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The NBA announced all of the officials for the All Star game are graduates of HBCU's. Mmmmmkay but I don't know why you felt the need to make a press release about it
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I heard today that there is speculation on what has happened to Cal this year and it involves the guy below and Cal's playbook.

The majority of players are black, so it’s almost like they’re catering to that audience or something.
The NBA announced all of the officials for the All Star game are graduates of HBCU's. Mmmmmkay but I don't know why you felt the need to make a press release about it
Does this negatively affect you in any way? No. Then why give a shit? This is a perfect example of what's wrong with this country. People bitching about shit that has zero to do with them. Jesus!
I wonder what ALL of the white officials think about that ? If they really want to be turn it up a notch, it would have been all black, female officials, that would have really set it off and made them look super woke.

I really hope we do not start firing coaches for having an off year, might get hard to find a replacement when the coach at the time is having, well an off year.
I wonder what ALL of the white officials think about that ? If they really want to be turn it up a notch, it would have been all black, female officials, that would have really set it off and made them look super woke.

I really hope we do not start firing coaches for having an off year, might get hard to find a replacement when the coach at the time is having, well an off year.
Thanks, turd.
Well, for starters Wayne, a white man should never ever ever be allowed to make a judgment on what anyone else does which is the definition of refereeing.
Interesting conversation with a female coworker a while back about that last-call scenario, Cawood. She pointed out that the guys always thought they were “settling” for whatever was still available. But, she pointed out, the females thought the same thing. As in, well, you’re still there, too. Never thought of it from that standpoint.

And don’t get me wrong, not talking down to you. I’m plenty guilty of some hawg slaying back in my day.
Interesting conversation with a female coworker a while back about that last-call scenario, Cawood. She pointed out that the guys always thought they were “settling” for whatever was still available. But, she pointed out, the females thought the same thing. As in, well, you’re still there, too. Never thought of it from that standpoint.

And don’t get me wrong, not talking down to you. I’m plenty guilty of some hawg slaying back in my day.
Yeah, I’m sure they say they picked up a few Scaramucci’s in their day as well.
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A lot of dudes aren’t willing to admit it, but I’ll step out on that limb. A solid 7 is, quite often, way more “fun” than an 8 or a 9.

It’s like they know they’ve gotta work for it. That underdog mentality.

What about a 3 then? Is she like a superhero in the sack?
Interesting conversation with a female coworker a while back about that last-call scenario, Cawood. She pointed out that the guys always thought they were “settling” for whatever was still available. But, she pointed out, the females thought the same thing. As in, well, you’re still there, too. Never thought of it from that standpoint.

And don’t get me wrong, not talking down to you. I’m plenty guilty of some hawg slaying back in my day.

She’s full of shit.
The lower you get on the ranking of said slump buster, the more shit she will buy you. New Jordans ? "Sure no problem, I got you." Nice bottle of bourbon or any alcohol for that matter, "No problem, I will put it on my card." If you really treat her like "somebody" and get a hotel room, she will even pay for that. Rewards definitely has its advantages.

Not near as good as The Wire, but a super underrated show is Snowfall. Season 4 just started a couple weeks ago. It comes on FX and can stream it on Hulu, solid show. Set in the 1983 crack epidemic in LA, it is co-produced by John Singleton (Boyz N the Hood). The street hustler turned Big Man on the block Franklin Saint, is loosely based on Singleton's life. One of the Mexican coke runners is Gustavo who was a former wrestler, Luchador. It started out on Showtime then moved to FX. Definitely worth a watch. Weird watching shows on FX and none of the cuss words or *igga's bleeped out. TV Mature, but if a movie, definitely would be Rated R.
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In the few instances I was single in college, I feel like I had equally poor success with 3’s as I did with 10’s. I guess the ladies just never appreciated my high-brow humor.
Shew, if you haven't crushed a cute faced fat girl, you are racist/snowflake/radical democrat/radical republican simpleton who hates UK sports and wants to take our guns.

Oh, you are a liar too or an awful human.
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