all defensive team -- which is all far superior to Markelle Fultz.

In other words:

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I have watched Fultz play because I'm interested to see where he is. I've watched Simmons plenty. He is NOT a far superior player to Fultz. One is improving while the other is digressing.
I think Ben Simmons is better than Fultz, but he also has a fatal flaw in his game. And it’s almost worse that he’s made those all-NBA teams because now you’re paying him real money and you’ll never win the title with him.

- Watched the Mike Tyson documentary that was on ABC. I think the difference in the public’s feel toward Tyson as opposed to other “troubled” athletes is that he’s always seemed damaged and vulnerable. That said, can’t make excuses for the guy.

- If you want to feel good about America, watch “The Donut King” on Hulu - documentary about a Cambodian immigrant who became a multi-millionaire through donut shops in California. The whole thing is feel-good from President Ford welcoming in these refugees to how they were taken in by church sponsors in California, to how this guy lived the American dream.

- Had brunch at the Moerlein Lager House yesterday. Despite my general indifference toward The Banks area, I have always loved that place. Great feel and good beer. Not sure why I don’t frequent it more.

- Ben Simmons has always come off as a spoiled dbag so F him.

- Speaking of dbags, Jon Scheyer’s children are named Noa and Jett. F him.

- Ol’ Sturgill really nails Father’s Day from both ends with “Welcome to Earth” and “Hero.”

- All that said, I’ve got nothing for Sunday holidays or Sundays overall. By 4pm, they marcus welby the worst day of the week.
Shout out to the idiot who ran onto #13 fairway, dropped a couple balls, and took a few practice shots. Wonder if he posted bail?
Ben Simmons isn’t worth arguing about, and if used properly could be a significant contributor to a championship team.

He should be a sixth man, back to the basket PF. Then his vision is used differently but still effective.

You simply can not put the ball in his hands during the playoffs because he is a mental midget.

The wrestling for the ball kind of showed that, as if him pulling it away from Trey Young wins something.

- All that said, I don’t see how Trey Young gets through these series without getting his block knocked off. 100% serious it would take everything I had to NOT fight him.

He has that irritating little brother shit eating grin down pat. Hell I wanted to punch the TV because of that Fievel mouse face looking bitch.
-Any dude that quits mid-season on a team, don't care what level, is trash IMO. Certainly not the type of commitment needed to carry a franchise. I didn't even watch last night but sounded awkward af. He's always been a bitch and not surprised he'd suck when under the gun.

-Love everything about summer... unless I have a cold. Absolute worst time for that shit. Congested, throat scratchy, cough. Little man is doing the day care inoculation on all of us. Bleh. May need to run over and hit the sauna.

-Solo boys night on Sat with G. Pizza, movies, watched the game, stayed up late. Perfect Father's Day for me.

-Luca on Disney is really good. That place is amazing, they just keep pumping out great content.

-Rahm has been my dude since he came up. Mainly because he shows some real emotion out there rather than the canned boring BS we're used to. Also, bc Larry and Wodie hate him so much. No room on the Rahmbo train, folks.

-Good to see Cal re-motivated out on the trail. A lit skeptical of recruiting elites right now with the landscape but he's putting out the right vibes.

-Black Widow out in theaters July 7th. Dope.
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Rahm has grown up a good bit -- I don't hate him anymore, but not a guy I'm actively rooting for as one of my favorites...gimme a break.

Look out for that Italian youngster, Guido Migliozzi, w/ a nice T4. Guessing he will crack Tony's Top 3 sooner than later.

What a name, and dude has a fun demeanor out there.
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