Catfan going to offer everyone a sweet hookup on t-shirts again?
Well it was a really cool UK design. Still wear the MFer today. It has not faded, still looks like it did new. Very good, quality shirt, definitely a lot better looking than a Carhart shirt, LOL. It looks ALOT better than a bunch of shit I have seen posted here.
If you put people on ignore, you are a straight up bitch, simply put. It says more about YOU than the poster you put on ignore. Lots of posters in here suck (worse than me), they are just propped up by the buddy system. But I will not block them. They are too much fun. I LOVE portraying my persona and getting people riled up, it makes the day go by quicker.
I do not sell "used cars", nor work for a USED car lot. I have not sold cars in over 20 years, but I sleep fine at night. I would think someone who hammers all day, uses power tools, carries materials, climbing up and down ladders etc. would have trouble sleeping at night more so than someone who sits in a nice, climate controlled office with free internet, 50 inch tv w/ cable, nice padded office chair slanging loans all day in between posting on Catpaws and surfing the intrawebs all day. but what do I know.
Well I know I wouldn't be caught dead in anything Carhart or Dickie brand, I do know that. IDGAF what the kids like, or if it was just to go take a shit, I am not rocking Carhart. I legit would wear Sysco chinos and work shirts before wearing that shit.